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This attractive young lady that I used to work with is trying to monkey branch to me I think. I quit the job and she reached out to me through texting, talking about tv shows and dumb shit, nothing sexual though. It's either monkey branching or attention seeking, I'm 7 years older than her, why would she be talking to me when she has a boyfriend? Should I cut her off? I believe if you are interested in someone else you should make that be known and not hide it and act like you're a "friend".
Are you gay?
why would I be gay based on what I said?
stay away, unless youre trolling her.
So what are you mad about exactly? That she might be monkey branching or that she's not more open about it?
No one is ever open about it, women even less so. Unless you have a gf yourself, why not take her up on it?
>an attractive young woman might be interested in me
What's NOT gay about this?
Kill her
>So what are you mad about exactly?
Because I'm not really getting anything out of this, we don't go out, I'm not her friend, we're not having sex. I feel like she's using me for attention. I don't like the possibility of that, now granted, I'm not the one who engages, she always texts me, just talking about stuff, mainly a certain tv show, or people I used to work with and the latest nonsense from that office, or just stupid shit that women talk about, but I just listen and talk with her, however I get the feeling she's more interested in running her mouth than really having a conversation. Sometimes she will talk shit about her close girlfriend or even her bf.

It annoys me because she has a boyfriend, like why the fuck talk to me, go talk to him, it confuses me and I'm not really getting anything out of this deal, she's hot so it is kind of frustrating too.
You might be the biggest autist posting here and boy howdy, does that ever say a lot.
>might be
that's the problem. So what's the "non gay" thing to do?
>oh she's attractive? kneel and worship her, listen to everything she says and be emotionally available to her!
I'm not gay but you are a simp that's for sure.
ok thanks for nothing. That really doesn't say anything.
You know it's funny anon, you greentexted me but I can't seem to find that quote in my actual post.
Almost like I didn't really say that...
>stay away
this is probably the best advice, always stay away from when that have a boyfriend and try to friendzone you, nothing good will come of it except wasted time and hurt feelings.
it's implied
It's really not though.
Ok then so what are you saying?
I'm staying you should stop being a faggot and enjoy a pretty girl having interest in you. Either take her up on it, or at least show some grace and not be an asshole, whining to anonymous other men about it.
Where you get "kneel to your kween and worship her" out of that is beyond me, but sounds like you might have some unresolved trauma you need to address here OP.
>I'm staying you should stop being a faggot and enjoy a pretty girl having interest in you.
Did I mention it's been 18 months? Yeah I've been talking to her for a while and "enjoying it" for what it's worth I guess.

>Either take her up on it
take her up on what exactly? she hasn't made any kind of offer.

>but sounds like you might have some unresolved trauma you need to address here OP.
what could that possible be idk

I believe she has a crush but this shit is annoying because personally I'm getting nothing out of this except the fat that I'm talking to a young, attractive girl. Meanwhile she's getting to text and talk an older guy she "may like" and get her attention fed then go fuck her boyfriend. Understand?
If you don't care about her and have no interest in her, then why do you care if she fucks her boyfriend?
And if you DO want to take a crack at it yourself, why have you not made any kind of move on her and just talked about tv shows?
For 18 months, no less? (which no you didn't mention)
Nothing about your thread premise makes any sense. Oh and I missed this before but you being 7 years older means nothing and if that's what stops you, it's pure cope on your end. 7 years is nothing. If younger women are into you, that's a GOOD thing you idiot.
It's a strange concept to you, but it is technically called "being friendly."
Yeah, even if she's not interested OP is just being an anti-social prick who won't talk to people unless he "gets something out of it".
It's really hard to feel sorry for people like this.
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I think you should go for her, man. It's going to be worth it, she's saying the sluttiest shit when she's needy and you can rest assured that she'll be coming back multiple times.
Okay so what am I supposed to do? Just continue to be a "friend" to her until her crush is finally over and she leaves me alone? Like I said I don't usually initiate conversation, she does, pretty much 95% of the time, don't you find that odd? Like if you always have to text someone first multiple times a week and don't care that you're doing it, doesn't it say you're an attention whore who only cares about getting fed, you're not really having an organic reciprocated friendship, you just need to be fed attention. You don't care what the other person really has to say, you just want to talk. It's like you're forcing yourself on someone and don't give a shit.

well with my real friends we don't need to talk every other day, I can go weeks or months without talking to them and then pick right back up like nothing happened, that's organic and natural. She's trying to suck attention from me on a regular basis, for what? We're not in a relationship, It's narcissistic I think.
what the shit is monkey branching
that's a man
>It's narcissistic I think.
Anon, I think you assuming that anyone is just dying for your attention because it's oh so valuable is equally narcissistic.
And if you really didn't enjoy it, you'd just stop answering and she'd eventually get the hint and leave you alone. Clearly, you haven't done that..
Idk but OP is a hugely insecure retard who can’t make up his mind. Sad.
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It's what people who fear being alone do. It's also fucked up.
But I didn't sayin she's "dying for my attention because it's so valuable". But my attention does have value to women, all male attention does, it's partly why pretty girls like social media so much, lots of male attention makes them feel good.

>And if you really didn't enjoy it-
Well to an extent it's flattering but that's about it.
>you'd just stop answering and she'd eventually get the hint and leave you alone. Clearly, you haven't done that..
Okay but if I "ghost" her then I'm the asshole right?

Yet what she's doing "trying to build an emotional attachment with another man" while still in a relationship, that's ok and normal? Instead of just being honest and saying "anon I like you" or I'm interested in you. It's so dishonest and immature.
>he expects a woman, let alone a younger woman, let alone a woman in a relationship to just come out and say she likes him
>instead of him just getting the hint
Literal weapons-grade autism on display here OP.
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Okay then at least break up with your boyfriend before stealthily trying to engage someone else. It's fucked up and she'd do the same thing to me. So what option does this leave me with as a man? 1. Play her game, get her to leave her bf, fuck her, then dump her so she doesn't do the same thing to me. 2. Ghost her. Both make me look like the asshole.

She whines about her bf, straight up told me once that her best friend told her she should leave her bf when she was whining about him and then she thought to herself
>"no, if I left him then I'd be single and alone like you" (like her friend)

She's trying to switch from one branch (male) to the next without ever touching the ground (being alone), that's not healthy, a normal person would end the relationship they're unhappy with, heal and then move to another. Honestly the only reason I still tolerate her is because of her attractiveness, she's fucking hot and I'm a man, otherwise I would have just cut her off a long time ago. Maybe I should take option 1.
>monkey branch to me
what is it with you people how have you never heard this term?
Because we aren’t 14
Hey retard, it’s cool you’re trying to take the moral highground about cheating and all, but be real for a second: young girls cheat. Thats what they do. She’s not married, dating is not a biblical concept, it’s a jewish concept. You should have very few qualms about fucking her you dumbass. It’s not adultery. Just fuck her you fucking idiot retard my god

You’re autistic
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Yeah okay but she's not gonna fuck me unless I commit to the boyfriend/relationship thing first, that's the fucking problem. Then she will dump the guy and monkey branch to me. If she wanted to fuck it would have already happened. She obviously wants me to fuck her but she doesn't want to do it while still with the guy/not in a relationship with me, that's the way it's coming off anyway.
I don't get it are you implying that I was trying to say the girl in my OP post is the chick? obviously not.
*if she only wanted to fuck it would have already happened that is.

she's looking to get new cock and feel okay morally about it because "oh I didn't really cheat", this is my new bf
>She obviously wants me to fuck her but she doesn't want to do it while still with the guy/not in a relationship with me, that's the way it's coming off anyway.
As that anon just said...as I said before too...you're autistic my man.
How am I autistic?
problem is btw, I don't want a relationship with her, I just want to fuck her. Who would want a relationship with someone that's gonna seek out a new partner behind your back?
>monkey branching
What the fuck does this mean? Type clearly for non-English ppl here (inb4 that’s English).
So then stop pussyfooting around and fuck her, you retard. No one is telling you to wife the girl up.
okay, so have her break up with the guy, lie and behave like I want a relationship with this toxic cheater, fuck her until I've had my fill and then dump her. Man that's evil
Yeah she monkeybranching aka cheating. Either curb her, or fuck her a few times but tell her you’re not looking for anything serious. If you believe in justice, make her break up with her bf, pump and dump her when it suits you best and then ghost XD
>lie and behave like I want a relationship with this toxic cheater
>then dump her
No one said either of those things.
just google the picture and there was a thread on /b/ full of her pics, but no texts or anything, so I guess this must be some daydreaming retard
obviously I'm not going to post the real girl you retard.
Just have sex with her, are you retarded?
I would but it's not that simple.
>I'm 7 years older than her,
that isn't a negative. why do you think this would matter? most women don't care if a guy is older
You have the right to not be interested too. If you don't want to talk to her you don't have to.
What a stupid fucking thread. If you want to fuck her, ask her out or something. That’ll determine whether or not it’s monkey branching or attention seeking. Either way, that relationship with her bf is probably on it’s way out.
If you don’t want anything to do with her, ignore her. Period.
>monkey branch
FFS, stop.
The PUA shit isn't real.
>and she reached out to me through texting, talking about tv shows and dumb shit, nothing sexual though. It's either monkey branching or attention seeking,
She's 9?
>why would she be talking to me when she has a boyfriend?
People have friends. Well - *other people* have friends
>The PUA shit isn't real.
the term "monkey branch" has nothing to do with PUA
The term referred only to social climbers until PUAs hijacked it, like the other misuses words & pseudoscience they toss around.
this woman today asked me to move my car because i had parked in a reserved parking space

i told her to stop monkey branching me, im fucking done with these manipulative women
Shes just attention seeking.
Don't get mixed up with someone who's taken.
They'll play you for attention while being wishy washy in their relationship.
It's easier to be with a single person who you can love and fuck on a regular basis.
Ohhh noooo, anon has to take some risk in life. Nooooo. What to you mean pussy is not served up on a golden platter for anon? That’s what his mommy informed him would happen if he was a good boy.
Of course she won't be open about it because she has a boyfriend and she doesn't want him finding out. She's probably feeling you out and seeing if you're interested, then she'd leave her BF for you. Unfortunately you sound autistic since you had to ask online for this so it won't end well for you.
I've seen her, damn what a whore!
if you want to fuck her invite her over, if not then stop talking to her. You write like a retard and act like one
Troll this is horrible advice
why is it horrible advice? He should just keep talking to her and do nothing? If she's interested then she'll fuck, if not then she declines and you don't talk to her anymore.
>you sound autistic
you imbeciles throw this word around for everything.
sure but he isn't wrong, in this case op is literally autistic
not being able to read obvious social cues is a sign of autism.
>>31661434 < This zoomer faggot simp doesn't know what he's talking about.
She's stringing you along and using you as an emotional tampon/ for attention as you've already guessed. Nothing good will come of this. Maybe she's on the rocks with her current bf and she's putting feelers out for a plan B guy for when things fully deteriorate. If you have any self respect you'll stop replying to her. Guarantee you're not the only sap she's got dangling on the line rn.
She's looking for leverage you retard. You're going to lose your job.
What goes around comes around anon.

You will be the next branch, many such cases. Pump n dump or if you value your time don't even play with crazy.
Other older women and simps will care a fuck ton and try to get you fired/arrested or might even try to kill you. I wouldnt touch this topic with a ten foot pole personally
>but it is technically called "being friendly."
this is considered "grooming" nowadays
if she is of legal consenting age then no you won't get arrested or killed over it
just reg friend
He’s being a faggot. You’re a normal amount of autism for this place so don’t worry. Idk anon I feel your pain but I honestly feel all women monkey branch. Even my pure innocent religious sister did that shit. I hate it too but I’m guessing it’s something guys just have to accept. Don’t marry these girls just have fun too or maybe look for a unicorn but trust me it’s hard holding out hope for that
Just text her to come over one night. You'll find out real quick one way or the other
OP is doing this all wrong by trying to abstractly theorize about relationship nonsense.
All that matters in your life is time, and what you do with it.
If you were just staring off into space or taking a shit at the gym and texting some random hottie interferes with that, who cares? Keep going, its more fun that staring off into space without texts from a hottie. Its OK to just have fun in your life without it all being a superhero villain detailed plan for world domination.
If you are ruining your life by staying in texting this chick instead of meeting people or you are turning down other chicks because you like Ms.Text that is a HUGE mistake either get it on with her or get away from her but don't waste your time.
Its like having an neurotic debate about the metaphysical goodness of drinking alcohol whereas normal functioning people do it to have fun as long as an excess doesn't F up their lives. Treat this chick like a bottle of whiskey; if you're having a great time keep on doing it, and if its ruining your life then quit yesterday.
Good advice on this board. Please post more often.
>What's NOT gay about this?
Not OP, but low intelligence (young age) is really unattractive to me. I'm turned off if she's a day younger than me.

Also, if she's in a relationship with someone else, I wouldn't want to aid her in cheating.

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