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Bachelor of Arts in fucking Classical Studies
How do I cope?
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Cuddle your wife
how did you cope in getting one in the first place???
I don't know
I thought I needed a degree so I studied in something I was interested in
You’re doomed. How much student debt do you have? If the answer is “none” Kys because you have no real problems just go work you faggot
.... $95,000
that’s insane, who gave you that money? well you are already a hobo, so start debt maxxing, watch Sam Hyde guide on debt maxing
Work on an office job.
Good morning, sir!
I am studying for a degree in business administration while I do not have any work experiece

I see you have redeemed the college loans sir!

I suggest you suck 95,000 dicks for $1 each time and then continue doing this for work.
The government
I don't read cope threads. You already know the answers so just deal with it.
Depends on how old you are. If you're under 25, maybe try getting a new degree that's more useful and related the one you already have, such as journalism. If you're considerably older then just do drugs to have a good time, debt- and NEET-maxx and kill yourself once the noose starts tightening.
Apply for jobs that require a degree which get paid the money that society says people with degrees get
>job says degree is required
>get interview
>says here you have a degree but its not relevant to the field
>yeah, but don't people say that it doesn't matter what degree you get as long as you get a degree?
Just keep applying for jobs OP. good jobs. and neva give up wereallgonnamakeitbrah

get a job. Build a life.
This is honestly something you should have thought about before wasting your life on a Bachelor of Arts in fucking Classical Studies.
>I wanted a degree
>I got a degree
>How do I cope with this unexpected tragedy
It would take a heart of stone not to laugh, and I don't have a heart of stone.
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At least you didn’t get a fucking degree in French. What the fuck am I gonna do with this shit
Idk during my time in college two of my professors for one semester, one of them was a historian with a specialization in France (studied french in high school, went to france the whole nine), and the other was a french teacher with a master's in French studies (french language teaching?) from our institute.
Welcome to the club bro! Wagie job for us or military! I am personally looking at military cause it gives me room and board. Also no local jobs actually pay well and are not just 12/hr retail jobs.

Parents wanted me to go to college and I did, but it seemed like it didn't matter as long as it was a degree. I think that was in the boomer times though, as now you have to be STEM or know the niche field you want to get into.

Translation shit for businesses, I've seen job offers for that for various businesses near me. Sadly I never got good at Chinese enough to claim fluency or even moderate skill.
Here are the things you can go into:
>being an expensive private tutor for Greek or Latin
>clerk or office work
>teaching English in Japan
>going into codebreaking and encryption
>working at a library
>working at a museum
>wage slave grad student
>get a hot bookish gf who likes classics and NEET together while reading Ovid
Plenty of shit for you to do. I majored in archaeology and anthropology. You can't believe how useless that shit is.
>business administration
can get you something in business analysis, just learn some SQL and Power BI and some agile or whatever it is called
i failed out of engineering and threads like this give me peace that it wasn't worth going back for an easy humanity degree
Yea you’re fucked dude I dunno what to say.

Back when I went to college I wasted 5 years getting a polisci degree but I got so much pussy and had a good time for only 40k cuz I went in state. I worked two jobs and paid off all my debt back in 2017.

I just pretend like I never went to college and it’s fine. But you? You’re probably fucked
Try to find some shitty tier job with your degree or without such a prerequisitive (e.g. courier, waiter, sentilent), put aside as much cash as you can and parallely enroll into some trade school on electrician, plumber, welder, etc. There you can find some interneship to horn your skills. People with rights hands are always in favor.
Trades fucking suck ass. Shitty, labor intensive work, everyone looks down on and pities you and women scoff at you. Fuck the trades. I’d rather make 30k and just sit in an office
If you can translate Greek, you can analyze sales figures.
If you can interpret poetry, you can examine legal documents.
If you can research a term paper, you can research zoning laws and legal precedents.
If you can write a term paper, you can write anything.

People with classics dgrees:

Jerry Brown, former Governor of California
Rita Mae Brown, author,
William Cohen, former Secretary of Defence
William Cohen- Former U.S. Secretary of Defense
Jonathan Evans- Head of British Secret Service, MI5
Sigmund Freud- Founder of Modern Psychology
Chuck Geschke- Co-Founder of Adobe
Boris Johnson- Former Prime Minister
Tom Hiddleston- British Actor
Philip Johnson- Architect
T.E. Lawrence- Better known as "Lawrence of Arabia,"
Vince Lombardi- Football coach
Anthony Legget- Nobel Prize Winner in Physics
Chris Martin- Lead Singer of Coldplay
Robert Millikan- Nobel Prize Winner in Physics
John Milton- Author of Paradise Lost
Toni Morrison- Nobel Prize Winner in Literature
Tim O'Reilly- Computer Self Help Publisher
Lynn Sherr- TV News Correspondent
J.K Rowling- Author
Alicia Stallings- Poet
Ted Turner- Founder of CNN
Teller- Magician
nigger, if you're proficient in classical greek and latin you're unironically high iq. Aim for jobs related to jurisprudence, translation, international relations, etc..
kids in Europe learn latin and greek u, it's not difficult
not every Classics degree teacher Greek/Latin, he might have just studied the history/culture
Having ANY bachelor's degree automatically puts you into the officer stream in most western militaries. There, they will train you to do a real job, where you will learn to be a manager, and likely some other useful work skills like project management, etc.

Many corporations prefer hiring veterans as well. Most roles will not be combat arms.
commission. if you're worng enough you can submit a packet to do soem cool shit like aviation. if not you can still branch into a job with high carry ability into the civillian workforce.
>kids in Europe learn latin and greek u, it's not difficult
Are you in europe? No?

So yiu are selling yourself short. I got my job as a high executive advisor with my psychology degree by arguing how learning psy helped me "deal with people good" and they bought it.

Making 7 figures.

It's all about how effective you market your skill set.
Similar boat, I've actually transferred universities but both programs I've been in are useless adjacent (econ and graphic design). Got a little less than halfway done, realized
this is hell, haven't been to class in over a year and my father pesters me daily to finish any diploma I can, but I just can't convince myself its worth it. I want to just get a job man
If you are in the US, look for government jobs on usajobs dot gov. There are a lot out there that’ll take any degree and the benefits are very good.
Are second bachelor's worth it?
by fucking cute 20 year old baristas for eternity
Atleast it's not Bachelor's in Science in fucking Physics
I'm a bachelor and I think I'm worth it
Become a teacher I guess?
Physics is kino
work at dollar tree
>Parents wanted me to go to college and I did, but it seemed like it didn't matter as long as it was a degree.

It’s insane to me that gen z didn’t learn from millennials. This is the exact same story with me and I’m sure millions of others. Boomers are fucking retarded.

Kids shouldn’t be allowed to apply for loans until they take a course about how most degrees are fuckin worthless. This shit is de-facto slavery
Try your luck there or unironically kys
What's that?
Accept that you're a high-INT low-WIS birdbrain, idiot savant who got a degree in a quintessential field regarding human civilization and doesn't know what to do with it.

Intelligent people know what to do with a degree in classical studies. But then again, you're asking for advice on 4chan, you get what you deserve.
So what should I do with it?
medical sales rep

you spent lots of time writing convincing essays and god willing can speak as well
did you just not for one second stop to think about what you would do with your degree when you began pursuing it?
You need a separate different bachelors to be a librarian, same with working at a museum.
Op is probably not gonna find a job that needs his classical studies degree.
place in america that sells stuff for a dollar well not anymore to inflation, thanks sleepy joe.
Yeah schooling for library and museum are specific and low in volume. Best bet would be entry level willing to expect others but most are taken by people with those majors who specialized in it for whatever reason.
idk classics is pretty cool i wish i were an intellectual too
Problem is I'm not an intellectual either.
go get a phd in classics, and then you get paid to post on classics forums about your autistic obsession at the time
If you don't get into a career in your field directly after graduating, you will start to lose your training from college, and after a few years it will be like you never even went. I suggest OP start writing a book.
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Got a Business degree with a finance major, didn't get hired anywhere and ended up joining the trades two years ago (electrician).
The trades fucking suck as the other anon said. Enjoy blowing out your body, your back will hurt, your lungs will be filled with silica dust and you will need hearing aids.
You get to work with the bottom tier of society for the most part, there are some good guys and some of the skills are useful, although you could just learn these things on your own. The majority of the time you are a slave, never using your mind but solely your body to move shit back and forth over and over.
I think I'm going to quit tomorrow and go back to NEETing, fuck this lol.
>Got a Business degree with a finance major, didn't get hired anywhere
He clearly didn't network. The biggest asset of a business degree isn't knowing the supply-demand curves, but connecting with the right people. It is funny but true that often "A" students have worse outcomes than others because they are overly attached to structure and painting inside the lines.
num tu scire latine???
>This is legal in america
lmao hahaha i was paid $15000 for going into my uni hahahaha (and its quite a little respectively because im retarded)
Actually New Zealand
I fucked up big time
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This anon >>31686253 is correct. I didn't network and join all types of clubs, I didn't even do internships, I continued to work at my landscaping job in the summers.
I had a 4.0 and was a deans list student.
At the end of the day the marks get you no where and I thought differently, I was wrong.
Now I'm mid 20's and miserable trying to figure out my life.
Have you considered commissioning and going officer in the millitary?
>It’s insane to me that gen z didn’t learn from millennials
Theres a sucker born every day.
I agree with your point, though I dont think its a generational thing. I honestly cant fathom how someone can commit to something for four years and not once bother to look up "[major] average salaries".
Just apply to entry level office jobs
Go to France. Chances are a guy who can communicate with bosses and speaks English natively will be in high demand.
>>going into codebreaking and encryption
AHAHAHAHA if you aren't an autist savant you need to have 130 IQ minimum for something like that.
Just become the broke artsy graduate version of patrick bateman.

So we can have the netflix doc.
Most entry level positions are being filled by those that are not "entry level". On top of this most entry level positions require having a few years of experience in the field. Which is bullshit because its an entry level position.
tutorial please
I accidentally pressed skip
Just be White?
Sounds like cope to me

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