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>Continue of >>31652219

>OP message
I really need help! This is serious and could happen to anyone of you.

I suspect my neighbor broke in to my appartment a while back and always had a feeling I was watched. Now months later in a new nearby city in my new appartment it seems people in the surrounding area are now gossiping I'm gay due to a video circulating. I shortly thereafter went back to where I grew up for a family visit and people in that area who I knew from childhood, but lost contact but briefly again saw on the street started whispering to eachother of how suprised they were I was gay. Describing details of how I masturbate even which brand of creme I use in substitution to lotion, which no one should know.

Yet I am not gay!

My only conclusion is that the video(s) do(es) exist and I would like to find them.

Are they any anons here who might be able to help me in my search? If it is spreading that rapidly then it must be social media of some sorts. I have tried searching on twitter, instagram, google even use specific keywords that describe me to search through xhamster, pornhub, xnxx and other gay porn sites to see if I was uploaded without my consent.
Don't knwo how to index telegram or whatsapp. Not sure if its even possible.

Tell me what you would need from me to find it.
>my last responses: response1

OP here. Just woke up.
Thank you firstly for the sincere replay.

>radio detector
Hmm tried something similar using and EMF app, but you really need to know what you are looking for. Also used the IR capabilities on my phone, had all the lights off and scanned to see if I could find any cameras. But this only works if the cameras have night vision.
>things that are plugged in/ battery powered
Believe me... in that old appartment any little hole i suspected was taped off (cracks, power outlets, screws where the philipps shape indentation seemed off), though my suspicion only began late of 2023 (where I felt someone had broken in), I moved in mid 2022 (could be that I was recorded from the get go)
>get a flashlight, lenses reflect
done this and found nothing in the old appartment aswell as new
>my last responses: response2

These are not some random neighbors. I had an altercation with one of them, due to loud thumping from above and suspected gossip, since previously word was going around the neighborhood that I was racist. They would yell something from above and I would call them small dicked useless men and if his wife would want a good fuck with a big dick she could ring my door. My attacks/ rebuttles were mostly against his masculinity and it seems they were ethnically albanian, which if you attack their family or masculinity/honour they go beserk.
So late 2023 I left country for a short while and came back to notice my lock was easier to open than usual. My key always had issues during insert and turning, but now worked with little applied pressure. My first thought was someone broke it, yet nothing was missing. Soon after though I noticed perfect synchronicity of when we would head of to bed. I would shut off all lights and 15min - 30min he would audibly do the same. I dont have a real schedule so I go at random times between (10pm - 3am) and consistantly having your neighbor above you doing the same is odd. I remember him even utting out that FINALLY I am heading off to sleep, before I even turnoff the light switch. That is when I felt I was being spied on.

>to be continued
>my last responses: response3

Eitherway there was a fallout between us and before giving up the appartment he then promised that he would destroy my life. Now as in my first post I feel like he is trying to do so, by having my nudes/videos of my masturbating spread, which is now an attack on my masculinity, due to how I masturbate in the privacy of my home.
And yes, alot of people beginning from a few weeks ago are making me the talking point of how I presumed to be so masculine and am now an embarrasment of a man.
Could also be that he photoshoped/ generative AI'd me or my member to look gay/smaller.

There is more to this story that I have left out since we are talking about an experience lasting for 2 years. I also need to leave some details out so I am not doxxed.
Don't understand. Are you mocking me for posting this on /adv/ or did you mistaken this board for another?

Yes, people dont talk like this unless this dude actively spreads it around town. But me residing by my family members and then being close to my window (close to the street) and being spotted by some random passerbys who look at me, smirk and then quickly one says to the other "That's him who lives there. He is really gay, hehe" or another situation where I am eating peacefully and one dude speaks to his girl and says "Him, over there, he actually gay" "How do you know?" "Everyone knows" is mond boggling.

My writing style seems like that because I have been writing and asking for so long and havent really gotten any help in the matter.
Not a larp
This sounds like schizophrenia or a psychotic episode in general. See a psychiatrist, I'm serious. Do you do drugs?

I could elaborate for hours on why these people aren't actually putting in the effort to spy on you. I believe you when you say they are terrible people, but you gotta believe me too.
>missed questions: question1

>sounds pretty much like ur making this up, not saying it is, just sounds like it
Believe me I'm not trying to waste anyones time here. It costs me way too much time creating these threads and trying to write my experiences without doxxing myself.
Like I've said before, this has been going in for a while now. My suspicion of breaking and entering since September. Gossip of me being a racist since November and gossip of me being gay due to me being seen in a video doing [action1] while touching [bodypart1] using [brandproduct1] starting in June. The actions in this supposed video I have last done in December. So hearing this being talked about between individuals on the street near my appartment building or when I am noticed going to the store is odd.

>besides that, why dont u try just simply asking these people why they think that?
How? How would you go about doing that? Sometimes its usually them passing my window. The time it takes for me to get clothes and shoes on is the time they are vanished. If it's on the street I'm not sure how to encounter and start up a convo? "Did I hear you calling me gay?" without it looking like I want to fight them.

>From a point of view, of a person that did not fap at home and knows he got filmed, doesnt know anything about these "rumors". So it would be most realistic to be confused and ask them where they are getting this from.
Not sure if I understand this. When I question you want me to act 'dumb' ?
Sry, whats the point going to /adv/ if all you do is say "take your meds"?
You arent helping anyone. You and the rest are not psychologists or psychiatrists. Your medical advice has no weight. Try helping me with advice as if I were your bf or gf who has filmed without their knowledge!

I need help on trying to figure out WHERE to find these vids being spread and HOW, yet no one has helped me on that in my OP.
pimeyes? yandex images? telegram? is revenge porn or mock porn posted there? What keywords would make sense when searching? Are groups also idexable by location meaning my location on phone will find groups in that location? I have even tried gay tiktok, gay instagram, gay twitter and porn sites and searched for 'solo masurbation' of men with my body build + 'hidden camera' + etc, yet no findings.
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I replied to you the way I did precisely because I have a person in my life who is sick and constantly thinks they're being spied on. So fuck you. "Helping" you search for shit that doesn't exist, based solely on whispers you heard from a mile away isn't help, it's exacerbating your problems. Hearing people whisper from that far doesn't make sense, man! You're hearing voices!

Before you try searching for vids or cameras, you need to question your assumption that people -are- filming you or spying on you, you need to question your assumption that people have a good enough reason to bother with you that much. What if you're wrong?

Also, I'm not giving you medical advice. Go to a doctor for that. I'm just giving you general advice, based on what you've posted so far. Your story doesn't make any sense, your conclusions have no solid basis.
>I don't really know how to put it into words, ones that reassure that my concern is sincere and attempting to be accurate -- but they are, so uh, that.
I am glad for any sincere help you can give, but if it's just a snide comment like "take your meds shizo" from prior people then I don't want to hear it.

>sending you eternally good vibes.

>do you ever find that you're unable to stop thinking in any given moment?
> the voice in YOUR head silences completely.
yes, it's not like I am thinking about this every second of the day. I try to go on with my life. I have other things to do. I go take a walk to purchase some food, thinking of all the nice views and pictures I could take. Am content with myself. Finally stand in line for that nice kebab. Get it, head back out to find a nice bench to sit on, but am so hungry I start eating on the way there. Find that nice bench in the shade and relax while the cool wind blows on my face. Enjoying the meal, then... "man: Yeah that's him I swear he is totally gay", "girl: Really how do you know" "man: Everybody knows now". I swivvel my head to where the sound is coming from and there they are looking at me. Once our eyes connect they steer off.
I even remember being ripped out of my midday sleep by 2 women at the entrance of my building gossiping about A man who is sopposedly gay living here. One woman asks if she is sure the other replies "yes, they have videos of him".
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Don't need to be a helicopter pilot to see something is wrong when a choppes is sideways in a tree.
>but, your mind can quickly fill the void of that uncertainty with something that isn't there. you need to recognise that, and then probably discuss it with someone. I can almost guarantee that this isn't real, because there is a severe lack of local community in the world, and most people don't know each other. someone would probably tell you if they recognised you. people talk to porn stars in the street just sort of like "omg I coom to you" and if there was hidden spy video, then someone would probably tell you and be like "bro are you aware this is happening"
Lack of community? Not if you are in a smaller country with major cities lying 10-20km apart and commuting through those cities is geographically a must. Its typical here to live in one and work in the other. Very close knit. But, since the gossip is going around that I am racist+woman hater I am seen as the villian. No one helps the villian. People want the villian to fail in life.
I honestly have a feeling people are enjoying my downfall. As if I am a spectacle. I wish there was someone who could point me to what's currently happening around me, but no one will.
The only public interaction I am getting when outside or commuting is:
>from randoms the suprise of my sexuality "He is gay" etc.
>from albanians cursing/act of wanting to get me, but these are usually empty words because when they are alone they are too pussy (I hope to have not enraged any friendly albanians reading this but this is what I have experienced) "quifa nonen peder, budal, we will get you" etc.
Can YOU say "Paranoia"?
All I know is they want to shatter the little reputation I have. So I wouldnt be suprised if they made pics/ videos and spread them or even made fake account on GRINDR or what not to get me. I wouldnt even be suprised if they photshopped my dick to be small, but luckily for me this is not the first instance of me getting spotted naked in my kitchen at my window, which was maybe 4 years ago and only spread in the small town. Chuckling here and there mostly positive whispering by women, while men were pissed.
But I could live with that, since it retained my masuclinity.

Now it is a strike against it.
You're wrong. A lot of people want to help a "villain" and see him improve and succeed in life.

The question is, do YOU enjoy seeing people fall?
>from a mile away
It's not a mile. It's literally in talking distance. max 20meters

>people have a good enough reason to bother with you that much
me pissing off the wrong people aka weird gay albanian neighbor stalker type or due to my personal/ private views (only knowable by bugging my appartment) now see me as a misogynist and want to see me fail/ get hurt
Like a pet project. They know I have no friends. They know I am an easy target. They are envious because I have a great job and earn alot of money. They want to get me.

P.S with stalker type I mean that there has been an albanian faggot (not sure if neighbor because I never saw the person) come at 1am screeming towards my window saying he will find me whereever I go. His pathetic faggoty screaming is what woke me out of my sleep beginning June. Happened like 4 times. Since then havent had anymore issues. But by what her was saying, he definitely knew me and was spouting things only the person I was with at the time could know, hence why I decided to wipe all my phones (mspy stalkerware) and change phone numbers.

>Your story doesn't make any sense, your conclusions have no solid basis.
Might be because I am trying to hide alot of information otherwise I will be doxxed if you knew which country I am currently residing in. Its hard trying to tell you guys what happened to me if the large chunk of info is doxxable.
All I need you to do is not question my story, but give me tipps on how to handle what I am going through and how to find what I am looking for.
Why would anyone film you doing gay shit.

Why would anyone watch you doing gay shit.

Why would anyone bother talking about watching you do gay shit in a walking distance from you.
Please refer to (altercations with neighbor) >>31666075

You think I dont think such a person is insane? If you were to insult me with a word I wouldnt go leaps and bounds to destroy your life like in the Russel Crowe movie Unhinged! But it seems that neighbor and his extended family does.
Stop spamming this.
I don't think anyonr would go out of theirbway to destroy their dumb neightbor.
Your hypothesis has so many holes in it...

Your neighbor would have tongobout of their wau to monitor you.
To adultererted the contwnts of the videos.
To post SOMWHERE ONLINE and since such videos are a crime he would have to post somewhere lowkey.
People you know would not only have to be willing to watch smut films if YOU but randomly stimnle upon it.
People would not only have to have watched, remember watching but also be willing to talk about watching it in front of you.

Doesn't that seem a bit unlikely?
No is photoshoping smutnfilms of you and posting online. You are not that important.

Maybe google confirmation bias and the spotlight effect.
>me pissing off the wrong people aka weird gay albanian neighbor stalker type or due to my personal/ private views
So you acted like an asshole for no reason and now is terrified of the possible consequences of such actions. Hahahaha serves you rigth if true. You sound like an asshole and seeing you stuck in this little hell you mad in your mind is kind of funny. Sorry.

If ream you can't do anything about it. Learn to deal with it. I suggest CBT therapy.
I'm your neighbor, you are correct about everything. I am uploading videos and photos of you as we speak. This is my revenge
If that's true what happenend to me between Febuary and April. Only you should know

>So you acted like an asshole for no reason and now is terrified of the possible consequences
No, I had reason to act like this, can't say or I'll be doxxed. Something to due with theft.

I would be the happiest man if that were the case. I dont want to be in the spotlight. I have always lived my life as a shutin.

No, because its a real issue, and till now I still hvent gotten any help on this. I have only been giving more and more information to try and convince you guys that this is really happening to me.

>Your neighbor would have tongobout of their wau to monitor you.
This I have thought about, what if the appartment I received was bugged from the get go. I was never the target, but my life and what I was doing was that interesting or funny for them. Just me having a fight with him brought everything to a boiling point and now they have shit on me. Like I said the talks about me and how I masturbate are precise. Only people present in my bathroom coulve seen how I did it and what I used.

>To post SOMWHERE ONLINE and since such videos are a crime he would have to post somewhere lowkey.
Exactly, hence why I am thinking of a group chat on whatsapp or telegram. But how do I go ahead at finding it? It's either people near me have stumbled on the chat due to a misleading post of me (either a fake social media profile) or he has purposefully been spreading it amongst others who are willing to see it. (e.g a tiktok vid with title "check this racist guy out living in [city1]" and those who happend to search for lacation would spot it)
>remember watching but also be willing to talk about watching it in front of you.
I think my attributes are very rememberable the same with my face.
Stop fedding his delusions. This is not ethical.
>what if the appartment I received was bugged from the get go.
Thats even more unlikely. Face it, you are just not that important. It's sad but at the same time kind of freeing.
>Exactly, hence why I am thinking of a group chat on whatsapp or telegram.
How would the people that live next to you and the people in your childhood share a groupchat?
Is there any way for this to affect your life directly?
No. It's the same if it wasn't real. Move on.

Prepere yourself for when this consequences come. And move on.

This is your lot in life mate.
>Is there any way for this to affect your life directly?
Yes, my reputation as a man! If I am considered gay all possible female prospects are gone! No woman will be interested.

Like I said this manic albanian homosexual stalker presenting as straight has physically been present at both my new appartment and the one of my family members yelling at fucking 1am in the morning of how he is going to get me etc.
In my new area he literally started showing it to people from his phone. The area of my childhood...I dont know.
>Like I said this manic albanian homosexual stalker presenting as straight has physically been present at both my new appartment and the one of my family members
Do you have any concrete evidence or proof of this? If so sue him.

>In my new area he literally started showing it to people from his phone
Again sue him.

>The area of my childhood...I dont know
Don't you agree this is kind unlikely?

And it's more plausable you are just scared and being scared made you see evidence where there was none? Misheard or misinterpreted?
Brother he is right you sound schizophrenic. You need to seek some actual help.
>Yes, my reputation as a man! If I am considered gay all possible female prospects are gone! No woman will be interested.
How likely is a video circulating in a ingroup of people (which is already far fatched and absurd) affect your reputation and skill to seduce random unrelated women?
Dude literally thinks the world revolves around him and everyone and every women is talking about the weird ass way he masturbates or something.
Come on dude, you are NOT that interesting or important.



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