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I'm a female who is highly attracted to 2D anthro cartoon males because they are objectively more attractive than IRL 3DPD men. And i think they're fucking ugly for me. Recently I can't even sleep due to these thoughts i am having. sometimes it occurs to me to jerking off stimulately while thinking over it or It mades me want to watch the shows of my husbandos they originally came from and then I lay on my bed, masturbating over his movements and gestures that I find sexy, because of his appearance and expressions or his voice. How the fuck can i stop this shit? Should i seek a sex therapist right now? Should i tell my parents about this secret? Do i have a unhealthy cartoon fetish?
Why the actual flying metric fuck would you tell your parents? Are you stupid or something?
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I'm also (bio) female and in a similar situation.
I realised that I couldn't change anything about it and decided to just accept it, albeit behind closed doors. I wouldn't tell anyone you know IRL if you can help it, especially outside of family; mine know and think it's funny and sad. They don't care much beyond it but they stopped caring about me long ago anyway so your parents' response may be different. Find similar anthrofuckers, collect merch of your husbando and continue loving fictional men, but know that you probably won't be able to change and that repressing it won't do you much good either. I've never had a BF nor do I really care anymore, cartoon men are able to stave the feelings of loneliness away just enough to make it all worth it.
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Those are the husbandos i'd like to "goon over" For anyone asking btw.
Wow, you are quite disturbed. What an interesting specimen. My advice is to go try to feel the touch of a real man (or real women), not some pixel autism.
I already touched a irl man before, and it smells like shit
sorry anon
Anon from >>31585082
Good taste, too. I'm more of a Dedede, Ren and Flippy fan over Lumpy, Stimpy and Escargoon but you have some unique and underrated choices. Don't change.
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get outside
go walking
go camping
do something to cause new neural pathways to form
get off your ass and force yourself into a new environment that requires you do DO something else aside from wear yourself into a rut of mental orgasmatic stupidity.

No , this isnt sarcasm. You need to get up and move and get out. You dont need to see a therapist or talk to your parents. Just get out and DO something. dont half-measure it. Go. get out there and do things. Force yourself to do it

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