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Any medfags out there know what the cure is to lithium induced grimacing/mouth dyskinesia? Please help, i am so freaked out

i stopped the drug, cant see the doctor anymore because i moved. trying to get new doctor asap. when i asked him what to do he said stop taking it but i already stopped and the mouth movement persists
>i stopped the drug,
why were you on lithium for in the first place?
Depression /suspected bipolar

Its been fine off it honestly, been 2 weeks but I CANT STOP MOVING MY FUCKING MOUTH
I’m a former psych nurse. It’s been a few years so I’m a little rusty. What you are experiencing is called tardive dyskinesia. It has the potential to be permanent. When I worked inpatient, we were taught to treat it quickly - not sure why your doc didn’t want to intervene sooner.

I would call around to different psych offices tomorrow and tell them what you are experiencing. If you can’t find anybody who will see you that day or the next (really just trying to save you money) I would go to the ER. Do some research and find out which local hospital has the best psych program. It’s possible they will treat you in the ER but either way they will probably have you meet with their psychiatrist. You want the best if you can help it. The hospital social worker might be able to help get you into a psych office too for follow up care and can transfer your ER records over. I know dyskinesia is supposed to be extremely uncomfortable and I don’t love that you went off your meds without a plan. This is worth pursuing. Wishing you the best.
how did they normally treat it besides stopping the med?

also bump

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