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My husbands birthday is in a month but this year I wasn't really sure what he wanted. I was kinda stumped as to what he wanted. I went ALL OUT for his gifts these past 5 years and he's generally not needy like at allll. He doesn't really need or want much in general.

Since I was so stuck I decided I'd just ask him what he wanted this year. Last week I told him he can have a few days to think and he can get back to me whenever inspiration strikes him. This morning he comes down acting coy and kinda fidgety. He tells me not to laugh at him for what he's about to ask. So I reassure him and he says "soooo I decided what I want for my birthday. I know we usually have sex on my birthday but this year I wanna do something that I always wanted to do". Then he pauses for a solid 20 seconds and blurts out "I want you to pee on me". For a second I thought I heard him wrong.

I asked him why he'd want that and how that's even link into sex and he just said that he finds the idea of me peeing really hot, and combining that with me doing it on him, it'd be a fantasy come true. He said he didn't even realize he wanted to do it until one time he heard me peeing from outside the bathroom 3 years ago. Since then it's been a fantasy of his. I asked him where he wanted me to pee and he said on his dick?? And he said he also wants me to not wash for a good while so he can smell my armpits and my hair

I wanted to ask, is this a sign that my husband is a weirdo or no? I've never heard of this and I don't want to judge him if this is what he wants, but it seems quite out of the ordinary. He told me he's never watched porn ever but this sounds like a porn induced fantasy? Which is concerning to me ask I wouldn't like him to watch porn for multiple reasons.

I'm not opposed to doing this for him, I'd do anything to make him happy since he's so sweet, but I just wanted to check whether this is normal or weird behavior.
damn how much you women talk

i stopped at "My husbands birthday is in a month"
just do it, its his fuckin birthday
does this feel right or you or doesn't it? stop seeking outside validation
It's weird but not in a bad way. People get turned on by the most batshit insane things. Usually it's a dumb fantasy idea that you inexplicably think is hot but you end up not liking. Tell him you're not the biggest fan of the idea but you'll do it for him this one time because you love him. If he wakes up and realizes he doesn't like it, you guys now have a funny inside joke. If he likes it, you guys will have to work it out on your own. If you like it, good for you
It doesn't matter whether it's weird or not. It's your relationship, whatever happens behind closed doors is entirely for you and your husband alone to judge. You two could shit on eachother and eat the ass afterwards as long as you shower and act like it never happened once you leave the door and interact with the rest of humanity.

If you don't mind it, do it. If you do, don't. It's genuinely that simple.
Retards who are asking their wives to piss on them are able to get wives meanwhile I'm not. Fuck this gay Earth
Me and my gf suddenly did this in the shower one day and found it to be really really hot.

You might be uncomfortable with actually peeing on him right away. It might be better to maybe let him in the bathroom with you so you get used to peeing with him in the same room first and progress in a way that introduces it slowly. Tons of guides on the internet if you look up peeplay/watersports

A strong pee can be a turn off especially if you're new to this so if you're dehydrated and had a triple shot espresso for breakfast and are peeing the first time for the day the scent can be much for some. Just drink a lot of water to dilute the actually acid and nitrates that make pee smell strong and it will be less odorous.

Me and my girlfriend have shared quite a bit of power dynamic "switching" so we are comfortable each playing dominant and submissive roles. Choking, little girl/boy/daddy/mommy talk, anal, aggressive blowjobs and face riding and stuff so we naturally moved into pee play a bit easily I think.

You never know what might appeal to you in the moment, if you see him get really aroused at just watching you pee that might be enough to turn you on to it.
It's a lot of power to have when someone wants your pee on them and having that power can be arousing as well.

No def not weird for this plenty of people do it. I never thought I would have wanted pee play and didn't harbor the fantasy before asking, it was just spontaneous.

It's ok to be confused as to why he would ask but there's always the potential you will enjoy it or at least not mind doing it and add it to your sexual repertoire.

He's got to be ok with your boundaries and wishes especially if you don't want to too.

Good luck and don't judge or worry what others would think of you or him ever. It's more common than you think.
Just drink a lot of water beforehand. Pee on him. Men love that.
>I just wanted to check whether this is normal or weird behavior.
Why does that matter? What matters is: 1) Is this safe? (Answer: yes, so long as you wash afterwards). 2) Are you comfortable doing it?

How many other people might be comfortable doing it is irrelevant; all that matters is whether you are.

FWIW, it's a fairly common fetish; only a minority of people do it, but a quite perceptible minority. But that shouldn't matter.
blah blah blah shut up
Idk about pissing on him but
>And he said he also wants me to not wash for a good while so he can smell my armpits and my hair
Absolute CHAD
This is the most masculine thing. When my wife was pregnant she was struggling to have sex so she let me put my face in her armpit and she'd jerk me off, it was surprisingly enjoyable since I love her natural scent it's so intoxicating
I want my boyfriend to watch me piss myself and then humiliate me for it, but I don't think he would he into that. It's over.
Be my gf next time I love that shit
Why would that even be appealing though this makes no sense to me
Fetishes don't need logic. The only appeal you need is to know it rocks your fuckin socks off anon
OP here
My initial intention wasn't to seek validation, so it was a mistake on my end if it came across that way. I was just wondering whether this is something that I should be concerned about or not, since I tend to stick to regular sex and don't really have any fetishes myself. Never heard of someone wanting their wife to pee on their dick while they fuck her.

To me I'm neutral on it, since he's the recipient. It is kinda weird to me but I love him so I would do it for him since he says it would really fulfill a fantasy of his.

Yeah I think I'll do this most likely.

What so was it her or your idea? I do think I would hesitate at first since it's kinda weird peeing on a person. So maybe I'd need to ease into it and he can watch me first. But I'd need to try and see first. Are you sure it's safe? Isn't pee like the waste from whatever you're drinking? That's why it's expelled I thought.

He already told me that if I'm to do it id need to drink a ton of water and nothing else, that way the experience will last a long time for him.

I never knew it was so popular, clearly I've been living under a rock lol

Ok so it is safe, I'm surprised. I thought maybe it could cause infections. I probably won't know if I'm comfortable until I try it I suppose.

Yeah he's always been very smell focused which was normal to me as I love his natural smell too. Sometimes i randomly catch him sniffing my pillow when I come back from work lol
based gf
Pee is sterile unless you got a urinary tract infection.

Also, more people have that kind of kink than you think.

Very sweet of you to indulge him.
It was my idea but later she let me pee on her a little too. And yeah it's safe, you can find that in professional opinion if you look. It is bodily waste but it's also waste that is pulled from your blood stream so it's not like it suddenly becomes toxic. It will sting your eyes like pool water though.
How did you manage to type out all of this on a taiwanese kite flying enthusiast forum without googling "pee fetish" first?
>I've never heard of this
so you somehow ended up on 4chan but you've never heard of a golden shower? i don't believe this for a second.
and yes, some people are into that. those people are degenerates, just like people who have a scat fetish.
A lot of people have fascinations with the other gender's bodily functions. Given that he also wants to go caveman mode with your natural smell, this isn't that unusual for me.
As long as he doesn't make it some bizarre humiliation thing (either receiving or giving), I wouldn't worry too much, but if you don't want to do it, then don't feel guilty for not indulging. Just communicate what your boundaries are.
Ok cool. Very good to know

Because I'm a long time lurker and due to my desire to avoid porn I tend to avoid googling anything sex related, I prefer advice in text format.

Yeah he's always been obsessed with smell. I finally spoke to him about it and said I'm willing to do it for him but we'll have to take it slow and he got super excited and started hugging me super tight haha. He said I'm the best wife ever which was nice to hear. But he did reaffirm that he wanted me to not wash for a good while which will be interesting to say the least. Doesn't seem to be a humiliation thing since he knows what I'm like and that would not be up my alley AT ALL lol. Thanks for the advice.
>i've never heard of this
>(posting on /adv/)

something doesn't add up here

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