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I beat my female cousin to a pulp today. My parents adopted her when she was two and she's been the golden child of my family ever since. They constantly treated her better than me, let her physically abuse me/throw shit at me but then threaten to beat me and I got upset about it, generally spoil her. They straight up told me that I wasn't worth as much to them because I was male and the older sibling. Not to mention she's just a vile person who does nothing but put down other people.

Anyway I'm now 23 and she's 19. We were at my parent's home today (I was visiting my parents from out of state, she's home from college) and out of the blue she made some crack about me being ugly. 20 years of mistreatment and neglect erupted and I just punched her smug fucking face as hard as I could and didn't stop until my knuckles hurt. Then I grabbed her wrist and broke several of her fingers. I felt nothing but blind rage.

At the end of it she was conscious and crying so I know shes not dead. When what I had done set in I grabbed my shit and got the hell out of there. Ubered to a hotel where I'm staying right now until I can get my flight rescheduled so I can flee the state. I'm in California right now but I live in New Mexico.

I know what I did was wrong. But it would take me hours to explain everything my parents and cousin did to me growing up. There was no holding back all that rage and hurt.

They've definitely called the cops by now but don't know where I am. What are my chances of getting arrested at the airport when I try and leave the state? Will they extradite me from NM to CA? They know the city where I live in NM and where I work, but not the address where I live.
>What are my chances of getting arrested at the airport when I try and leave the state?
99.9%, but it doesn't matter since your place of employment will be informed.
>Will they extradite me from NM to CA?
They will extradite you to where the crime was committed after they determine your whereabouts on the day the assault took place were in your parent's home so you likely injured your cousin. Your life is over. Shame.
Should've played the long game, friend. Sabotaging her marriage. Tut tut.
Mate.... you went way too far

Also everything you're doing no is trackable as fuck, like you're begging to be caught. Uber, hotel, flights, using your phone lmao
Cool. Good luck anon. Let all those people go.
idk, but I wish you all the best, anon.
It’s time for you to start your life in Old Mexico. Withdraw all your money as soon as you can and hit the border quick. Find gringo enclaves in the major cities/resort towns and find a community. you’ll be able to start over. Learn Spanish.
She deserved it. Good job and I hope you don't get caught
How long will it take for them to issue a warrant? This only happened yesterday and my flight is this afternoon
There's probably a BOL on you already, don't know about a warrant
What's a BOL?

What are my odds if I fly out of an airport in a different county or something?
>happened yesterday
between now and then police would have been called, medical attention would have been administered and everything recorded with the assailant currently missing.
Lawyering up and maybe turning yourself in now would help your defence later on down the line instead of legging it.
My plan was to escape out of state and hope that I wouldn't get extradited. How likely is extradition here?
If not a larp, you are going to prison for like 7 to 10 years for assault and battery. Don’t talk to anyone, don’t talk to the police without a lawyer present, stop using your electronic devices or paying with credit cards. Your car will be hunted for with the license plate and make and model. You will be caught. If found by police do not resist, don’t say anything. Life’s not over but it will be I prison for a while.
BOL - be on look out
BOL - be on the lookout
I'm going to be honest with you your completely fucked, did your parents call you? Maybe they let it slide, best case for you is to plead some kind of temporary insanity caused by extreme rage from the years of emotional abuse causing you to not understand your actions, lawyer up and make something up like this.
your plan is to run like a headless chicken
>where are you going to go?
>what are you going to do when you get there?
>how are you going to maintain yourself and think you can be out of reach?
can you answer even one of these questions?
Every US state cooperates with other states in regards to criminals, and so does the vast majority of the civilized western world.
I have a flight booked for this afternoon back to NM where I live. My plan is to just live my life in NM, hope I don't get extradited, and never return to CA.

Is it a sound plan? No of course not, but I don't see a difference between living in jail vs quitting my job and living on the run
Do you have a record? Domestic battery with severe injury is up to 4 years in CA but they may go easy of you if you've never done this. Not life ruining but you may do a little time given the severity. Dont try to flee or they will add charges. Just let it happen and work with your assigned lawyer to plead it down if possible. Your life isnt ruined but it will suck for a while.

t. guy who just got charged with the same thing.
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"I don't want to trouble you guys, and I know, but do I legally have to answer this question?"
"no, but I mean we just want to know what happened and it could help haha yada yada"
"I respectfully decline to answer this question at this time.

you're an autist but I can see why. you are going to prison and the sooner that you accept that fact the better. you need to accept the worst case scenario and become completely okay with it. learn how to meditate

I'm sorry about your circumstances. study philosophy, move to alaska afterwards and work on a homestead or in your industry in a small town

put your money in monero to hide it from gov maybe and claim bankrupt if they fine you? idk not in the us myself

and most importantly, don't talk to the police!
>Snitching on yourself on 4chan
>Revealing your getaway plans
>Waited more than a single day to leave as far as you can
>Still in the US
You had choices, you could've booked it to the hills and live in some shack as a squatter. Hell, you could've even gone to mexico and fucked her up there on a "family" trip.
Either way, that bitch ain't gonna let you go free. Doesn't matter what type of "abuse" you experienced, she has proof - you don't.
Lawyer up, retard and don't talk to the cops without your lawyer present and not under your lawyer's advice. If he tells you something, consider it and try to follow his advice (as long as it's a good lawyer). The fact that are you trying to get away will NOT help your case one bit. You are looking at few years, maybe? Maybe less, maybe more. Not too acquainted with assault and battery laws.
Theme song to set the mood: https://youtu.be/gQtKJbptcns?si=EnYQhgI5Zv4SQ865
When I was 23 my sister punched me in the face because she was drunk and didn’t want to leave.

I came close to this before, but theres this thing called the frontal lobe. People who end up in these scenarios the way it happened have underdeveloped frontal lobes. Probably from a really shitty upbringing.

Lets face it the past transgressions from them won’t matter and it shouldn’t.

The fact its mostly excuses and reasoning instead of just saying what you did, its hard to wanna have your back nobody will IRL.

I want you to go get tried for it by a jury but if were talking real advice what I would do is simply hide it out as long as possible. Hide with friends, or stay at a hotel and work.

With how undercut the police are budget wise, It wouldn’t surprise me if nobody will ever even actively search for him. Probably a warrant.

You can either leave the country and never go back, or go to court and take the pinch.
She deserved it, but yeah you're kinda fucked here bud, should've stalked her usual routes and beat the shit out of her there completely covered head to toe, nigras do it all the time and rarely get caught.
They prioritized her over you because the government were sending them checks, i.e. free money, on her behalf, your parents sound like pieces of trash to be honest.
>>Snitching on yourself on 4chan
>>Revealing your getaway plans

What're the chances of law enforcement finding this post and using it to track him down?

Although it would come back to bite him if he gets arrested and they search his browser history
This place is fed central. This is not a fucking joke.
Government agencies and NGOs infest this place and that's without taking into account all the discord trannies and bots that infest this place. Hell, I'm even willing to bet the OP is not even a real person.
They literally tracked down two random american neckbeards because some corrupt sheriff got his feelings hurt.
The internet is dead, you are browsing a corpse.
You watch too many movies.
They're going to find you. As another anon said, lawyering up and facing the music is your best move.
>let her physically abuse me/throw shit at me
Any of that result in visits to the doctor, where evidence of potential abuse may have been documented?
One punch I could understand if not justify, but what the fuck?
you don't have to flee anywhere
just uber somewhere a state over and lie low for a year
also this
pay for the uber with a gift card purchased using cash, not your credit card
Leave the country and go to Mexico. Don't do time. Fuck all the faggots yelling you to give up. Don't let yourself be taken alive. You can get away by running. Don't let this bitch take ten years of your life. It's better to die fighting than get locked up for ten years and made into a slave. Kill a cop.
if u dont escape tell the judge she deserved it
if your parents adopted her wouldn't she technically be your sister?
How would that help he has to use his fucking Uber account
oh yeah lmfao
better just walk out to the highway and thumb a ride then
if you've got a hiking backpack lying around you could stuff it full and pretend to be a backpacker
go to mexico and dont use planes. Only pay cash. Dont use any debit/credit card

Your a faggot. She clearly deserved it. You probably abused someone physically to say what OP did isn't justify at all. Fuck you
Had you done that 15 years ago when you should have, none of this would have been a problem.
This is an allegory for the current arc that society is following.
Lol the feds aren't going to come after some no name who committed simple assault. While op is a retard, he's probably fine to abscond. Granted while he does so, he's going to effectively burn every bridge he's ever had to his old life. Might as well go live life in South East Asia.
absolutely unhinged thread
lmao OP never snap at a woman you pathetic retard...
Look up your name on the state police .gov site. Guaran-fuckin-tee there is already a warrant
You may have run away from the scene of offense. But you cannot outrun the judgement of God. When misfortunes begin to happen to you, 'count it not strange'. Unless you can somehow beg for forgiveness.

Matthew 5:21-24
>[21]“You have heard that people were told in the past, ‘Do not commit murder; anyone who does will be brought to trial.’
>[22]But now I tell you: whoever is angry with his brother will be brought to trial, whoever calls his brother ‘You good-for-nothing!’ will be brought before the Council, and whoever calls his brother a worthless fool will be in danger of going to the fire of hell.
>[23]So if you are about to offer your gift to God at the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you,
>[24]leave your gift there in front of the altar, go at once and make peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift to God.
Dumbass.You should fly to Mexico and then a non US extradition treaty country such as Georgia or Moldova or Armenia.
men are so funny
You are going to jail. Make peace with that. If you leave the state you will catch more felony charges.

Extradition is 100%. All yankville state cooperate with each other. You will be arrested. You will be charged. You will go to jail. You will need a lawyer. You will go to trial. Instead of fleeing, get a lawyer now.

Do everything the lawyer tells you to do. That will include handing yourself in to police. You can expect 3-6 years prison, but if you get a good lawyer they can probably deal that down to 18 months plus probation. Might even be able to get time served in jail by the end of it.
>They know the city where I live in NM and where I work, but not the address where I live
You realize how easy it is for the police to find you? Just turn yourself in, beats them showing up to your work and getting fired and arrested at the same time.
>Will they extradite
Probably, depends on the charges though

I didn't post more under >>31683798 as these two had it covered, read them OP
Kill yourself, cuntlover. Fucking whore got half of what she deserved.
what a stupid thing to do. do you have a shitty life or something that you wanted to sabotage and don't mind loosing? you've pretty much thrown away your life for a very brief moment of satisfaction. and you haven't just thrown away the shitty life you might've had until now, you've also thrown away most of the potential to have a great / successful / satisfying life in the future. they only way it'll work out is if she chooses not to press charges, which sounds unlikely. good luck fool. hope you keep us updated
It's bolo, not bol you dumbass.
Your parents have most certainly told the police that you're headed for New Mexico. My advice would be to stay in California until the situation cools down a bit. How close is the hotel to your parents' house? Can you be traced easily? I suggest moving somewhere else and staying there for a few weeks.
LARP thread
lol this
should have done it when you were in middle school, that way you could get off scott free.
Irrational but understandable
Be sure to tell the judge every little juicy detail about the abuse you suffered. You're not gonna dodge shit if you weren't smart enough not to throw those punches, that's for sure. So be as sincere and open as humanly possible.
>I beat my cousin
>because my parents
bullshit outside your control and hers, fucking idiot.

Let me tell you something, not so long i did the same with my sister for stoling some money from me, i was (still) a minimum wage earner, no that she cared, after i noticed i just couldn't take it and beat the shit out of her, the worst is when she kept doing it, it took other two beatups to make her stop but the last time she really got hurt, she spoke about it with my family and they confronted me. Fucking retards couldnt even make a cohesive argument on why i should not do that, as if she deserved to be treated with respect, they did nothing about it because they knew i was right, i should have killed her.

I dont condone your act but your reasons are stupid because she didn't get to decise being spoiled
>what a stupid thing to do. do you have a shitty life or something that you wanted to sabotage and don't mind loosing? you've pretty much thrown away your life for a very brief moment of satisfaction. and you haven't just thrown away the shitty life you might've had until now, you've also thrown away most of the potential to have a great / successful / satisfying life in the future.
Well fucking said. Everyone passing through the thread should take this to heart.
You're messed up if you actually snapped and plan to run away to Mexico. Could you have done anything else?
To anyone else in the thread: if this was a woman who snapped at her smug brother because he was treated better than her. Would he have deserved it?

Why didn't you beat up your parents?
You were hypothetically supposed to kill her and claim self defense you clown stop running and if the pigs come for you just stfu and surrender lawyer up asap
Can't blame her for saying what everyone else thinks but is afraid to say...
It's just basic human behavior, we bully the weak, the ugly, the maladapted in order for our society to be better and stronger.
I was bullied too but instead of rebelling against nature I just got better, I am better than OP that ruined his life just because of what some girl says. JFL
>woman who snapped at her smug brother because he was treated better than her
they always do that. thing is they use verbal abuse just like the cousin of op because they would get wrecked in a fight

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