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I had my girlfriend over at my place a few days ago. While she was there I go to take a piss and afterwards wash my hands, she pokes her head in the door and says in this weird tone "You're not using soap?" so I tell her "Don't worry, I just took a piss." She gets this disgusted look on her face and just walks out of my apartment. She won't answer any of my calls or texts. What do I do?
Find a woman who like you for you.
shit, i don't wash my hands every time but i also sit down to pee (male) and rarely need to touch anything. that's a really weird hill to end everything on if there's NOTHING ELSE bad going on in the relationship

if she's not answering you there's really fuckall you can do. whenever she answers/if she answers you just try to understand her perspective and shit
I guess she doesn't feel wanted enough so she wants you to dance like a little monkey.
Any little reason was good enough for her little performance.
Rise above it.
Delete her number and move on.

Date someone sane next time.
>i also sit down to pee (male)
Honestly, I wash my hands just because I touched the toilet. I keep the lid down so the flush isn't sending germs all over the room, which means I have to touch the toilet seat every time I use it. The seat itself obviously does have plenty of germs on it. Your gf might be p much like me, but also overreacting, should've just had a conversation about it lmao
>The seat itself obviously does have plenty of germs on it.
Why do people make assumptions like this? Your kitchen counter has more bacteria than your toilet.
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nah, i just like sitting down to pee. pic related
The hands free no aim no mess really is a huge positive. If I wake up at 3 am and need to do a piss I sit down so I dont have to turn on lights and aim and fuck my sleep up. Its my guilty pleasure in life
i take more regular bowel movements because im so relaxed when i'm pee sitting it just happens. nothing more satisfying than your body taking an opportunistic poopy. so much less discomfort in life
I started to pee sitting down more when I realised you are splashing so much piss around the room and on your pants standing up. Dont tell me you never felt it while wearing shorts.
>She won't answer any of my calls or texts. What do I do
Call the cops, she is missing or in trouble! No sane human being would be that passive aggressive over that.
>drench your pants in piss and shit on the floor
-10 points
This, she was just looking for any excuse and now wants you to beg her to come back, don't fall for it, or do, I don't know your whole situation.
nigga do you shit with your pants only uncovering your ass and do you not have a toilet??? are you telling me to shit standing up???? i can't even visualize how you fuck up the act of shitting this bad
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>i just like sitting down to pee. pic related
>nigga????????niggga????? ? u shit standing nigga????????
>hurr i posted da funny autiztik skreeching and requoted his post
>clearly i have won the intellectual debate of... sitting down to shit
your mother worries about you anon
You ever get it where after sex your foreskin kinda folds over, so you waddle over at like 2am and you're trying to pee and it builds up until the pressure exceeds the folded foreskin and the foreskin moves out of the way, but your pee goes flying all over the place. Just me?
Get a gf who wants to hold your dick when you piss.
You know I just spent way too long cleaning my toilet this weekend and it really made me aware how much of a mess standing up and taking a piss really is … it impossible to do without spritzing everything within 2 feet of the water
everything in your toiletroom is coated in feces
by not using soap to neutralise this, you entire home is by extension also covered in feces
I do it purely because I didn't realise how much piss gets absolutely splashed everywhere until I got a small black bin next to my toilet and saw all the piss marks, really gross. Even pissing right into the water still does it due to my pressure penis. In a public one I'll do it but at home I cba with the pissplosion
Pressure penis?? Wtf
>She won't answer any of my calls or texts. What do I do?
Realize you're dating someone unstable who creates drama just for the sake of it and break up. Maybe she's gotten so used to drama in her own life or seeing drama in her parents relationship that she considers it the norm. But something is not right here.
This. How do you plan to marry a women that thinks your body is disgusting?
Ironically you dindu nuffin wrong.
You could disinfect your hands with plain water except that oil/grease will trap bacteria etc so you use soap to dissolve oil/grease from your hands which disinfects them.
Depending on your gallbladder function levels there will be "some" oil/grease in your poop which is why soap works so well at disinfecting hands that might be contaminated with poop.
However; if your pee contains oil or grease you have a major medical emergency so rinsing with water should be "good enough" unless you had your dick recently up someone's butt, etc.
Also it depends on what you do next. If you were going to enter the operating room theater and perform open heart surgery then solid WTF man use soap. If you were about to walk into the living room and pick up the remote control that hasn't been cleaned since... it was new ten years ago, using soap would be a waste of time. If you were about to hand knead homemade bread in the kitchen, WTF man? Versus if you were about to change the oil in your car or spread fertilizer in the backyard garden, eh, why bother.

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