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>be me
>start to realize I hate my life
>hate my family, the people on here, twitter, in real life, etc
>media is being ruined, lives are being ruined, another etc
>seek out chrisitanity after alot of methods to find a goal when the end happens
>Just pray everyday for all this to be a false/bad dream of a universe
>wish for a better family, skills, life, etc
>wish for so many bad people, writers, artists, etc to not exist at all
>wait as it all gets closer in this crappy world to end

I really just have to rely on god at this point to get this world out of the way for a better/true one to come through. I'm so sick of this, I don't want suicide or anything but I'm expecting death for me may come soon somehow.
>seek out chrisitanity after alot of methods to find a goal when the end happens
Actual Christianity or Protestantism, the latter will only help and accept you if you're already a somehow well off normie.
there is no god and u sound like a loser so either stop being one or just rope the world would be better without people like u anyway
kill yourself then.
whats stopping you?
OP said he's very weak on line 5.
You sound really fun at parties OP
you mean not like a rapist or pedophile or whatever? Cause I'm just going with the usual? Like is former good or what?
>usual 4chan /adv/ice
Thanks guys!
If you want a religion pick a real one, not a normie social gathering, this should be a good start to stop being so miserable.
>stop being so miserable
I'm at least still going on with myself but I expect death to happen sometime, but you know I'm somewhat happy man.
>pick a real one
how is chrisitanity not a real one? I mean all I gotta do is not sin, pray, and do good
>how is chrisitanity not a real one?
Christianity is good, the problem is Protestantism.
>Just pray everyday for all this to be a false/bad dream of a universe
>wish for so many bad people, writers, artists, etc to not exist at all
You cant wish to get rid of God's creation, only for the strength to overcome it. Hope this helps
>wish for a better family, skills, life, etc

You do realize this involves action, right? Anybody would be miserable if they weren’t working towards anything and just marinating in the failings of humanity.
Don’t hate. You have to be the change in your family and friends. Say what you think is right despite what your family thinks. Public and work is different. You have to ignore it. Statically the world can only be so shitty for so long until a catalyst happens and there’s purpose and hope again. Keep your faith in God and your prosperity and fulfillment will come.
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>everything out of your control is shit
>pray to the one fag who could make this stuff not shit
>stuff remains shit
The natural conclusion is that God is a fag. Begin with the satanic rebellion and rely only on yourself because you are all that matters. Now do something rather than weak prayer shit.
Lmao. Just because you believe in god doesn’t mean you don’t do shit for your life. If you don’t do shit for yourself or do shit to yourself and blame god. You’re fucking retarded.
>Just because you believe in god doesn’t mean you don’t do shit for your life
Most Christians are passive weaklings who think begging to their jewish skydaddy will improve their lives.
>things are bad
>do nothing
>things are still bad

>Begin with the satanic rebellion and rely only on yourself because you are all that matters.

>Grrr I hate Christianity so much that I will root for the villain of the religion

God still lives in your head rent-free anon, you’re still deriving your ‘rebellion’ using Christian precepts and notions of good and evil. The fact you’d root for the devil and self-interest proves and implies it’s in opposition to good. Your entire stance indirectly says God is good by contrast. Well done.
ah okay I thought you said all of the basic stuff was not it lol. But yeah I just do chrisitan stuff like pray in my room and what not.
This is...true but I believe the worse who escape judgement/karma should at least not exist at all. Sure there would be still some evil like what with ww2, neo nazis, kkk guys, etc, but that would at least ease the pain of suffering alot more.
True, at least until the "true time", I'm getting a job at least and get games, food, and amazon stuff so there's that, while I still pray.
listen to what >>31585815 >>31585929
say, heck even though I may not be doing anything for myself or really seem to be trying but I am seeking out a job and at least attempting something with being an artist, but I wish somehow things were a little brighter what with the government and corporations not being crappy, no pollution killing us all, or even anything with genocides and people defending it. You know?
a little harder than that when you consider what I said above this reply to you my friend.
For now I will at least enjoy the good flavors of soda and fast food, or whatever
>But yeah I just do chrisitan stuff like pray in my room and what not.
This is like going to the gym once a month, it'll not work.
yet i do it once a day or whatever I try to do so. Once a day, one or two prayers: sometimes it's one for repent, then I talk about what I pray for, or do them both separately. i think doing it all in one does it better.
>it'll not work
then what am I missing? a cross necklace? The bapitization? Communion?
Community life is very helpful, it curbs pride.
Well while i wait then I could put all the money I might not use into charity, sure!
Quick question though, if I ask for the true universe, would it be alright to ask to at least get rid of the megachurch folk and have them never exist? I mean all they are are just a bunch of greedy selfish folks taking advance of a entire religion.
Well, charity is never bad, you'll do great.
actually slave morality stands in contrast to master morality, spiritual peasant.
yeah i might work with that, I'm not good with the whole community thing due to autism but yeah I think as long as I do prayer and send money to charities like for disabled kids, education, animals, etc, I'm pretty much doing good.

also I think not touching my meat is another thing.
what are you saying
>I'm not good with the whole community thing due to autism
I know I may be biased, but I lived a couple of years in a monastery (Catholic, Benedictine) and it was Autistic heaven, truly amazing. Regular churchs are a bit more... normie.
Read Nietzsche.
Christianity is a religion of the infirm and incapable. Their morals are copes to protect their egos from their inadequacy.
Besides master moralities in the form of pre-Christian religions always existed. Hence why slave stands in contrast to the primary which is and always will be master.
You know that Nietzsche differentiate between different forms of Christianity and was quite fond of some, right?
Point out such a form of Christianity that currently exists.
Good luck.
Justify why they are different from the rest.
>List one
>This one is no good
Do you know anything about Coptic Christians?
I didn't say it wasn't good. I want you to justify why they are different.
If you can't, then oh well.
It's hard to talk with know-it-alls like you, but here we go, Coptic Christians have a morality system very similar to Islam.
>Pick a Christian form that is not symptomatic of slave morality
>chooses a form specifically because it is more like another religion
lol christbros...
I think we're done here
>It doesn't count... because...
It seems someone is really focused in saying "thing bad", but it's ok, I can give you examples all day long.

For the 2nd example, we have the "three pillar church", in China.
>Do you know something about Coptic Christianity?
>Not a thing.
>They don't have slave mentality.
>Let me teach you why they don't count.
there is a way out
>proceeds to have a massive stupid debate
let me believe in what I want to believe, alright? If there is nothing in the end of life, so be it, but I'll still believe.
get out
Or, you can go fucking learn a skill or five. Internet's right there, lmao.
Advice for being simply more optimistic can be useful when it comes to replacing upsetting concerns with more productive thoughts about all the more positive things there may be worth being optimistic over. What's less useful or workable is trying to do the same for overcoming chronic traumas. If one isn't really affected by such it should be seen as an better position of opportunity to make the most of things compared to that of individuals who are highly affected by such.

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