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For the past year and a half ive just been so tired and jaded for no reason. Diet is great, in best shape and health ive ever been but
>always tired even having overslept. Literally getting 9-10 hours of sleep but still waking up aching and sleepy
>sex drive is almost dead
>really dont enjoy socialising and avoid people
>hobbies are fucking boring now, start doing a "fun" tasks and im just like "whats the fucking point"
>generally cynical about the future
>muscles ache constantly especially legs
>just wanna stay in bed and watch TV
Been to see the doctor 3 times now and they can't fucking figure it out. Bloods are looking healthy, testosterone is normal for my age (26), I dont drink or do drugs. This all seemed to have happened during my last job which I got fired from but have better one. I've also lost a fuck tonne of weight in that time too and continue to cut a lot of calories.

I'm running out of ideas. I waste so much time just being tired.
Sounds like textbook depression, actually surprised your doctor hadn't caught it. You seen a psychiatrist yet?
>I've also lost a fuck tonne of weight in that time too and continue to cut a lot of calories.
Mmm I wonder if that could cause low energy and trouble maintaining your body.
>You seen a psychiatrist yet?
Nah but I think thats on the cards now. Initially dismissed depression since ive been fine but I dont really feel emotion other than irritation and apparently thats depression too.
yeah, ive spent too long on fit. But most days I only cut maybe 300-500 cals which is supposed to be manageable without ruining your energy.
Yeah brother. Get checked for it, get the help/meds/whatever you need before it balloons into a worse situation and you lose everything you've built up.
>you lose everything you've built up.
what does this mean?
Job/gainz/diet/health/friends/family/lifestyle. Literally everything.
Same anon. Depression is a nasty beast. I'm being a little fatalistic here, some people live with minor depression every day, but it's a hell of a lot easier to manage it before even giving it the chance to get worse, than it is once/if it actually does.
Yeah, fair. Although the meds id rather stay away from since they really will undo the work ive done on myself. Theres no way I want to be fat again.
maybe lupus? my friend saw doctors for years before getting diagnosed. add some depression on top of that in your case.
>always tired even having overslept. Literally getting 9-10 hours of sleep but still waking up aching and sleepy
Get tested for sleep apnea. If it turns out you do have it, getting that machine will solve all your problems.
it's never lupus
Sounds like low test. Consult an endocrinologist and get your hormone levels checked (only after consulting a doctor)
Exercise. Go to the gym, run, swim, find some kind of exercise you like and pursue it. It helps a lot with getting good sleep and your mood, as well as raising T levels. Get on it.

>losing weight

Nope, it's bulking time. Change your diet, get bigger and start lifting.
>listen bro, ive been goin to this club recently. its changed me completely. every one of ur symptoms, i had but 10x worse. thing is... they have this really strict rule where ure not supposed to talk about it... but just between us bros...
>I've also lost a fuck tonne of weight in that time too and continue to cut a lot of calories.
Uhhh how much? I think if it's over like 5% it could be cancer.
oversleeping is bad, you do damage to yourself the longer you sleep, around 8 being the norm.

sometimes you need more than 8 but 9 10 is overkill and will fuck you up on a daily basis. check blood pressure, salt levels, insulin/sugar levels, magnesium levels

Oversleeping is damaging to your health especially if you cancel the alarm and go back to bed
tl;dr: griping; this should probably go in the GIOYC thread but the subject here was very relevant to my situation.

I've been like this pretty much my entire life, save a couple years in high school. I feel simultaneously younger and older than most all other people in the room, my three old highschool friends come off as immature teenagers (but they basically are), and I generally hate the future and thinking about it.
I realized that my stunted development resulted in a few things, but the most pertinent is that I became a curmudgeonous hermit at a point in my life when it was a really bad idea to do so. I essentially wasted my youth, college years, and early twenties to sitting around, reading old books, and griping with all the old people I know and making references to things that haven't been relevant in decades. In college, when I would talk no one would know what I was referencing and I would only have a foggy idea of what they were, which was a bitch because when this was happening to me in elementary school, I thought that people in the future would appreciate my unique knowledgebase and viewpoints. It doesn't work that way, apparently. I get along swimmingly with people over the hill, but to start a life I realize that I need to get someone younger than me or close to my age. Anything else and you're either getting arrested or latching half-assedly onto someone else's life story.
I might be depressed but I'm pretty sure everyone in my immediate family is to some extent and we've all been living with it so long that we are basically functional depressives, if that's a real thing. I have a fancy degree from an elite school, go to the gym everyday, eat well, et cetera. But I get OP when he says all of his old hobbies seem really asinine and the instant you enjoy something your mind critically thinks about it and you go back to reading books locked in time.
it's always lupus
and lyme's

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