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How the fuck can i stop smoking and drinking?
Help me pls fuckin help me i suck im shit and i cannot stop
i don't know, my record being sober was one year and half, now i'm in a non stop race, i long that long sober because i had a goal

now that goal is lost and completely lost myself, i don't know man, do gym and do whatever these gurus says, but it won't help if you truly don't wanna change yourself

i'm completely done
Thursday will be 4 weeks dry for me. I was having 4-6 drinks daily before that. I'm drinking a lot of non-alcoholic beer, sparkling water, coffee, and tea. The NA beer helps the most though.
Your first problem is asking 4chan for help retard
What caused you to drink that much before?
The Freedom Model, search it up on youtube
I'm literally 28 years clean off this stuff I don't get what the struggle is. Don't buy it, don't ingest it. Simple as
The first step is to recognise that smoking and drinking are likely (exacerbating) symptoms of the problem and not the problem itself. The second, much harder step, is to identify and address the real problem.
read 'Kick the Drink... Easily!' by Jason Vale
literally all you need
do one at a time if you’re in deep. i’d give up drinking first. easiest way to do it is to taper down and not have it around. become aware of how you feel and think now, and how you feel after a day or so of sobriety. keep track of how long you’ve been sober. you’ll start to build a case for not drinking. then, you can keep rules for drinking responsibly (i.e. only two when out) when you reintroduce it into your life if you want. kill those stupid alkie beliefs like “hair of the dog”, “my people have high tolerance”, etc.

smoking is harder and is usually because you’re drinking. smoking sucks, you stink and eventually get a consistent cough you start to ignore. find the stress in your life that makes you smoke and find better habits for controlling your reaction to it.
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for smoking, take note of how many cigarettes you smoke a day over the course of a week. then, you should smoke one less cigarette than you did the previous day [if you smoked 10 on monday then smoke 9 on tuesday and so on]. you need to pick a day to start this though,so keep in mind how many you smoked the day prior when you start quitting.

you do this to slowly acclimate your body into taking in less and less nicotine and by the end of it, ideally, you wont be craving it at all. keep your mind and hands occupied and show some self control and you'll make it through. but you have to want to quit otherwise you're not going to. not sure about quitting alcohol because i drink once in a blue moon.

keep your head high OP. shit's tough but you'll feel 100x better when its all said and done. good luck

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