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I think this hot 25 year old Asian prostitute is starting to see me as more than a client. I've been seeing her every week for almost a year now. She kisses me on the lips, she brings me treats when I come see her, we talk a lot after sex, and she wants to go take me to sing karaoke next weekend. Am I retarded or is she starting to catch feelings for me?
do you want her to catch feelings for you?

if so, take what she's giving you with a grain of salt; you very well could just be a high-paying regular client she's giving little bonuses to keep your business.

if not, either tell her to knock it off or find u another prostitute and keep it simple. life's too short for mixed messages
>I think this hot 25 year old Asian prostitute is starting to see me as more than a client
She's not. She knows if she does the things you mentioned You'll think that and keep paying her
So I'm retarded?
You're a trick, there is no love there. Stop being naive and stupid. She runs the same game and spiel on idiots like you who come and see her.
No. Don't put yourself down. You were just misled
>I think this hot 25 year old Asian prostitute is starting to see me as more than a client
Lmao this schizo is falling for the act
prostitutes are mentally, physically and spiritually incapable of falling in love. Its not coded in their biology or DNA. Its impossible. Just enjoy the perks and don't think too much about it.
I don't know. It's just a feeling that I get when I speak with her. She laughs at everything I say, she's always gushing about how handsome I am, she comes to me for advice.
What we know about your situation
>You know her for 1 year
>You've been intimate with her for the entire year
>She's inviting you to stuff on her own
>You clearly have feelings for her and it's clouding your judgement
>She is a prostitute meaning keeping you around is her job

What are your assumptions
>She might be catching feelings for you
>If she is into you it implies two things:
>1. Implies that she will be willing to sleep with you and spend time with you on her own without money being involved
>2. She is willing to turn it into a real relationship. Given that you have history for about a year now, she should be comfortable with dating you and moving in with you after a month or two

Success criteria for your experiment
>We must prove that she isn't in it for the money
>If there's even a slight hint that she isn't willing to let go of all money, even a 0.00000001% chance, she isn't into you.

Experiment methodology
>Call her and tell her you want to talk about something important. Make sure you mention that it has nothing to do with your normal arrangements. Invite her to meet at a neutral spot like a coffee shop
>Tell her you've noticed she's been behaving a lot closer to you and that you are wondering if she has feelings for you
>If she says she does, tell her explicitly that you are ok with that but the money must stop immediately, she must stop seeing any clients, and you guys must become official now given that you already have history.
>If she gives even the slightest bit of resistance, she is using you. Period. Do not engage with this person any more. Tell her you can't continue this relationship, wish her well, and walk away. DO NOT SETTLE FOR ANY RESISTANCE
>If she tries to guilt change your mind, walk away. Do not allow her to convince you of anything
>If she agrees to everything, congratulations your experiment succeeded

I would personally never date a hoe but hope this works for you
OP this experiment will only work if and only if you have the balls to stand firm in your demands and what you want. If you give her even a little bit of wiggle room, the experiment has failed and you should run
Remember op she can try literally anything to keep you on the hook. "I have a pimp who will kill me if I don't keep the money flowing". "I have some bad deals with the wrong people". "I was trafficked by these people who will murder my family if I leave the business". "I have student loans to pay off and this was my income". It doesn't fucking matter. You aren't this girl's savior or Messiah. You do not owe her anything. Do not fall for any of this. It doesn't matter if you never see her again or she dies or her family dies or whatever else. Stay firm and strong in your convictions and beliefs of what you want and do not give her any leeway
>do you have feelings for me?
>okay prove it by quitting your job and losing your only source of income. also I won't pay you so enjoy being homeless I guess.
You're retarded.
Okay let's use deductive reasoning here. Some cold hard logic. You use prostitutes. Which means that you aren't a top shelf male. Good looking guys have a harem/stable of hoes waiting on them. If you had that, you wouldn't be using prostis for sex. She's a prostitute, which means she fucks anyone. And she's fucked hundreds if not thousands of men. Many of which were statistically speaking, better than you in every way. Also, SHES A PROSTITUTE. She's a master at knowing what men like and want. Including emotional stuff. You might not be her worst fuck, and hell, she might actually look forward to seeing you, but in the end, she's still 99% mostly manipulating you. Either way. Let's be naive here and assume this prostitute wants you for something serious. It's gonna be a fling for her. She has completely lost the ability to pair bond. She cannot love you in a long term kinda way. And women are prostitutes because they refuse to do any kind of hard work. They'd rather let strange men fuck them than do an honest day's work. She won't all of a sudden get a job at Wendy's to help support her and you. You'd have to be a rich fucking cunt who can support her lifestyle enough that it offsets her need to open her legs for money.

>Tldr version

You're a retard and you've been played. If you have doubts just ask her, so she can smarten up and say "yes I love you" and take even more advantage of your stupid ass
I was about to respond to you something like "he won't pay her for sex but she can probably move in with him and he can clothe, feed, and put a roof over her head", but then I thought to myself... Wait a fucking minute... That's just a normal wife/girlfriend
Does she let you do extra is it it just limited to the usual hj/bj?
Dude you’re a weekly paycheck. No shit she’s gonna keep you (hooked) that’s why they’re called hookers
making you think she has feelings for you is part of her job, retard
>oh anon, you so funny and handsome and penis so big, wow
see how she acts when you forgot your wallet the next times
Definitely just buttering you up so you don't get bored with her.
You're being played.
She gives you special treatment because you are a regular and she wants to make sure she doesn't lose that steady stream of income
kinda true
i'm gonna assume yall have a set day that you pay her so, don't pay her. see if she sticks around and if she does, she might be into you.
if not than, consult above threads.
threads like these make me glad i never got into fucking hookers
>So I'm retarded?
Not retarded, just a man. Women evolved to extract resources from us.
Where did you meet her? On the street?
>She kisses me on the lips,
Weeew lad
She does whatever is in her best interest, which is to sap suckers like you out of their money. Some have a heart and some aren't heartless, I fucked one who I sent 200 to accidentally, she was only asking for 100 and she texted me after the session was over and told me if it was a mistake that she'd send the money back and she did. She could have easily kept the money and told me to fuck off and kick rocks if I had told her but she told me and then sent the money back. No problems, no bullshit, no games, just direct communication and understanding, even told me to drive safe. Now I know she's a prostitute, I know she's just sweet talking and saying sugary things, pretending like she is enjoying my weak pumps and having the time of her life with her rehearsed and scripted moans, I know it is all an act and she'd rather be fucking someone else or I just give her the money and not fuck her, I know it is all a lie, but at least I know that with absolute certainty. Don't fall in love with them, don't play yourself. It is bad enough that they'll run the same lines to any john stupid enough or naive enough to believe them, but you're playing yourself by believing that you're anything more than a sentient penis and a paycheck when it comes to your interactions with her. You're a trick, dude. What the fuck do you think she does for a living? Or did you actually and honestly believe that you were special for even just a moment? Dude. Get real. She's a prostitute. She just wants your money and for you to be an idiot and be pleasant, to pay her rent. She doesn't give a single fuck about you, she couldn't care less about you or how your day is going, if she did she'd be a girlfriend or a wife you moron. The whole point of having sex with a prostitute is to only get sex and not have to deal with literally anything else that may come attached to a woman. You don't have to check up on her, she won't check up on you. She won't break your heart unless you're stupid
In a massage parlor.
>no guys really this stripper is actually in love with me
Sad! Many such cases!
A young 25 year old in a AMP?! Let me guess San Francisco right? How young are you in comparison to her? Young guys alway get treated better in these places.
Listen some of the AMP girls have favorites or are willing to do more, my regular strips naked for me, panties and all when she usually keeps them on. But she’s does that because I’m a regular and not a 60 year old balding Norwood 3 fat fuck(most parlor dudes) not because she loves me.
>If she gives even the slightest bit of resistance, she is using you. Period. Do not engage with this person any more.

If I might interject on OPs behalf, why can't he just keep paying her for sex if she wants to be a prostitute?
If she has feelings for you what does that even mean in terms of anything changing?

I would just keep everything the same and start fucking her more passionately. If she does start to develop feelings then she'll start getting jealous and more demanding and she'll want to spend time with you more. She'll start feeling different having sex with other guys.

If she genuinely starts developing feelings she'll go full schizo on herself if you just keep on doing what you're doing. The female brain is self destructive by nature and it will fucking implode when she doesn't understand her own feelings and starts losing control of things. Not reacting and pushing things is how you maintain leverage.

You also need to be aware that you're genuinely dealing with damaged goods. Not even from a hyper conservative standpoint or anything. Her intimacy is compromised and she has a combination of low self worth and an even worse view of people that pay her for sex. If you come swinging with feelings then she'll view you as a retard who falls for a prostitute.

Imo you'd have to get her in the door of the relationship through manipulation and then start the healing process through actually just living day to day in a good environment.
I'm 33 but I look mid 20's.
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mans in for a serious character development episode

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