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so i’m pretty good friends with this asian girl (this is important trust) and i also happen to have a crush on her. We’re somewhat close, we talk every day and we see each other occasionally. We know a lot about each other and we’re pretty gang. However, when i asked her out on a date, she said that she couldn’t date because she wanted to stay focused on school and her parents wouldn’t let her. She reassured me that i’m great and that it’s really not me but then again, i understand the difference in culture and the need of family approval since I myself am not asian. Is there anything i can do?
She's letting you down gently, ignoramus
Women move fucking heaven and earth for men they like, if she really liked you her family's opinion and school and shit wouldn't fucking factor in
>t. have dated several asian girls who were "good girls" and "focused on their studies" (of my big hispanic cock)

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