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It just takes one negative interaction to get me into throwing child tantrums, get 100% level depressed, become a recluse and make stupid impulse-driven decisions that I regret.
Today someone was rude to me, and on top of that I had a negative altercation with my parents and it made me want to break things, stay in bed all day, bang my head on the wall, etc.
How to self-cure this shit?
5 hours after the fact I am feeling much better, but I shouldn't reach such impulsive rage levels in the first place.
you are not self curing this shit, go to therapy for anger management. if you get help now, you might not beat your wife in the future!
Fades w time

You are reacting this way because either your parents or past relationships instilled some sort of shame or punitive system on you

That or you just are naturally self-flagellating. Or catholic.

Key? Radical acceptance. “Ok, that happened. It was awful. And i feel awful. Maybe i’ll sit with it for a bit, maybe I’ll take a walk. I won’t try to push it away forcefully.”

Then take a walk into a therapist’s office for your underlying issues.
Sounds like your parents have fucked you up pretty good. It happens to the best of us. Try and deal with it as long as you can and formulate a plan to move out. Trust me, you want to get out of there as soon as possible in order to start taking a hard look at yourself.

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