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i saw something upsetting yesterday and i can't get it out of my head. anytime i catch my breath it pops back in and throws me off balance. i have an extremely obsessive mind and i don't know how to cope with it anymore. is there anything i can do? is there such a thing as therapy for something like this or am i stuck with terminal ptsd brain because bad rng?
If your mind is really obsessive, just aim at changing the target, mate.
ok but what was it?
there's been two sick fucks going around the city and kidnapping, abusing and even killing pets. on top of that it's most likely a whole another rabbit hole, these people seem very coordinated and most likely traveling to do so. i'm worried for my own dog and i can't deal with things like that. it makes me sick knowing shit like this is taking place.
you need to expose and destroy them
their identities have been circulating here and there and they have a court order of staying away from animals but it seems they're extremely dedicated. from what i gather they aren't getting properly prosecuted because theyre legally under a psychiatric care or something. i really hope somebody can do something.
hey anon, I haven't dealt with intrusive thoughts related to anxiety like you have but have had pretty debilitating intrusive thoughts. The thing that helped me was basically the principle of "what you resist, persists" or in other words learning to accept the thoughts themselves.
For my intrusive thoughts that basically meant whenever I thought of something I didn't like, instead of freaking out about the thought or treating the idea as a bad thing, I just kind of stared it down and said 'yes' to it (literally I used to close my eyes, take a deep breath and say "yes" out loud if i were in private). Basically accepting the thought itself as just a thought, something that could come and go as it pleased.
I don't know how this will exactly look for you - but this is something that helped me so maybe something similar can help you. Just say yes to the fear and let the upsetting things wash over you like waves and pass. Good luck brah
every time it happens, literally every time for a while, try to find a part about it you can shrug about. literally that's it. you will condition your mind into believing it's something to shrug about

the power we all have and don't use is so insane. we all have the power to reinterpret any event we like. we don't use it.
Dress up as a dog and then rub up against their legs like you're just asking to be taken. This way you can catch them in the act and expose them again to the police.

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