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How can I deal with anxiety about ex partners?

I mean this in both senses: both my current partner’s ex as well as my ex’s current partner. I’m in a position where I’m on good terms with my ex. Her and I hang out from time to time, and neither of us have any feelings for eachother beyond what you’d feel for a good friend. She’s seeing someone else and has been for six months. The idea doesn’t bother me at all on its own, but I’m worried that her new partner will make things awkward. I have no specific reason to think this. I’m just worried I’ll say the wrong thing or he will, and it’ll ruin a good friendship that I want to preserve.

On the other side of things, I’ve been dating a girl for about two months. I don’t think I’ve ever felt such a strong attraction to someone (in any sense of the word) as I do with my current partner. Like me, she’s on good terms with one of her ex’s. This situation makes me nervous because I’m anxious (again, sight yet unseen) that he’ll say something that makes me not want to be around him, which would compromise a friendship important to my partner. It doesn’t help that she’s told me he was a shit partner who never cared much about anything aside from work. She says he would yell at her when she asked him to do simple stuff like laundry.

I get that a good friend doesn’t necessarily make a good partner, but it’s hard to shake the knowledge that this guy squandered the good will of someone I care about. He seems nice enough in person, so I think this is mostly unfounded jealousy.

How should I work through this?
hanging with exes is a crutch used by weak people to try and have an easier path to sex if the current relationship breaks down. i don’t allow girlfriends to talk to ex boyfriends. and as a guy i would only talk to an ex gf if i wanted to smash her pussy with my sledgehammer
Hey man. I appreciate the answer, but this isn’t what I’m looking for. I know firsthand that the objective of being around an ex isn’t necessarily to have sex. Anybody can get matches on tinder. I don’t need to ruin what remains of an old relationship to get laid.

I’m willing to give my partner the benefit of the doubt. I just need better ways of dealing with the anxiety of meeting ex’s and ex’s partners.
>I'm ok being friends with my ex partner who is sucking and fucking another man's cock
>I'm ok with my current partner remaining friends with the cock she used to suck and fuck
>Anybody can get matches on tinder
Oh I get it, this is a LARPer troll
>>I'm ok being friends with my ex partner who is sucking and fucking another man's cock
What does that matter? She’s my ex. I don’t get shameful feeling of cuckoldry when it dawns on me that my ex won’t live a life of perpetual celibacy after we broke up. She’s just another person at this point.
>>I'm ok with my current partner remaining friends with the cock she used to suck and fuck
You’re fixating too much on sex. The anxiety I have with my partner’s ex is with being around someone who mistreated her.
>>Anybody can get matches on tinder
>Oh I get it, this is a LARPer troll
If the only people you can get to fuck you are your ex’s then I dunno what to tell you.
>You’re fixating too much on sex. The anxiety I have with my partner’s ex is with being around someone who mistreated her.
Ok so why exactly is she keeping this guy around again? If someone mistreated me I would show them the door, in fact I have multiple times. I'd only put up with being around someone who mistreated me if they were giving me something I needed. So what's your GF getting, OP
>If the only people you can get to fuck you are your ex’s then I dunno what to tell you.
I don't fuck my exes because I don't keep in touch with them because I'm not a retarded mongoloid child. Just saying that "just use tinder bro" is such a fucking stupid statement you either haven't used tinder in the last 5 years or you just don't care about making sensible responses because you're a troll wasting everyone's time
I might keep responding if I'm bored but I'm not bumping your gay thread.
Probably unless the guy is a complete piece of shit he won't say anything. I'm good friends with an ex whom I was emotionally abusive towards, she's also married now and I get along well with her husband. I dunno if he knows but she had far worse exes so if anything I'm likely the nicest one in comparison kek.
>she's also married now and I get along well with her husband
What the actual fuck is wrong with people
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>Ok so why exactly is she keeping this guy around again?
They’re grad students at the same university, in the same department, in the same year. They were also friends for a few years before they dated. They seem to be good friends regardless of their failed relationship.
> If someone mistreated me I would show them the door
That’s what happened. Grabbing lunch with someone and playing Minecraft with them and your other coworkers once in a while isn’t the scandalous love affair you need it to be.
> So what's your GF getting, OP
You have an insecure attachment style. No skin off my nose.
> I don't fuck my exes because I don't keep in touch with them because I'm not a retarded mongoloid child
Today you learned that you’re not me.
> Just saying that "just use tinder bro" is such a fucking stupid statement you either haven't used tinder in the last 5 years or you just don't care about making sensible responses because you're a troll wasting everyone's time
You seem upset.
>I might keep responding if I'm bored but I'm not bumping your gay thread.
If you can manage it, stay on topic and avoid chimping out.
Hey thanks for the response. Ignore the schizo. Was it awkward being around her husband? How’d you deal with that?
> I don't fuck my exes because I don't keep in touch with them because I'm not a retarded mongoloid child
>Today you learned that you’re not me.
Well I guess I'm glad the special needs can at least find love like the rest of us, whatever it looks like
i don't understand how some men are fine with their girls having "friendships" with their EX's or really anyone for who they have had romantic/sexual desires in the past,how cucked do you have to be?
they are either keeping their ex boyfriends around as backup incase their new relationship fails or to make you jealous,and this applies to both your current GF and your EX
Your gf doesn’t need to be on a first-name basis to cheat on you. I’d venture to guess you guys find other ways to poll for signs of cheating. There’s a decent chance you participate in build for BBC threads too.
And now we KNOW this is a troll thread
Imagine trying to shame people over the normal fucking response of staying out of your ex love partner's life for both your benefit
It was awkward at first but we're both overtly polite people so we defused the tension with humor. I mean keeping things light is always safe and makes you appear secure at any rate.

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