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Is it a pussy move to not date until you get money? I feel like I could get a better woman once I develop my life further. I feel bad having sex too often because I lowkey don't see any of these women worthy of my legacy
>I feel bad having sex too often because I lowkey don't see any of these women worthy of my legacy
I'd like tips for getting over this. I know for a fact plenty of women are okay with the prospect of being used for sex but I feel like you're supposed to find a way to communicate it without saying it
>Is it a pussy move to not date until you get money?
No. If you can barely support yourself, fucking around with a whore with the potential of pregnancy will royally fuck you over for life. Literally all she has to say is "Im keeping it" and youre so fucking fucked its not funny.

> I lowkey don't see any of these women worthy of my legacy.
There are two types of women you will find anon. Those who wait at the finish line and those who wait at the halfway checkpoint. Smart women wait at the checkpoint. Dumb gold digging whores wait at the finish line. You need to find a woman interested in your acceleration and potential. Those women are the ones who genuinely want to be a part of your life and accomplishments whereas the ones at the finish line just want the goodies that come with a finished product.
yeah, ditch the practice gfs so you don’t accidentally fuck your life up. they probably sense it, too.

reach for the brass ring now and act as if success is inevitable. you’ll find a girl who will share in your delusion. that’s all it’s about anyway.
it depends on how seriously you take the relationship
if you plan on staying loyal and developing your lives together, then you'll be fine
but if you feel like your life will drastically change after you make money and you won't be compatible any more, then you should avoid wasting their time and leading them on
is that a liminal space I spy?
I waited until I was 34 to start dating. I finally lucked out and after flexing with my high six figures bagged a 3/10 wife. She cheated on me with black men.
It isn’t pussy but it is retarded as fuck in every other way.
You are not having sex with anyone buddy.

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