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>went to liberal art school around 20-21
>made a body cast of a woman's chest there for a play (with her overwhelming consent)
>get in trouble and "canceled" for that because she was uncomfortable about it only after the fact and after signing the contract
>become sheltered on the internet
>get deeply involved in discord around 23-24
>get connected with toxic people who thrive off drama
>fuck up my words whilst talking about a pedo situation and get condemned by this one bitch who repeatedly tries to get people she doesn't like out of groups and reports them on the internet, attempting to make "stories" out of people for profit
>learned well from my mistakes, now even more sheltered and paranoid

im tired of feeling like my past is going to come back and haunt me if i actually get my shit together and start making great things. i'd love to be an entrepreneur/creator/online personality, but im deeply worried about cancel culture/people bringing up the past, despite having my stories straight. how do i get over this shitty feeling? im not a horrible person, im just human and make mistakes.

i also know there's people who do worse shit than i, but i cant shake this anxious feeling i got. wondering if there's something that can help me stop this shit. it's been years since my mistakes, and theyre extremely rare and mild at best.
I stopped at the title. I don't read "cope" threads. Decide what you want to solve, accomplish, make or build and ask for advice about that but don't "cope" at me.
i want to solve the feeling that some shit (examples provided in text, honestly the most extreme as it gets) are going to come back and bite me in the ass somehow if i start doing productive things. i genuinely understand its paranoia and anxiety and no crimes were committed, but its insane how far words get twisted online.
If you have a copy of the contract, I dont see a problem. Lay off discord
Have you jerked off to the cast of the chicks chest? Also do you still have it?

Now to your actually question. I think your fine if your not using your real id for any of this stuff. Plus I doubt anyone would care. Start it and worry about it later. Everyone makes mistakes and those are not a big deal at all.
What past? You didn't even do anything bad. Unless there's something you're leaving out. There's nothing to cope with, just have normal relationships with normal people and stay off discord
Yeah a Discord permanent vacation is definitely warranted. It's been a problem.
Ew. Wanted nothing sexual to do with that woman or the prop i was trying to make. And I had a gf at the time. A very long relationship actually with my gf. My gf at time actually helped me with the casting.
Not leaving out anything. Honestly these are the worst things that could possibly be misinterpreted. I just have some kind of fear of my efforts going to shit eventually. Anxiety has a hard grasp on me over futures that aren't even real.
So your "welcome to my blog" post boils down to you have found two places to avoid:
Art hoes are fun at first and then everyone regrets having anything to do with them, so stop caring about how they can't get along with you, when they can't function in society with anyone, not just you.
And the other discovery is there's almost total overlap between chronically online people and mentally ill people.
So get out of both those tiny little crab buckets and adventure in the 99% of the world that isn't mentally ill.
Go ... join a church or volunteer group or a municipal parks team sport or damn near anything other than hanging out with mentally ill people.
You have to realize that out in the real world your body cast thing will be a hell of a good story to the 99% of the non-mentally ill population. I'll bite, sure, did you get to rub her boobs and were they hot? Or is this one of those situations where everyone imagines the chick's a model but IRL they never are, like nude art modeling or nude beaches?
Ngl your problem sounds like it exclusively involves socializing or working with women
The only smart thing mike pence ever said was that he refused to exist around women without tons of witnesses

You're either dating her, or you're ignoring her entirely, mate
Create and put things out into the world, but don't engage with people. Certainly don't use Discord or social media. Just make what you want to make and don't get involved in discussions. People can't misconstrue words if you don't give them anything to work with.

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