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File: sf_jason.png (91 KB, 305x263)
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It's either E books or physical books. I want to learn math so I found a open source math textbook online that was available for free via PDF download from the publishers website. The publishers also offered a physical version of the open source math textbook for $53 on amazon. I got the physical book and now I kinda regret making this purchase. $53 is a lot for me because my only source of income is monthly SSI tugboat checks.

I hear that reading comprehension is 6 to 8 times better when reading a physical book compared to reading a ebook. While reading a physical book may be better for my reading comprehension buying many textbooks over a long period of time is costly.

Ebooks do have a high upfront cost but it does save a lot of space and it costs pennies over the long term. I am of course mentioning pirated ebooks as I would never buy ebooks from an actual publisher or amazon, because it's a waste of money. It's also more distracting because well it's a digital device.

What do you think? should I play it safe and get physical books for reading comprehension benefits or get free ebooks at the cost of my reading comprehension?

I have autism and luckily no learning disabilities, heightened sensitivity to stimuli, hearing impairments and visual impairments.
Its up to you. I love physical books, and they are definitely easier to reference when playing with new concepts. But reality is, put the time in, make sure you learn the concepts before calling yourself done with a book, you'll be fine.

It matters more that you start working than the exact medium. Overthinking kills productivity.
I suggest doing a mix of both depending on the subject and type of book.

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