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Have you ever "cold call" approached? Have you ever come up to a guy or girl and asked them out or tried to get their phone number/contacts?

Women, has a stranger ever came up to you and tried to get your contact? Men, anyone here have experience of being asked out randomly before?
No. Men have done that to me but I'm taken and I politely decline. Although I can be kinda rude if it's a foreigner since I'm mildly racist lol. But generally the guys who approach are always polite and nice and I feel for them, it's probably hard getting a relationship today. I got my bf in 2019 so it maybe has gotten tougher to find a relationship now.
I do cold approaches but its never like:
"Hi can i have your number?" thats ridicolus
What do you say? The one time I did it I was very sly.

Talked to a girl in collegr I wasn't interested in (I did this as practice) and got her contacts telling her "I may need to contact you for classes". Her friend told me she was thinking about me for a while after that.

Never done it since but it was great to know I could of if I was interested. I still have a hard time approaching girls...

When was the last time it happened? What was the the most charismatic stranger who cold call approached you? What did he say?
I do cold approaches but its never like:
"Hi can i have your number?" thats ridicolus

is different from
alked to a girl in collegr I wasn't interested in (I did this as practice) and got her contacts telling her "I may need to contact you for classes".
I know charismatic men but I don't think any of the strangers who ever approached me were very charismatic. I think mostly very desperate men cold approach women.
Oh but I could add that even though none of them were very charismatic, I guess the "most" charismatic out of them was an asian guy who came to compliment my hair and ask for socials. I said no thanks but it seemed like he was in a good mood regardless/didn't get sad or get into a bad mood after getting rejected, so I had a pretty positive image of him.
It’s never the men I’m after that do it. Have had it happen once to me by a guy probably 10 years older than me that could barely speak English. I thought it was sweet so I gave him my snapchat rather than my number but I never hit him up and I guess he was too scared to hit me up. If he did at that point I would’ve politely declined. In my opinion it’s not bad and probably worth a shot as long as you’re somewhat socially aware and aren’t an asshole. 9.9 times out of ten they will say no or do what I did but hey maybe you will get lucky.
Never had a women come up to me, but have heard if you do it politely and don't put too much weight on it your chilling. I also don't think you should be super direct like "Can I get em digits." Prob a compliment or a comment if she is wearing a band t shirt, and then follow it up with something. First requirement would to be not social retarded.
>mostly very desperate men cold approach women.
Mostly true. Men with good social skills already have broad social lives from which to meet romantic partners much more naturally, and easily.

Nonetheless, if a man has few friends and poor charisma stats, cold approach could be their only option outside dating apps to get better.
Surprising choice of woman's photo. Greetings wherever you are that know this classic.
Nah, but I've had a girl come up to me and ask if I lived nearby, wasn't too sure if she was just making conversation or had deeper intentions so I told her I lived with my dad. Shuts them up pretty fast. If they keep pushing after that I usually say I'm not currently working or don't have a car. Never failed me.

My husband is a stranger I gave my contact info to, and it's been great. But - by the time we exchanged numbers, we had talked enough that I had time to develop attraction/interest. So much so that with his # in hand, I texted him "hey, nice meeting you, I like you, want to meet up again?"

So - started up conversation in an unrushed setting, out in the city on a weekend afternoon. And before exchanging numbers, we talked for long enough to discover the attraction/chemistry. Probably as a general rule, should talk and have a good connection for at least 5, 10 minutes to check if there's attraction or interest. More time would be better, giving her time to develop a light crush on you during that first interaction.
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Back in my sarging days I would play a little game with myself to remove any approach anxiety. I would make myself go talk to the hottest woman that I'd seen that day. The 'counter' would reset each day. So every day, if I saw a woman that was hotter than any other woman I'd seen so far that day, I would immediately go up and say something to her. It didn't have to be much, but by turning it into a game it helped to train myself out of cold approach fear and anxiety to the point it became natural to do. It worked surprisingly well. I think I picked this up from the now whitewashed Art of Charm podcast, but it may have been from a pua book. Can't recall, and doesn't really matter. Worth a shot for younger guys looking to train themselves to be more comfortable though.
one time i was talking excitedly in a thrift store to my mom about a book about space i had found and a guy randomly came up to me and told me he liked space too and gave me his number. he was like a foot shorter than me and ginger though so i never called him. also ive committed to being a khhv till i die now, im trying to become a wizard. witch? i prefer wizard.
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OP here. Thank you! This is great advice which I'll actually start following. Next hot woman I'll see all I'll do is just give her compliment. Hopefully something she wears or something. "Nice earrings". I'm too much of a shy pussy to ask anything else, but if I do that that will actually overcome my fear of attractive women. Thanks! Worst that can happen is them walking away.

Thanks, anon! I <3 qts
The worst will be them embarrassing you and making a disgusted face towards you. And a bunch of chads sitting behind you laughing their asses off.
I mean I feel like a harmless compliment won't make anyone cringe.
I am mens. I was randomly asked out by an uggo at school. She was nice enough, we went out one time. I'm thinking of asking out this qt that works at a vape shop I went to, but she has green hair and heaps of tattoos.

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