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I think I'm going to move out of my parents house at the age of 33. What should I expect?
It's about fucking time nerd.
expect to pay for everything, which, depending on your income and spending habits, will be a minor inconvenience or a considerable burden
It's pretty chill. Wish I did it at 23.
How old were you when you moved out?
Your list of obstacles ranked from most toughest to easiest:
>#1 Silence
The silence is going to feel great at first. Then within weeks to a month, it’s going to fucking debilitate you. You will have nothing but the sound of your own inner nervous system and its incessant high-pitched ringing in your ears. You will find yourself ruminating in thought just to escape the quiet and you may very well sink into many mental ruts as a result.

#2 Loneliness
Similar to #1, it’ll feel great at first. Then it will eat at you. Most NEETs already think they knew loneliness before, they don’t, not until they truly leave their parents house. When they’re truly on their own, they will find it insufferable to the point of physical pain.

>#3 Money
Neetbux or wagebux, 80-90% of it is now going to rent, bills, taxes where applicable, clothing-related detergents, hygiene products, and of course food and drink. Say goodbye to frivolous spending on drugs, booze, games, porn, whatever toys you played with before.

#4 Decorating
The house will need to look like a home. And with money now a more precious resource, you’ll lack funds to make the home feel like a home. And with silence/loneliness biting your ass, motivation to decorate is gone. Expect to live in a shit-looking pad for a while.

#5 Neighbours
You now are the spokesperson for your own home. That means you will be held accountable to neighbours, dealing with whatever complaint they should have, or, having to deal with shit neighbours who make trouble for your peace and you need to confront and complain to them.

Good luck, I hope you ain’t moving alone. Because 33 years tied to family only to suddenly go solo overnight is a dramatic change that will knock you down at first.

Just so I don’t demoralize you or anyone yet to move, I’ll list some solutions to each:

Keep your TV turned on in the background. News or reality channels work best. Having human voices in the background will negate the deafening silence. Music or ambient noise works too.

TV with human voices carries over to help with loneliness. But also remember to invite people over often enough. Don’t just dwell in the house, look for opportunities to leave it for outings and visiting others. Last resort is socializing online to stay connected, but don’t overdo it as it will encourage self isolating behaviour.

Budget like no tomorrow. Every thing you need for grocieries? Find the cheaper alternative or brand. Be sure to use a savings account to put the bill/rent money in a safe place. For the rest, budget as mentioned. Spend whatever isnleft you’ve saved on whatever you wish afterwards.

Thrift that shit. Second-hand furniture will come in clutch. For more bigger tasks like painting wallpapering, use that as opportunities to invite friends or family over to help out. Gets it done quicker and freely.

Just keep a low profile, don’t be too loud at night and you should be good. If neighbours are being dicks instead, lodge complaints to relevant parties, like landlords etc. Failing that, find creative ways to make them fuck off.
you’re going to face a lot of truths about yourself you didn’t realize were buried.
What do you mean by this?
good shit man
Based budget bro

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