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I'm on a shitton of adderall and stimulants and still nothing. Even when I felt my absolute best on them, I still couldn't bring myself to do anything. I feel like I'm a locked in person except I can still move around.

I've legitimately never been able to commit myself to any serious hobby and have gotten lazy over the years with my only actual one which is writing and the only reason I'm good at writing is because I wanted people to be able to understand what the fuck I was saying and I wanted to write good stories because I thought I'd never be able to make them in a visual medium, but that's it. I've never been able to commit to a serious routine, schedule, or anything. I just sit in my room online doing basically nothing.

Everything I try doing looks so daunting and impossible. I tried learning Source Filmmaker as a teen and I gave up immediately because it looked too complicated. I tried learning how to make my own games in game maker, gave up immediately and never touched it. Even something like drawing just looks so complex and impossible. This is what it's like for everything I try doing.

I don't know what I actually like. A lot of things just exhaust me. I liked being with animals, I guess, like socializing and taking care of them. I've only ever been really half interested in most things with hyperfixations coming around only once in a while. For the most part, I've just been laying in my bed and doing nothing, no friend groups and no socializing, and constantly alone. Reading fanfiction and boredly scouring the internet. Every passion I feel like I've had gets beaten out of me when I realize I'm not good or just have dumb ideas.

I feel so stuck, helpess and frustrated. I don't know what to do anymore.
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Get off drugs
Go to sleep at regular time periods
Get regular sunlight and exercise

Read books. If you don't have anything to read, then just download the titles from series like "The Harvard Classics" or "Great Books of the Western World" etc. Fifteen minutes of reading every day is more than enough.

Get a job having to do with animals
I can't get off drugs. I go insane from withdrawals and I can barely function. I can't read books because I get distracted immediately.
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If you have to taper it down over a long period of time like the way alcoholics need to then that's fine
>I can't read books because I get distracted immediately.
I was afraid of this that's why I said to read for fifteen minutes.

You can read 4chan posts clearly, so just think of a book as a series of 4chan posts or xitter posts or whatever.
>Source Filmmaker
It's Howie! Ignore.
Every professional I've gone to says I should stay on stimulants. I don't know what else to do.
Well yeah because if you keep purchasing the stimulants then they still keep receiving commission for the prescriptions. That is the nature of the pharma and psychiatric industry if I'm not mistaken.

I have Adderall that's sat on my desk for months because I am not in college at the moment. I do benefit a lot from them to study but I don't need them to stay alive.
But i need them to even function with my ADHD. I've been out of stimulants for a day now and I feel awful. Getting out of bed feels like it takes all the energy out of me.
But it sounds like you aren't functioning at all with or without them. I have ADHD too that was the point of telling you. I don't know what to say beyond this point because I can't physically make you try anything
I don't know how to make myself to anything at all. I either sit in my room, look at my phone, jerk off and go to sleep. Absolutely nothing done, just laying in bed all day.
Most of the time I can't even focus on anything, just pacing around and looking at my phone or staring at a wall, not even playing video games.
I don't know what else to do. No piece of advice has ever seemed to work for me because I can never follow through and end up reverting back to my old behaviors.
Change your environment. Physically move to areas where you're forced to do something like a library or a class.
I've tried doing that before but all I end up doing is spacing out. Whenever I try doing something different like drawing, I do it for five seconds before looking at my phone again and laying down.
>people still respond earnestly to howie
Anyone else have advice?
Tell your mother that you want to move forward from this all, that your phone creates an unhealthy dependency on the immediate stimulation it provides, so you would like her to regulate and control your access to both computer and personal devices, and internet overall. That you want to make responsible changes in your life and behaviour, but in spite of your general desire you couldn't as of yet sustain any general determination you set out for by yourself.
Accountability and aid from other people you appreciate can help

You got this, anon
Start a substack or podcast. You need to lose the fear of failure, embarassment and difficulty.
Check out Buddhism. Realize that the feelings you experience are not that important, you can power through the fear of difficulty by reminding yourself it's your ingrained bad mental habits working against you, not some *real* impossibility of learning a skill.
Useful self-help stuff to check out is Acceptance-commitment therapy and "psycho-cybernetics" (old book that explains the importance of self-feedback)

On a more banal note, go running/lift weights and get laid, with escort if need be. Can't outsmart biology at the end of the day.
There are many things and ways you could explore this all.
Look for things you would like to still explore. Be it drawing, filming, developing, or something related to animals as you said.
From that point, even if things don't seemingly work out as is, fear not. Learning is a life-long process. One that can include learning about how to learn. Which includes learning about yourself, and about what works, to find what works for you. And when nothing works, changing.
Among some general things to be considered are, learning with frequency or frequent exposure, the quantity/kind of exposure during each of those instances, having fun in the process, and having clarity on your aims and goals.

Problems with exposure can be faced in different manners.
Learning about habits, and how habits work. It is something that can genuinely help in these things. How repetition, small changes and decisions, can make things easier, and harder. For any of us.
Checking too often the phone, chatting too much, among others.
It is similarly possible to build in the opposite direction. Recognising old habits and replacing them with more positive ones.
Making the negative ones less visible, less desirable, harder, and less rewarding.
Have your books and things at hand in the morning, avoid devices if possible, leave leisure websites where you spend too much time.
Connect with other people, tutors or local groups, it can help with commitment.
Try to always separate time each day at the same hour, or after another activity. The morning is a great option.
How to use the time you dedicate to learning can vary depending on the activity. Reading/getting new information, practising, and things in-between. Sometimes with others, sometimes by yourself

Try also to find clarity on your motivations.
What do you do, and why.

On changing and self-growth,
Meditation can help in developing a better focus, and stop your emotions from hindering your actions.
But I don't think it is a solution for inner conflicts, nor a source of deep happiness. It can be helpful.
Exercise, and take good care of your health. It can help in learning, and general well-being.
Mind your morals, and be kind

God bless
problem is internet. get rid of computer or block all shit websites like youtube and 4chan. stop playing video games now.
It took me two years just to be able to play video games again.
>I've just been laying in my bed and doing nothing
This isn’t true. I have ADHD too my friend, so I understand everything you wrote. You feel it’s true, so you’re not a liar. But the truth remains the truth. It isn’t true.

How can we know this? This thread. This introspection of yours, the things you browse, the things you type, even if abed, is something. Not nothing. Don’t focus on the supposed value of it, and you’ll see it is something, not nothing.

Question: If a man is in bed and typing up a draft for work or a novel for a publisher, can we say to him “wow you lay in bed and do nothing.”

No lol.

My point is maybe you can channel your bed and typing hyperfocus into something productive.
I've been role-playing and rarely making fanfiction for years, but now I want to try drawing. I want to try literally any visual medium. It's hell for me. All I can do is think about doing things and never actually doing them. Whenever I try, I quickly feel like I'm too retarded to do it and give up immediately. Like I've done with basically every single hobby I've ever tried doing even for non creative hobbies or just anything in general.
So you want to try and visualize and put into visual art your craft of story telling right? Taking the fictional stuff you create in writing and making it realer by drawing it?
You need to become a slave, essentially. I've read your posts in this thread, and you're a junkie, OP. Move to a country where they'll cut your head off for doing what you are doing now, and hope for the best. Seriously.
I would like actual advice.
Howie thread.
Howie has been posting this for over a year.
He does not listen to any advice given.
Do not waste your time.
That is actual advice you stupid worthless cunt. You are so deep down your pleasure rabbit hole you have no idea how fucked you are. So anything related to your deep hole of life that you get you refuse because you refuse to look in the mirror. LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Or don't - it doesn't matter to anyone on this planet, but yourself.
Don't rise to Howie's bait. It's a trap that you can only escape from by completly ignoring.
It's ok, anon. Like I said this guy fucking sucks. It's not my problem. But if it is bait, all the better.
I tried a therapist recently and gave up on them as well since I wasn't getting any actual help.
I've worked out for 2 years and lost 20 pounds. I still don't have any focus that allows me to do anything.
Yeah so that sounds like a typical ADHD thing, the all-or-nothing mindset. You want to be the storywriter, the illustrator, and if it progressed further maybe even the animator all at once, right? That’s gonna be a lot of work for any one person you know?

Don’t get me wrong, it’s possible, plenty of creators like this exist but they’re usually hermits lol. Devoting every fibre of their life to it. Dragonball Z creator for example, he was the same way. Wrote the thing and illustrated the thing all by himself, living on his lonesome (may he rest in peace).

The point isn’t that you can’t do that with enough practice, you can - it’s that you’re expecting too much of yourself so soon. You’re wanting to go from 0 - 100. From nothing to everything (all or nothing). It doesn’t work that way, yknow? You gotta take it step by step, one bit at a time. Doing one exercise or practice session after the other.
* not living on his lonesome mb, dbz creator had a wife and kids. But he was famously a shut-in and a very private person.

That’s what it’ll take OP.
Then am I not interested in anything at all? Because this is what it's like for everything that I've ever tried doing even for non creative hobbies or just anything in general. I have also been writing obsessively for the past 12 years and gave up on that too.
I have literally tried doing several artistic hobbies and gave up each of them immediately when I was a teenager.
>Gave up on Source Filmmaker
>Gave up on GameMaker
>Gave up on FireAlpaca
>Gave up on Photoshop
>Gave up on writing
I didn't know how any of them worked or what to do. I don't even know basic trig. Even when I look art guides, I literally cannot comprehend them or figure them out. I don't want to be stuck with no creativity or being unable to express myself. This is what it's like for literally everything I try doing. I'm not able to try and keep up with any hobby. Even writing, I do it sporadically and very rarely.

The only thing I've ever been able to do was writing by myself in my bed, otherwise doing nothing but jerking off, looking at videos and going to sleep. I've never been able to do any hobby that didn't give me instant dopamine.
Howie, you and your parents gave up on the therapist because you called early in the morning and they "sounded tired". You and your family are entirely self-sabotaging and completely in denial about it.
That was a different person. This other person was full on having conversations every week with me. Nothing came of it still.
Howie, you have copy pasted this EXACT response dozens of times for months and months. Stop wasting everyone's time. You're clearly not going to accept any advice you get here, and you're not willing to put in any significant effort.
They don't have a magic wand to make you problems go away. You have to put effort in, over a long period of time.
It doesn't stop being true just because I've posted it before. And the argument I'm proposing here is still true. You can't just say that I'm not interested in something when this is what it's like for everything that I try. Give actual advice that allows me to work through it, instead of just saying "I'm not interested".
How do I do that? How do I get rid of my executive dysfunction? How do I make myself pick up a pencil and follow along with any tutorial?
They didn't give me anything. No advice, no routines, nothing.
You sound like a pathetic faggot
Not owning up to his own mistakes
I had a stroke at 21 fucked bitches did my shit sure I’m a low life not doing anything in life without goals but atleast I can handle my addictions
Chill with the pills that shit is no good for you if your at the point of I can’t function without you an addict my guy that shit only goes in a downward spinal
Have a good one
If I can stay away from weed and fucking other woman you can stop with the pills
How am I not owning up to my own mistakes when I'm just following what professionals tell me to do?
>you're not willing to put in any significant effort.
I believe his is willing. Problem is he’s got ADHD. That means the thing that he wants to do he just can’t. I know it sounds absurd but welcome to adhd, it’s the disorder that fucks that part of the brain responsible for turning free will into action. It’s a bitch of a disorder.

But it just means working around it in clever ways.

>Then am I not interested in anything at all?
No. It’s adhd. You and I have the opposite issue. We’re interested in EVERYTHING. And the problem is, we get distracted non-stop, every second of every day. Our minds cannot sit still out of chasing after stimuli. That is why you struggle to sit down and see a drawing through to its end.

But you can still always be an artist. I personally know an ADHD guy who makes art, has his own comic. If he can do it so can you. But first you need to figure out what the adhd of doing things is. And i’ll tell you:

Do not expect to finish anything from 0 - 100 in one sitting. It won’t happen, okay? That’s okay, too. All it means is this - do it bit by bit. No, not bit by bit on one day. Bit by bit over however long it takes.
>Start a drawing
>You get distracted (that is OK let your mind wander, stop punishing it for doing that)
>leave the unfinished drawing somewhere visible so you can return to it when your focus comes back to it.
>Go back to it when you feel pulled to it, when your hyperfocus picks it up again
>Resume it bit by bit again
>Focus lost again? Okay, go wander mentally again, let it do that.
>rinse and repeat.

Bit by bit the drawing/writing/project gets done. “When?” don’t even ask the question. Just tell yourself “we get there when we get there”.

Accept this style of creativity. It’s the only way
Maybe you should be a man own up your wrongdoings not do them anymore and just change as a person
Grow out of your current self
If you need other peoples advice on what to do is right or wrong your not made for this
My problem isn't just the fact that I'm distracted. It's the fact that I feel like I'm too retarded to figure any of it out.
I literally don't know what the fuck I'm doing the moment I start drawing. I can't understand any of the fundamentals. Here's some of the video guides that I've looked at.
Every drawing exercise or guide looks flat out incomprehensible and too complicated for me to follow. I try following it, but I can never understand how to do it. I don't know how to apply it to things I want to draw and I flat out can't even complete any of the exercises.

I have tried the IC sticky, gave up after fucking up the first upside down sketch and never went back to it. Gave up on one line exercise and never went back to it. Gave up on Loomis once the body construction started. Gave up on Keys to drawing because that looked too complex and I can't even make myself read past a single paragraph because of me being distracted. Whenever I start drawing, I literally can't make sense of something as simple as drawing hair. I can't understand 3D perspective nor make sense of it in my brain.
Withdrawals can be a bitch but it's better in the long term, trust me. I was on xanax for a better part of 3 years and even after slowly tapering off I was absolutely miserable for more than a month. Then it sort of went away, you just have to bear through them.
>It's the fact that I feel like I'm too retarded to figure any of it out.
I know the feeling. That is a learned feeling, called learned helplessness. This persistent feeling is actually part of the ADHD experience. That means it’s something you learned, it was beat into you throughout life early on as a direct result of having adhd, especially if it wasn’t diagnosed.
>Teachers calling you lazy, blaming you for tardiness or lateness or unfinished work
>parents screaming at you for making mistakes or not doing things quick enough

That had a consequence on the psyche. It means you subconsciously are 100% convinced
“i am too retarded to learn, to do anything. I am a colossal fuck-up and I shouldn’t even bother trying anything.”

Every time you try to ignore that feeling and fight it by starting work, guess what happens? The work triggers the deep unconscious woundings and then you start feeling “fuck it, why bother? Who am i fooling? I’m shit at it anyway and wont improve, why bother?”
Then you quit at doing it. This is called self-sabotaging.

This part of ADHD can be unlearned. It is not caused by ADHD, it is just deep learned helplessness caused by troubling experiences that surrounded having the disorder growing up and how other people negatively reacted. That can be unlearned.

So you’re struggling with that emotional residual hangup ON TOP of executive dysfunction. So do not expect yourself to go from 0 - 100, or expect to learn things in an instant.

Take the time and trust the process.
How do I get past my executive dysfunction and actually start working on something? That's another huge issue.
I'm not often on /adv/ (or am I) and I'm pretty sure I already saw this post.
Is this a bot or do people really spam same posts on /adv/ lmao?
I mean I "get" logposting on /b/, but this shit is worse.
Read this part again a few times.

>Every time you try to ignore that feeling and fight it by starting work, guess what happens? The work triggers the deep unconscious woundings and then you start feeling “fuck it, why bother? Who am i fooling? I’m shit at it anyway and wont improve, why bother?”
>Then you quit at doing it. This is called self-sabotaging.

If you try to force yourself, you will self-sabotage. You are trying do force yourself by asking the question:
>How do I get past my executive dysfunction?

You don’t. And more importantly, you stop trying to get past it. And I know - you may immediately going to think “So that’s it? Do nothing at all? Just rot and let myself lose forever?”

If that is your first reaction, do not take it seriously. It’s ADHD’s [All or nothing] thinking kicking in.
>I couldn’t do everything I wanted to do at once and instantly know what to do?
>Then it must mean I can never do anything at all

Ignore that pesky thought. Call it out for the irrational thought that it is, it is irrational. No, you are not irrational personally, the thought is. Separate it from your identity. And without self-hatred, deem it for what it is, an unhelpful mindset.

Build the new mindset. The mindset of accepting executive dysfunction, allowing yourself to lose focus, trusting yourself that if you start a drawing that its okay to leave it unfinished and come back to it later. That is how you start to work WITH adhd and not against it.

Practice this mindset, it will take time to internalize. When it sets in, you will notice the big life lesson -
>It wasn’t the ADHD fucking you up and slowing your progress
>It was your relationship to your own adhd self that was broken and in need of the repair

Then you will see real improvements. Self-sabotage will be eliminated. And then you can work around executive dysfunction indirectly through smart techniques of behavioural control.
So, what smart techniques/ADHD ways of control can we do? If we accept that we cannot ever climb the mountain of [executive dysfunction] what does that mean? Means we’re goin’ ‘round the mountain, son. We’re using these techniques:

>Body-doubling (Do the thing you want to do in the company of others. Either in person or in call)
Your executive functioning receives a +10 buff when you are in the presence of other people. It turns out that being distracted while doing something WAS your brain’s way to help you focus this whole time. Your ADHD had your back this whole time?! Wow. So trust it. Apologize to it. ADHD people focus better when distracted by something else in the background, like chatting to others, or fidgeting with something in their hands. [notice how many adhds end up smoking? That’s why].

Doing what I already said. By not doing stuff. Allowing yourself to let go of a task and letting yourself enter free fall and go to another. Your brain is a polymath. It hates being stuck to one thing, it wants to see the other things. So let it.

Kitchen timer. Set to 30 mins. Pick a goal or task. Do what you can in 30 mins. When it goes off, set it for 15 mins and CHILL. Do whatever the fuck you want. Even if its doomscrolling who cares. Timer goes off. Set it to another 30, continue the work. Rinse and repeat rinse and repeat. Wow the big task got finished by cutting it into pieces!

>Greenout time
Feeling like you’re hitting your limit? About to burn out? Really bad week? Mind about to implode? Go find a natural green environment, a forest a park a trail with trees and rivers. Make sure it’s green as fuck with no grey stone modern concrete around. Just walk around and explore, walk, take it all in. Natural environments is proven to greatly lessen stress and anxiety. ESPECIALLY adhds. It calms everyone, but for people like us, it’s a literal lifeline.

There are many many more cheatcodes to explore.
Oh and one last hot protip:
>Sick of letting people down? Tired of feeling useless and incompetent and unreliable? Are you deeply angry at yourself for accidently ghosting others when you never meant to?

Try [time-doubling].
>”Hey adhdman when you wanna hang out?”
>”Uhh I dunno, um, let’s see..
In this moment, before you open your mouth, quietly acknowledge the time you were ABOUT to say but double it.

>”in 30 mins or something?”
WRONG, let’s retry it with the time doubling affect.
>”In one hour, for sure.”

Adhds always take twice as long to show up to the time they said they would. It takes them longer to shift gears to move into a new objective.

By giving yourself twice the amount of time, you ensure NO ONE gets disappointed. People don’t hate you for having adhd. They just hate it when you constantly seem like you didn’t care when you actually did.
Does this work even while I have autism as well?
Yep, though you’ll just need to accommodate the autism and make a few adjustments to each of those techniques to make it autism-friendly, that’s all.
Autism is a sensory disorder, so things are overwhelming for all of your senses: touch, taste, sight, smell, sound.

So body doubling, make sure it’s in chill quiet company.

Juggling tasks, make sure you have some routine in there. So instead of drifting to different tasks at random like vanilla ADHD, make sure you drift to a sequence of tasks that you create to your own liking. So art, then reading, then watching, then this then that. Whatever routine you wanna set, set it but let yourself give up each activity freely to go to the next. Then it’s AuDHD edition.

For pomodoro, just make sure the kitchen timer isnt loud as fuck lol

Greenout time, make sure the evironments are quiet and also you got your routine in there too, plot out a nice and familiar path as you explore and stick to it.
Thank you. Are you sure all of these will work?
Here - some more magic tricks for you OP:

>Can’t seem to have comfortable phone calls? Feeling impulsive when talking or just irritable?
Try pacing up and down while on the phone. Smoother conversation.

>Suck at remembering phone numbers or any series of important numbers?
Turn it into a catchy melody in your head. Hell, sing it aloud if you’re alone or not embarrassed. 28-446-1066~! Go ahead, read that number in a melody. Then close your eyes and try to remember it. Wow you just remembered it easily. Advertising companies use this phenomena to make their numbers stick to people’s head. It works. If the melody method doesn’r work, try the story method. 133569. 1(one day) 33 (two threes) met together, 5 (five days later) 69 (they formed a sixty-nine).

What we’re doing here is connecting dopamine with short-term memory. Try it as often as you remember to do it. If you forget, don’t mope, just trust you’ll remember it again.

>I can’t get out of my bed, even if I try hard
Make it a game. Tell yourself in a positive way “I bet my left nut you can’t get out of this bed in 5.. 4... 3... 2... 1...”
If you failed the game it means that just the practice round lol. Try again!

>I can’t seem to sleep and keep tossing and turning.
So listen to your brain. You can’t sleep, that’s ok. Get up. Go to a different room, but leave the screens behind. Just sit in quiet and chill for 30 mins or so. Or however long you feel. Then go back to bed. Repeat this until you fall asleep. Your brain just needs to get the memo that bedroom = sleepy nite nite
>How do I get rid of my executive dysfunction? How do I make myself pick up a pencil and follow along with any tutorial?
Fuck off with your bullshit, Howie. These are the exact questions you've been asking here for months and months. You've had literally hundreds of people give you advice and help. Really, it's time to stop now.
I am 1,000% sure they will work yes. And you need to be 1,000% sure it works too. That’s the mey: belief. Believe that it works, and it works.
The key: belief*

Almost dropped the key FFFUCK. But yeah here’s the key, go on take it, it’s all yours,
Yes, he really posts the same thing here several times a month. For some reason, this month has been quiet (maybe he went on a family vacation or the mods actually put on a ban that worked).
Sometimes I feel sorry for him, as he's clearly unhappy. But I also know he's not going to get any advice he's not heard already from many people here. At this point it's just for the attention.
Oh and last magic trick for the finale, you’re gonna love this one OP

>I can’t make myself draw no matter now hard K try.

It’s time to drop the memory anchor. It’s made of pure dopaminum STEEL my nigga. That’s dopamine but if it was steel. It’s a cool shiny orange anchor, because orange is the best color, i dont make the rules.

Here it is:
The next time you are drawing? Chew gum. If you don’t got a pack, go buy some. Don’t chew it before you get to drawing, be patient. Wait until you pick up the pencil. Okay? Then chew gum.

Just draw and chew. Okay you done drawing? Go do whatever. Repeat that step a few times the next times you draw.

So guess what?? You want to choose to make yourself draw? Chew gum. It will anchor your mind back into actually WANTING to draw. You get mentally teleported back to wanting to draw.

Tadaa you just made yourself draw lime you always wanted.

Good luck and stay (you).
nah it’s cuz he was telling the truth. none of the advice was helping, as the advice worked for people who don’t have AuDHD+Learned helplessness. It was a super specific combo of advice tailored for him he wanted, he just got it. he’s gonna use it and it’s gonna work. It’ll work 1 out of 10 times, then 2/10 times, then 3/10, then 4/10, then 5/10, then 6/10 times, then 7/10 then 8/10 then 9/10 then finally itll work every time.

He’ll realize he always had the capability to do what he wanted. He wanted to be consistently working on the thing he wanted to want. he already demonstrated he can do that, thats why he posts consistently. he just needs to nudge that same stubborn effort onto art instead of 4chan but he lacked the mental magic tools. he now has the tools.

good luck OP
I really want to believe you, but honestly, people like you have spent a lot of time and energy giving him help and advice just like you have. But because he has to put effort in and the results aren't instant, he gives up and posts here again, sometimes just one day later.
You clearly mean well and have a good heart, but I'm sad to say you have wasted your time. Have you considered volunteering or doing something else good, as I hate to see your effort wasted here.
I was happy to spend my time and energy here, I know of his threads, his nickname ‘howie’ he was given, etc. Even if he were to ask again, I’ll post again, gladly. Because I really don’t mind. If he needs another reminder so be it.

My effort isn’t a waste cuz he isn’t a waste. Not to put any of y’all on blast or throw shame around but just honest question: If all anyone ever tells someone is they’re a waste and not gonna make it or lazy or whiny or this or that or a lost cause etc etc.

is it really such a mystery that the person you constantly say it to will internalise it? and that he will end up doing that? because that’s all people tell him?

the power of words has the power of life or death. and if we just speak death, then people start to feel dead inside.
I'm not Howie but I'm 21 and living the exact same situation down to a T. It's nearly euphoric how perfectly what he said aligns with me, and how your advice sounds effective, all encompassing and manageable. Sure I've heard some of it elsewhere, but seeing it here and so neatly packaged makes my biased self more enclined to follow it. Got my diagnosis this spring after things went out of control. Completely abandonning even the thought of having hobbies, masturbating well after any arousal is gone using a secret wizard hand technique and unironically orgasming 20 times in a single session, well after I started shooting blank and being limper than at normal rest state, tensing my entire body so hard that I would get cramps, not even thinking about anything at all but pain. It's a mystery how I can fight back against prolactine out of pure addiction. I naturally adopted techniques already like daily color coded checklists and alarms for everything but I have allowed myself to get overwhelmed by my misery. My self-afflicted loneliness and desperate attempts to both fulfill my duties and to feed my ever-growing hunger for dopamine has made my relatives believe I am a narcissist. I berate, I argue, I react, I even fish for pity. Tonight, despite better knowing the nature of my condition and how it causes spikes of exaggerated hopes and delusions, I still dare to make this claim: We are so back. have indulged in self-pity for long enough. The time of fear, sadness and weakness HAS COME TO AN END. Thank you.
No problem! Thank you for receiving the message, it’s all yours now.
i’m not gonna say good luck.
instead, have a good certainty!
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That's rough buddy
Sorry, can't help
You need to be thrown into a new environment, ideally one that is merciless.
In the rare occasion you’re a genuine person, or a howie Samefag got (most likely the latter)
You’re literally contributing to the worsening of the board, it would be fine if he asked twice or thrice but this OP has literally been asking this for half a year , this month has been quiet for howie and STILL he’s posted thrice this week

You gain nothing from helping helpless retards like this, he has more or less admitted he just posts this shit to get yous) for dopamine

You say you’ll answer him again, so you’re probably as retarded as he is, but he isn’t here in good faith, he also samefags like a mf to keep these threads up. He ban evades, when other people who actually do need help have their threads die

I suggest you truly put effort elsewhere, because I know you know who howie is, but in the more likely you’re a samefag howie please consider suddoku
>is it really such a mystery that the person you constantly say it to will internalise it? and that he will end up doing that? because that’s all people tell him?
People don't tell him not to try; in fact it's the opposite. People tell him to try the advice he's already gotten in previous threads for months and months. And to try properly; not just think about it for a moment and explain why it won't work.
No one is saying he's a waste of time, but helping him is. Whatever advice someone wants to give, it's highly likely already been given in previous months. But it always gets ignored, and he instead spends his time making excuses and justifying why nothing will work.
You've got your advice, Howie. Now fuck off and put it into practice.
Are you fucking serious?
He really does just post for the attention now. People are absolutely wasting their time on him.

Stop watching this thread update and scroooooolling and actually do something. anything. faggot
same, same
idk, sleep, workout, learn, plan and execute, massive social(work with 200 per day), lots of sex, stay healthy
thatd basically got rid of almost every kinds of mental bullshit
Hey man if you're here, read this . I am in the same boat as yours, no aims, no goals, no hobbies, no interests, no ambitions, no nothing. Pure abolition. Except that I am not on any kind if medicine. Planned my suicide for next month. I am done with life. Waste of 27 years. Don't take my advice. Pull if you can. I have completely given up on life.
instead of that why not just quit leftism
Also I have in some 3rd world shithole financially bankrupt Islamic country, so my life is already fucked. I can't even hold a simple job. There is no way for me get the fuck out from this godforsaken country. All I do is just browse 4chan, chat with bots on silly tavern, YT, Spotify, download games off pirated sites, but get bored after playing 10 minutes. Even vidya has become mudance. I have given up brother. This life is not for me

Read this post again. I am not a leftist.
Are you talking any other drugs?
I'm the same man, good to hear cos I feel like killing someone daily and I thought about taking meds.

I do fuck all all day too. I've got a brain that could do anything. I recently aced an official maths exam despite not having had any exposure to maths for several decades.

I also think about doing things and half heartedly start them then quit. Coding, writing, drawing, acting. But it's not cos it's hard. It's cos it doesn't fucking matter. That's something I realised. If I write a book am I gonna be any happier? No. And writing fucking blows, it's boring as fuck. If I code will it matter? No. There's a gajillion coders out there and there's already every iteration of every single app you could think of, so what am I gonna make that could possibly be different or useful?

It's not laziness or it being too hard for you I think. It's that you know it's pointless. The amount of work you'd need to put in for any kind of reward would mean you'd be years in debt time wise before it yielded any rewards. Years of slaving away for the possibility that it might yield something. No thanks. And if the process isn't pleasurable what's in it for you? There's already every book under the sun, every film, every program. It's all finished.

We're brainwashed into being these cerebral robots who must always produce all the time. Cramming your head with facts and data is for autistic soulless retards.

For me, sitting around and doing nothing is the highlight of my life cos it's the only time I get to experience anything resembling what I am naturally entitled to as a human being: freedom.

And that's the issue. You're essentially fucking working on your free time no matter what you do. Learning guitar, painting, coding. It's all work. When do you ever get to do what you want?

So what if you want to be alone, scroll online shit and do nothing? That's the closest to your natural innate state and right to be free we'll all ever get.
Also, the reason you feel nothing on drugs is because you can't drug away the soulless pointless existence of life.
Everything is utterly soulless capitalism and a fucking scam. Drugging people to cope with the natural breakdown that this causes is barbaric, old fashioned, stupid, ignorant and a scam.
Then what is the solution man?! who's gonna pay the fucking bills? cmon tell me.
How do I fix my shakiness?
not OP but this was a well written post that brought up some things to reflect on for sure. I 100% swear to you that I genuinely had the exact same outlook on life as you did. To an extent I still have it too. But idk man, something changes when you gain something. Has to be something important though, something you'd at least want to protect. Could be anything - a unicorn angel of a woman, an innocent kid you wound up with, maybe it's reputation you built or something, anything. Once you acquire it whether it's on purpose or through life's motions, something just changes in you.

You begin to care. And all the annoying shit like jobs, menial tasks, hobbies, they all end up becoming part of caring for that something, somehow. I still have deep distrust for other humans to an extent, still got no allegiance to anything in this world besides what I care for, but my whole point is, having those things didn't make me lose freedom that's the weird part. It somehow made me feel like I gained more, even though before I had all the freedom in the world. Idk if it makes sense, just my thoughts on your insightful post.
>this is what one too many videogames does to a motherfucker
kek. At least you're not one of those filthy normie NPCs, right? Keep winning, son.
Well fuck me it's like I posted this myself

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