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Been taking 250mg ksm 66 everyday for the past month + 1 week. Used 3 heart rate monitors to test my BPM after working out. It was hovering between 68-75 BPM WHAT THE FUCK !!!!

For comparison that would've been my heart rate after i just woke up and walked to the bathroom.

How dangerous is this????? I was just taken aback so much. I know this isn't normal.
i like how you guys come to me to goggle things for you

like i am legit blushing, it makes me feel so useful
it was around 75-88 WHILE I WAS ON THE EXERCISE BIKE

thats dangerously low right??
>my heart rate was low while i was sissycizing
Depends entirely on how many minutes have passed after working out, how intense the training was and whether you were walking afterwards or sitting, etc. Provide more information
it was like 75 BPM while doing cardio lol

not good right?

effort wise, i felt like i could've done more, but even then, it shouldnt be that low right?
Yes, it's quite low unless your resting heart rate is like 45, but if you have no other symptoms like dizziness maybe it's nothing
>i like how you guys come to me to goggle things for you
>like i am legit blushing, it makes me feel so useful
It's good that something does.

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