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So... about a couple months ago i had a circumcission procedure, and ever since then i've peed while sitting, since its the most optimal position while it healed and all of that.

I noticed that whenever i tried to do so while standing, either the first stream becomes a shotgun blast (can fix it by separating the sides of the tip) or the latter part becomes the aforementioned. How do all y'all manage to pee (standing) without making a mess?

gif unrelated
I simply wear a diaper. Imagine wasting 1/20th of everyday standing in a foul room just to piss and shit
Asking first: What the fuck did you mutilate yourself for?
Answering: Cut guys just aim at the toilet bowl or urinal mint, just like intact guys do.
Suggestion: You're gonna Kertainize and lose sensitivity for the better part of your cock, so I suggest researching foreskin restoration and go from there.
t. Knife raped at birth, been restoring for 7 years now as of this post, at CI-3.5 from manual methods only.

OP here. Yeah i aim for the bowl, but with the foreskin it'd be a constant stream, no dispersion, and now its a tad of a pain in the ass to do standing.

To answer your question, it was a combination of things, firstly paraphymosis (aka skin gets stuck once there), i could retract it easily and all, but when hard it was a bit more difficult and uncomfortable, basically making sex life in partnership less pleasant (it would hurt about after half an hour or so); on top of that, doctor noticed i had a ring, so more the reason that i had trouble doing things pleasurably with the foreskin retracted.

And to top it off, the extra skin there was sensitive as fuck, meaning any rough action with a condom or whatever would swell the area and made it look like bubblegum bubbles (exageration).

Tbf its been going great, i haven't noticed any loss of sensitivity there (if anything the tip is more sensible now when doing erotic things), also liked how it looked before and how it looks now, i'm fairly happy with my decission
Same anon, here. I forgot to note that sensitivity is lost over time, so I'll point that out there. Other than that, more power to you since this was fully your choice and not some shithead ""parent"" and some hired pedophiles deressed as surgeons that made it for you. I hope I still helped, here.
[spoiler]CAPCHA: 2HRT KEK[/spoiler]
I piss all over the place. I thought everyone did.
Pinch it down and control the flow rate
I did until I had to clean myself

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