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so basically i've been seeing this girl from tinder for a couple years on a transactional basis (me 29 her 27) which is a bit unusual as she doesn't do this professionally. we went on a date and it went pretty badly so i knew she would say no to 2nd date so i offered her money to do dirty things to me, cater to my fetishes and somehow it worked and we've been seeing each other regularly since and spending big bucks on her. she has a boyfriend who she met a little bit after it started who knows about me and literally fucking calls her every single time she is here to 'check she is okay'.

the problem is i reluctantly realize recently i fucking love her and despise her boyfriend and want him gone out of the picture. she's the hottest most gorgeous girl i've ever been with, she has an amazing body she's just my type, she does my kinks better than any other girl and i have ass burgers and naturally struggle with women and just the way she talks to me both kinda turns me on and comforts me more than anyone i've been with in the past. its just annoying because the first time ever i've finally found someone i know is exactly my type and exactly what i want after actually having more experience with women than when i was younger and likes me albeit in weird shitty circumstances.

we don't really talk about her man but she's acknowledged him and that he knows about it. i cannot begin to comprehend what's going on in either of their heads and cannot imagine what kind of pathetic man lets his girlfriend go to another man's house to get naked with him for money... Their relationship is a joke and needs to end imho.. I think she deliberately or otherwise misleads him about what we do together and she often says things to get in my head like that she's the only girl for me ever and that we belong to each other and shite. I don't know what she's thinking but I'm guessing she feels very conflicted about her situation with her boyfriend.

what would you do in this situation? normally i'm good at having a 'bitches aint shit' mentality in these situations but this time i can't. i was planning to try dating randoms again soon but honestly i have zero motivation to put effort in i just wanna wake up next to her phat ass all the time..

thanks for reading..
be the better option then stop paying

why would she ever accept that if she is used to all the money suddenly getting none and the whole foundation of the 'relationship' is transactional? I've been making her life comfy as fuck when it otherwise wouldn't be, obviously that's a big part of what would make me the 'better option'.
bro you are jealous because the WHORE you are PAYING has a bf. you are down bad. get a grip brother.
>she's just my type, she looks hot and fucks me for money just the way I like it!!!
your TYPE is a WHORE, anon. any whore will do. this one is not special in any way.
>i cannot begin to comprehend what's going on in either of their heads and cannot imagine what kind of pathetic man lets his girlfriend go to another man's house to get naked with him for money...
probably the same type of shit that's going through your head. or are you already forgetting you said that you love this WHORE?
>I think she deliberately or otherwise misleads him about what we do together
if this is so, it would seem you are not just in love with a whore, but with a LYING WHORE.
>she often says things to get in my head like that she's the only girl for me ever and that we belong to each other and shite
yeah she's milking you for money. it's over for you.

yeah man i get it like i said i'm usually got at the 'bitches aint shit' mentality but this time i'm just not. yeah she is a 'whore' because i pay her but she aint offering these services to anyone else. humans have evolved to view sex in a transactional way so i just view making her life sweet as part of the natural order.

sure i get it she's a whore but i just like her much more than any woman i've ever been with before. and i know what i like from experience. surely you gotta appreciate that.

obviously i knew you'd say she's milking me for money what can i say, i normally take those comments as just part of the act. as dumb as it sounds i think she IS really into me regardless which is why it feels like a dilemma. she's not a prostitute, just a normal girl i pay $$$$ for. My idea, not hers.

yeah you're right it's probably over for me feels like it but thanks for listening to me rant...
>yeah she is a 'whore' because i pay her but she aint offering these services to anyone else.
Bro?!?!?! what level of cope is this? are you even sure that's true?
>sure i get it she's a whore but i just like her much more than any woman i've ever been with before. and i know what i like from experience. surely you gotta appreciate that.
that's fair enough but i feel like that's bullshit. if i was your friend, i'd do my best to dissuade you from growing attached to whores. it happens to many people. even some greats. monarchs and crown princes have been ruined for love of their one super special whore. all the more reason to be careful.
>she's not a prostitute, just a normal girl i pay $$$$ for.
that's what a prostitute is. for an autist you don't seem to be big on logical rigour.
anyway, hoping for the best for you anon.
thanks. the distinction i'm making is someone is a painter, photographer, builder, whatever when they actually do that thing as their profession or one of their main pursuits in life. if you occasionally clean your friend's house on an hoc basis, that doesn't make it accurate to say you are a cleaner. if you are a hobbyist photographer and occasionally sell second hand equipment on ebay that doesn't make you a retail outlet. if you have sex with someone you know privately for money at their suggestion, and don't advertise these services to the public, and do something completely different in your day job, that doesn't make you a prostitute.

that's the extent of my 'logical rigour'. yeah you're gonna say its massive cope but what can i do. just explaining.

and yeah i'm sure she doesn't do it for anyone else. she struggles when she's not seeing me and the whole thing was my idea.
>yeah you're gonna say its massive cope but what can i do
you are right. i will say that. and unfortunately i think i am right.

it's still logical though. its just an extremely harsh feel knowing i'm probably not gonna feel like this about someone who is actually mine in the foreseeable future. was nice to feel something though.
anon, how much are you paying her?

>we don't really talk about her man but she's acknowledged him and that he knows about it. i cannot begin to comprehend what's going on in either of their heads and cannot imagine what kind of pathetic man lets his girlfriend go to another man's house to get naked with him for money... Their relationship is a joke and needs to end imho..
I think you are trying to cope with reality. seriously, what kind of bullshit is this?
she might be addicted to your money and you don't even know it.
hell, the guy could be her pimp for all we know. I mean,
>she has a boyfriend... and literally fucking calls her every single time she is here to 'check she is okay'.
sounds like a pimp...
>she has a boyfriend who she met a little bit after it started
how are you even sure they met AFTER you started fucking her?

also, have you ever told her that you actually love her?
If you're happy in this "relationship" you might as well continue it. It's your life. But it seems like the fact that she's not actually your girlfriend, and she's with another man, is kind of torturing you.

I'm sure she likes you to a certain extent, but you should remember that it's profitable for her to say things that make you emotionally attached to her. I think it would be in your interest to cut her off. it will be difficult but it's unlikely that you'll ever be able to have a real relationship with her. This just isn't sustainable in the long run.

If you really want to stay with her, maybe talk to her about breaking about with her boyfriend, offer her more money if she does? Idk kek. I'm not sure about your financial situation but you could bring up the possibility of a sugar daddy esque relationship where you guys are exclusive and you provide for her completely.
>was nice to feel something though.
well, i can relate to that. had something similar like that happen to me. not a whore, but still a crazy woman. it was nice to be in love for a time. even if it was doomed.

not that much money. enough to take her from struggling to pretty comfortable on top of her shitty day job salary. i see her about twice a month rn.

i know her very well and know a lot about her life she tells me everything pretty much and there was a different guy before her she was dating they broke up and he appeared a bit later. then the calls every single time started, they didn't at first. i think she is not a prostitute with or without a pimp because i have no reason to believe she is, like i said, the whole thing was my plan.

i guess i can't be certain she isn't. but i see no evidence of it. you've got me a little curious about the "what if" though. maybe i need to get her passcode for when she's asleep...


yeah more money i have thought about but i just can't really afford the 5k+/month it would probably cost me to PROPERLY provide for her. maybe there's a middle ground idk. i'm somewhat well off hence being able to provide what i do but just not that rich to commit to an extra expense like that. maybe when the trump bullrun comes...

but yeah i'm not that much of a fool i take the comments with a grain of salt and part of the theatrics and obviously aware she has an incentive to get in my head. its just sometimes her exact choice of words and the things she says again and again.
>5k+/month it would probably cost me to PROPERLY provide for her
anon... that'd be a better salary than most people make out there. what the fuck are you doing with your money? I get the autism thing because I'm autistic too, but I was born poor as fuck and I'd never, ever let a woman see or use a single cent of my fucking money unless we both benefir from it, and even then, only when I'm sure I wouldn't lose it (so no marriage for me, thanks).
>what the fuck are you doing with your money

spending loads of it just trying to survive and live comfortably in an expensive city. got very little coming in compared to what i had last year but got enough in reserve to keep me plush for now. you're right though. maybe just paying for all the bills and essentials plus a small allowance could do it. i'll need to think carefully...

and i get your perspective i just view providing for a woman as the only viable way to get women to think of you as more than 'just another (disposable) option' in a ridiculously harsh and hyper competitive dating market. you know because of tinder and instagram/tiktok and all that shit.
I literally got my first gf ever after finding her on bumble by staying at her apartment after we fucked and consoling her when I noticed she was depressed as fuck. you really only see a face until you try going deep into the life of other people. most people actually have shitty lives, and only pretend to be ok on instagram or other social internet bullshit.

sorry what is your point exactly i've lost you?
that there are tons of fish in the sea and you should forget about her and try again. you have money and maybe looks. I get it, you care about her because you've been in a "relationship" for quite a while, but unless you know for sure that she isn't faking it or staying with you only for the money... you should stop this nonsensical thing and find someone else. maybe also find purpose in life and act on that.

that's just my opinion, though.

I already know my purpose in life right now, just pretty dysfunctional at the moment. The situation with her isn't helping my headspace, but I'm sure the drugs don't either. lol. i just don't have any motivation to put effort into random bitches. i'll happily fuck them sure but lifting a finger for any other random bitch now feels like a stupidly pointless endeavour given how unlikely it is to lead to anything good, let alone anything where I get a girl of my own to feel like this about.
>i cannot begin to comprehend what's going on in either of their heads and cannot imagine what kind of pathetic man lets his girlfriend go to another man's house to get naked with him for money
A pimp
>Their relationship is a joke and needs to end imho
You're just the m'lord she needs!
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>A pimp

Everybody is jumping to this but I have no evidence this is the case. I orchestrated the whole thing before he appeared so it makes no sense to think he was the pimp all along but I must admit it has me questioning if that's what he's made himself and made her his bitch since they started dating. I'm going to find out once and for all next time I see her...

>You're just the m'lord she needs!

yeah whatever. if i find out she is somebody's literal whore then obviously i've hit rock bottom and been totally owned and humiliated. will accept it's over for me at that point and embrace my fate of living a life of fake intimacy with whores.

that's the simple way out of this. almost want it to be the case now for an easy exit. if i find out you're all wrong and the money i give her stays hers then it complicates it further.
Bro I think you know that you are deluding yourself.
>I'm going to find out once and for all next time I see her...
This gives off vibes that you're planning to do something really dramatic. Perhaps give her an ultimatum? If so, I advise that you don't do it.

Deluding myself in what way? Just about the pimp thing?

I think you guys are wrong about that but there's only one way to find out for sure.
>Deluding myself in what way?
Telling yourself that there's anyway that you're going to have a healthy relationship with a whore.
>only one way
What is your plan?

My plan is to get the documents that will definitively prove whether her man is her pimp or not. Then I decide what to do from there.

>anyway that you're going to have a healthy relationship with a whore.

Well, at this point, an unhealthy one with the right whore will do. I ain't getting no random 'non-whore' bitch to actually want to be with me for free, certainly not one I like that much, so I'm damned if I do damned if I don't...

You have to admit though, if it turns out her boyfriend is NOT pimping her, then it means he is a massive KEK. And that might be a situation I could engineer to my advantage...

he is not a "KEK" he is a "Khuck". stupid word filter.

Obviously if she is being pimped for her money, or isn't, this can be proved or disproved.


But I never said I wanted to be with her for free.
Holy sperg
>she aint offering these services to anyone else.
That you know of.
Dude you must be trolling here this can't be real.
trips of truth.
is what really gave it away for me, but I'm slow

why can't it be real?

>also, have you ever told her that you actually love her?

and no, i haven't. that would be the worst possible move right now when she is with her man. giving her all the power.

in fact, when she was dominating me recently she tried to force me to say it. i was just like "no you can't do that lol" and she moved on
You've already given her all the power, as evidenced by this thread. Who the fuck are you trying to fool?

not trying to fool anyone i just don't like being forced to tell her i love her. also its pointless saying it when she has a boyfriend
>i think she IS really into me regardless which is why it feels like a dilemma.
Yeah probably true. Women who feel like they're better than you can accept money to silence their hypergamy instinct, which allows their brain to like you because you are essentially admitting they are out of your league so it causes no cognitive dissonance. I wouldn't take it personally, a girl who does all that with a boyfriend is clearly nuts. Smart move is to keep paying and hit the cialis or whatever to ensure you're banging her right. This will speed up her leaving him and keep you in her mind when it's over. After that you're probably good to date her if you're a provider.
Obviously this is going to blow up in your face but that's how you'd make it "work"
If you really wanted to and tried you could pull it off surely, but that would take a lot of energy and the payoff (a disloyal user woman) is not something you want long term. It's not a good idea unless that's the life lesson you need right now, in which case it's a great idea.
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Probably good advice but yeah it is very unlikely to work isn't it. I need to find out first whether her new boyfriend made her his bitch and is pimping her out to me, then decide if I'd even want to play a strategy like that.

If it was the case, I've hit rock bottom and she is a lying whore who has to go. If not, it means he is a kuck and I will have to decide carefully if there's anything I can do.

Realistically I know this is bound to end in misery but I have nothing else. After my past dating experience once I get over the heartache from this I think I'll be pretty much permanently bitter and pessimistic and avoid getting close to women out of cynicism.

It is just annoying because I used to be good at being stoic and integrating the 'bitches aint shit' mentality but she just broke through all that and it infuriates me......


Sorry deleted post as accidentally posted mid way through. I doubt it could work. The consensus is it wouldn't. But I don't have anyone else I care for right now so I'll torture myself just to feel something.

And yeah she is a bit trashy but I've literally realised over the years I'm romantically attracted to girls who are a bit trashy and broken with mental health problems. As long as they are kind at heart, even if they have a crazy dark side, my broken brain views them as gf material. In this way I am doomed.
Final bump for the lulz

Sounds like she is a whore and you have lost control of yourself. Give up.

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