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Everyday I think about quitting my job and taking a plane to Poland then hopping the boarder to just go kill russians, I see no point in living a boring life until 70, I am socially inept, never kissed or held a hand, and I feel abstracted from all social norms, I don't even feel connected to my biological family, but everyday I think about how fullfilling a life of stress and battle would be, I wouldn't be so useless like I am in everyday life.

But I'm also a weak 5'9 twink with no real experience in fighting, I even got called ma'am to my face today, I think I'm fucked.
Just join the marines
did you make a thread about your father or something looking down on you and them assuming you were gay or something and you had some band tshirt on?
I swear I recognize this pose and background and had a bit of back and forth with you about stuff
I am gay and my family doesn't like it
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Now do that pose in a maid dress and thigh highs please
buy me the maid dress
It probably would be fun as fuck to kill some Russians but realistically you'd just be pushed to the front lines only to get your whole unit bombed when your retarded ass posts your location to Instagram
nobody cares fuck off and stop posting your weird kleinfelter body
why are you so mean
because you post this bullshit every week
You are too weak and unskilled to fight. You have no emotional resilience to fight . You are using the war as a form of escapism, daydreaming. Get a job, stay in school.

If you were on the ukrainian front, they would push you in front of a tank to die first.
>You are too weak and unskilled to fight. You have no emotional resilience to fight .
No such a thing as these two, the fight for democracy in Ukraine accepts any and all, as long as you can walk a few kilometers and hold a gun.
No offence anon but if you did fight in a war zone you’d either die as fodder or get raped probably both truth be told this just seems like an escapist daydream because your life is unfulfilling look into seeing a therapist to find a purpose in your life
He can get into the army and get some training, real combat experience in Afghan or some other "war" against civilians will be as good as nothing against Russians.
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First off, get actual man pants, you look like a woman in that pic (you might think that's a good thing, I assure you it isn't). Second, why tf would you want to die in a war where two oligarchs are using the poor as cannon fodder? I feel bad for both Ukranians and Russians who are dying in that bullshit and you want to just sign up? Third, if you did sign up, you'd die instantly or get rejected. They stopped taking redditors after the multiple instances of units getting bombed due to reddit opsec leaks. Fourth, and most importantly, if you're dissatisfied with life, get a job (literally any job), get some sun and exercise some. Those three things will cut down on your depression 50% I promise. The hard part is sticking with it.

However, I have a suspicion that OP is a fag and won't do anything meaningful to change his life. Prove me wrong.
OP is a gay intersex that probably jacks it to the attention they get from posting their figure here
I'm a barista
>as long as you can walk a few kilometers
Nigger Im in the fucking military you fucking faggot cocksucker. I absolutely fucking dare you to put on a rucksack with 80lbs of stupid bullshit while carrying a fucking m249 or 240L. I fucking promise you that you wont make it 200 fucking meters you absolute gummy bear fucking delusional dick larping fucknut.
NATO seem to have dirty low standard for it's minced meat, nothing I can do about it.
Join the Army. 10th Mountain just got sent over to Finland. You wont of course because larping faggots never do anything except act as experts in fields they have no experience in.
I'm in the army... an army that didn't lose to the Taliban.
Btw, how did you manage to get a carrier hit by the Houthis?
mb im fucking drunk asf and thought you were op lmao I misread the fuck outta what you wrote originally

also I dont count a million dead taliban as a loss but whatever
The Taliban was a 50k large militia, during the surge US troops outnumbered Talibanis 2:1 and US troops + ANA 8:1... where you too this "millions" cope from?
>50k large militia
ok now I know youre just talking out your ass.
>this cannot be real... they were millions
50k at peak, around 100k total during 20 years.

Maybe if instead of 100k peak US troops + 300k ANA you sent every single soldier in the US, then US forces wouldn't route so badly.

I don't know what is worse, this or having a carrier battle group defeated by Houthis.
Taliban Core strength:
>45,000 (2001 est.)
>11,000 (2008 est.)
>36,000 (2010 est.)
>60,000 (2014 est.)
>60,000 (2017 est.)
>75,000 (2021 est.)

>At its high point in 2011, there were 98,000 U.S. troops in the country.

How did you guys lost to the Taliban when you outnumbered them basically 2:1?
imagine thinking you know what youre talking about when you and your shitty third world country had absolutely nothing to do with it? being an irrelevant shitstain on the globe of conquest must be tiring isnt it?
>you third world, you irrelevant, we didn't lost... we...
There's a joke that says: "do you know when the US military won a war? When whoever they were fighting parades in their HQ".


Now seriously, has the US ever won any war?
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t. link posting redditard

>Heres why the US military is so terrible! (lib shit) and and and why they would lose to (nigger shithole) because of how they celebrate the years of getting absolutely fucking demolished finally ended!
>you reddit
>you post links
>reddit space
I wonder if your military will do something when the Houthis sink a warship, or if you'll the USN signature tactic, the "USS Liberty manouver".
Sorry anon, but the US military history is the worst in any country, today.

From Chinese in Korea, to Viets, to Cubans, to Afghanis, to Somalis, to Israelis, everyone had their turn beating your army.
>the fight for democracy in Ukraine accepts any and all
Nah, they've tightened standards after the R*ddit squads proved themselves to be at best, whiney liabilities and at worst, actual dangers to those around them who uploaded geotagged photos of military installations for the entire world to see.
The Ukrainian Legion is still accepting foreigners but if you don't have any military or combat experience, you can bet your ass is going to far from the frontlines. You will still be contributing to the war effort but you will not get to fight, you will be doing bitch work because that's what they trust you with. This is an actual war where people's lives are on the line and they're not going to entrust their lives with a Western brat looking for a thrill nor are they going to waste time & resources training a flight risk for combat.
>Nah, they've tightened standards after the R*ddit squads proved themselves to be at best,
>The Ukrainian Legion is still accepting foreigners but if you don't have any military or combat experience, you can bet your ass is going to far from the frontlines.
The young, the old and the sick are welcome. But even the healthy will get mowed by artillery.
>a Western brat looking for a thrill nor are they going to waste time & resources training a flight risk for combat.
It's Ukraine dude, 3 days of training should make you beyong average.
the first mortar/drone attack you experience will be so shocking to your psyche that you’ll be broken. modern warfare is cold and distant aggression. the fact you’re wearing camp pants makes me think you’re idealizing what is truly ugly.

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