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>spend the last 4 years of my life working on a project just so I could kill myself at peace knowing I created something that is beyond me
>thought of giving up multiple times due to slow af progress
>finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel
>realised what I'm working on is great, but not enough to die feeling fulfilled
I'm lost, anons.
I don't know exactly what I'm asking for with this post, but any input will be welcomed.
what's your secret little project
Why do you want to die?
A card game of my own, anon.
that sounds like fun
surely you should stick around to see to the end, no?
Haven't announced to the world yet.
>never had any friends
>parents never gave a fuck about me
>bullied in school
>wasted childhood being obese
>fasted to lose weight, which ended up stunting my growth (I should be at least 3 inches taller according to my genetics)
>had a gf in my teenage years but today I'm 80% sure she just used me as practice
>will never have a wife because I'm too short
He >>31586409 is not me.
>Haven't announced to the world yet
regardless of what you're project is, only hashing it out alone is not gonna be the best practice. you need to get it in people's hands and respond to the obvious flaws they see. when you think you have the perfect project complete after a year and it takes 30 seconds for people to tell you what obviously needs improvement it's less devastating than having it happen after 4 years. "fail fast" if you know what that means
I know all of this, it just isn't in a presentable state yet.
Do you have someone whose opinion you would value if you shared with them? Either someone close to you or someone you look up to?
Well Anon, if you spent for years in this project that shows determination and a set of skills that many people would love to have. You have more potential in you than you may believe, it'd be a shame to lose a person like this in the world.

male here, but from what i've heard, past the superficial girls that have 50 requirements and you gotta be 185+ (literal SS Leibst. requirements xd), shape, height, or self-perceived beauty, girls care more about a person's charisma or one that clicks with them. Also many like their short kings, its never too late to go out there and try your luck!
>Either someone close to you or someone you look up to?
No. If I had, I would be spending time with them.
>girls care more about a person's charisma
>Also many like their short kings
I hear everyone saying this but everything I've witnessed in my entire life tells me otherwise, specially in college.
I would love if it was true, tho.
What about someone you don't know personally but who has influenced or informed you in some way? Like for example I sent a piece of music I was working on to a small music blog (I'm old) that I was a fan of and they listened to it and gave me good feedback that really took it to the next level. That kind of thing.
>What about someone you don't know personally but who has influenced or informed you in some way?
I have some in mind.
now you have to play it with the devil

Well it seems to be this way xd. If you are in a meat market, you're valued as the quality of the meat (the looks) or how you can charlatan your way around. Thor (PirateSoftware) puts this simply
(https://youtube.com/shorts/bJx2E7M8Yqo) its about finding the right girl that clicks.

You can try your luck on the meat markets and deriving to friendship asap, meeting people irl on your local interest places... idk, i just tried once and met my bf, two years on and i'm starting to think about marrying him sometime in the future
>my bf
and how tall is he?
you have to go for really tall girls, believe it or not. i know it sounds paradoxical, but once women get above 6'0" they realize their dating pool is shorter, and many guys don't see them as feminine.

they love when a guy approaches them because it happens less often than you'd think
Wouldn't a 6'0" girl feel unconfortable with a 5'7" guy?
170, same as me (m)
Not gonna lie, everytime I hear a woman talking about how not every woman wants a tall guy I automatically assume she has a >6 foot bf because that's almost always the case lol.
I wish happiness and well-being for both you and your bf.
Not to downplay your problems, but it seems like very minor issues. Bullying and shit parents are a thing of a past and height isn't as important to most girls as you probably think. Unless you're a total manlet. How tall are you exactly?
Well if you kill yourself, there will nobody to support the game. So you gotta nurse it to maturity and make sure it becomes great. Then you can reconsider whether you truly want to leave.

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