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I’m in a bit of a tough spot and could really use some advice. I spent most of my formative years and early 20s fantasizing about anime women and cartoon characters. My sexual preferences have been completely based around these fictional characters to the point where I read and wrote romantic fanfiction with OCs.

Recently, I’ve come to the realization that these characters will never be real, and I genuinely want to settle down with a real woman. However, I find that I can’t find real women attractive anymore, even the hottest ones. It’s like they’re nothing to me at this point, and I feel like I’ve broken myself.

Has anyone else been through this? How do I start finding real women attractive again? Any advice or personal experiences or smarts responses would be greatly appreciated.

detox would be where id start, but im not a homosexual nor a pedophile so idk how to help you lmao good luck retard

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