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File: sadwojak.jpg (17 KB, 549x299)
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Last year (2023) I went through a health crisis that lasted about 2 months. I couldn't work or do anything during this time. When I got out, all my drive seemed to be gone. Before my health crisis, I made more $$ during five months than during the whole year before (2022), was focused, organized, and was saving money so that I could move out of home.

In fact, prior to the end of November 2023, I was back on the wagon again. Not making much money but at least I had good habits and maintained a morning routine for a little over a month. However, I relapsed in health and ended up in the hospital once more. My doctors told me I couldn't drive for 6 months.

I still live in my parents's house since I lost a lot of money focusing on my health. Stayed busy working on a property my father owns and investing in it. After that last hospital visit, however, I've been lazy, distracted and unmotivated. I have a sales job and getting rejected has gotten me very dejected. I just want to get shit done, to have a direction. But right now it just feels like a very uphill battle. I have amazing friends, family a girlfriend... And yet I feel like I'm letting them down.

I need a clear direction, some plan. But I can't seem to get out of this bog. I sometimes feel like such a loser even if I know my health issues were a justifiable obstacle. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, anons.

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