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>Meet a girl on tinder
>We actually hit it off asap
>lots to talk about
>sexual attraction through the roof
>lots of chemistry in general
>she has 3 kids and 4 cats
>rotates the kids to her baby daddy every other weekend who has his own wife
>apparently had 2 other guys she tried settling down with but 1 was a pyscho she had to take to court and the other was about to move in but got cold feet and broke up with her just before finalizing the move

Is this a giant bombshell i'm walking into? I have no kids of my own but take care of my nephew at home because I live with my sister. She also said on her profile she doesnt want anymore kids but literally every women says this.
Yes, it is a giant bomb my friend. She probably has BPD, thats why you feel that you have found your soul mate so quickly. You gotta do what you gotta do to get your rocks off, but itll be hard to extricate yourself from this situation once it becomes physical. The ending will be dramatic and sad for you, and itll take a long time for you to recover.
>Is this a giant bombshell i'm walking into?
just get out dude. i wouldn’t fuck that cavernous vag
Wait shit. This scares me. How tf do I see signs of BPD?
They get attached to people easily. People with BPD are awful to be around.

Just avoid her. Ghost her, block her. Man you don’t need to get involved with someone like her.
My advice would be to take it slow. She could be batshit or she could be a great person with some bad relationships. You won’t really know at the beginning. It will become clear as you build your relationship. If she wants you to meet her kids quickly or move in quickly - I would take that as a red flag. If she’s keeping up with any of these guys (except the father of her children) I would also take that as a red flag. Other than that have fun and enjoy the process of a new relationship. The answers will come in time.
>They get attached to people easily.
Shes already talking about potential marriage and shit like that and stupid fuck lil old me entertaining it as a rizz play but I didnt realize this

>>she has 3 kids and 4 cats
Absolutely fucking not, holy fuck if you get within 10 city blocks of her its fucking over for you.
>Shes already talking about potential marriage
That's a huge red flag. It's is quite early to judge her, so if you want to give it a try, be extremely careful.
hey OP.
I've had a fair share of this type of women in my life.
Honestly, FPBP.

I gave one of these women the benefit of the doubt but I ended up regretting months later. I am coping still.

I deeply encourage you to completely cut contact with her. I can't find the words to emphasize this enough, she's totally bonkers. I solemnly and truly promise you. The potential risk of pain will not make it worth it.

Just get out while you still can.

Cheers fella
>Meet a girl on tinder
Didn't read the rest, but this will make for a great story to tell your grandchildren about (of which you will have many with this lady).

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