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i hate my job and the people i work with but i can't find another job in a different field or even just another job. it's driving me insane, like a noose slowly tightening ever day. i think i might end up quitting after i take all my vacation, then i've got maybe a year's worth of money to burn before i kms. anyone know that feel?
Real shit, do you have any hobbies that are based around socializing with people or do you just rot in your room 100% of the time outside of work?
i play video games. the most social interaction i get outside of work is seeing my hairdresser every 2 months
Working is masculine. Your work and your hobbies are two entirely different things. Ignore the faggots who claim that you should "do what you love and youll never work a day inyo life tee hee". Its a fucking lie and itll never improve if you have that mindset. Recognize that you will likely hate whatever stupid job you have. The importance of hobbies and external activities is to negate any ill content from your work. Its no wonder youre miserable if your daily life of interacting with people consists of stupid fuckwits at work. Point is that work will always be stupid, but necessary and should be treated as unshakable ground. Everything else in your life needs spice, not your work.

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