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femanon here i’m 18 and starting first serious relationship with a guy

we’ve only kissed once but he’s a couple years older then me and i assume at some point he’s gonna want to have sex, but i don’t know what to expect? i mean i wanna have sex too obviously but im insecure about my body and scared after losing a lot of weight that im still too fat to want to have sex with. how similar to porn is actual sex?? what are the do’s and donts?? do guys prefer everything shaved or just trimmed and tidy?? i know i sound like a fucking retard but i actually like this guy and don’t wanna mess it up just because im socially inept

also do i tell him im a virgin?

and yes im aware this is a bad place to ask considering most on here are male virgins :/ just shut up and please help a girl out
trimmed is best but like just dont be gross
you can tell him you are virgin
have sex with lights off
try to enjoy yourself and this wonderful bonding experience
good luck
kill yourself, whore
do i ask to turn lights off or is that weird
do you want channer of the year award fag?? stfu and go back to /b/ edgelord
you can ask, it's kinda cute, you can just turn them off yourself, relax, he's probably not an expert either
ty bro <3
get HPV
>insecure about your body
more than likely he'll be happy to be with you

>similar to porn
not at all. watch amateur pornography videos from REAL amateurs just filming themselves having sex for a better idea. the worse the quality, the more realistic

communicate. speak. verbalize. if something hurts/you don't like it, let him know. if you like something, let him know. be willing to LAUGH if something doesn't go perfectly right (it will not go perfectly right until you've had a lot more sex)

anything you or him do not want to do. don't take it too seriously. don't try to do porn things. don't lay there and do absolutely nothing.

>shaved or trimmed and tidy
depends entirely on the man. go trimmed and tidy just to be safe -- shit, you can even ask and make it sexy "how do you want me to do this for you"

best of luck. have fun.
i can’t believe channers giving me nice advice..truly brings a tear to my eyes. thanks guys! maybe i’ll ask him what he thinks tomorrow when i go over to watch movies
Punch him in the nuts while yelling about your hymen, that way he's too preoccupied with his ball pain to worry about your virginity
Probably bait, but don't have sex outside of marriage. It instantly shows you which guys actually prioritize commitment, as opposed to the men who see sex as their first goal.
> i actually like this guy and don’t wanna mess it up just because im socially inept
You're going to end up getting taken advantage of with this kind of mentality.
not bait i’m just a loser and all i do i post on here (unfortunate for me)

i can respect saving yourself for marriage but i’m not super religious or into stuff like that so i’m not worried really about that, but i’ve talked to other guys before him and either they weren’t interested me or only interested in hooking up which i refused

i went into this not knowing whether or not he just wanted to have sex but we’ve been on 5 dates now and we’ve only kissed so i feel like he’s different? also wdym by getting taken advantage of
First time sex is always awkward, it's something you have to get used to. Disarm yourself of stress in a way by going into it knowing this. Always use a condom, they feel like crap but trust me, just do it, not unless you want to baby trap the guy. Porn is nothing like sex, at all. Do not act out anything in any porn you've seen. Do's and don'ts all depend on what both parties are comfortable with and pubic hair is a preference, so it will also vary. Again, please use a condom and if you decide to look for alternatives down the line, understand that birth control pills can take away your libido and just fuck your shit up mentally so be extremely wary of this if you consider this an option later on.

What >>31671964 means by being taken advantage of is that you come across as someone with low self esteem and there are a lot of guys out there that will exploit that to get sex from you. I know you're going to need more than a pep talk from some anonymous faggot on a shithole website but you need to look into improving your self image before delving too deeply in relationships because if you don't, you'll end up using them as a way to compensate, which is very bad for both you and any potential, genuine relationships. I don't know what would possess a woman to come here though, you'd get a lot more genuine responses over at reddit but keep in mind that a lot of the women that post over there are a bit biased and will give you information that is not exactly true to life, such as body count, promiscuity, stuff like that. I guess in much the same way that we have a lot of guys over here that get turned down once and end up hating women for the rest of their life. Anyway, you gotta read between the lines the best that you can, good luck.
OP, you've posted like a paragraph abt yourself and these nerds are going to psychoanalyze you until you go insane. you've already got good sex advice now and answers to your questions, go enjoy your relationship before these virgins fuck it all up for you and mess up a good thing you have.
Ur fucking up. Save ur virginity dude. It is reverse for male and female. Male virgins are low-value losers who no one respects. Female fornicators (non-virgins) are low-self-esteem losers who no one will ever truly love or cherish. Save it for marriage or become just another wet hole in a world of worthless holes.
thanks for advice, on the pill for a couple years because of my horrible periods so i’m covered on that end i suppose

and yeah i get what you mean. it’s kinda hard for me have good self esteem but i’ve been trying to work on it and i think having a relationship will be good for me. lost 80 pounds finally started taking care of myself in the last 2 years..this guy also knows what it’s like to be the fat loser lmfao i guess i feel nice around him

i think the fact that i used to be fat might answer ur question as to why a woman is on here, what do you think loser 15 year olds have to do in their free time?!

but seriously thanks again for the sincere advice, i might go on some woman subreddit (idfk lol) and ask more specific stuff i just have no one irl to ask about shit so i guess this is my next best option
haha idk what i expected but at least most of them are being nice other then this weirdo under you that seems like the type of guy to have a shrine to brandon rodgers
why not save yourself until marriage?
Are you trans?
Im a married man. And what is a brandon rodgers? American foptball player?
never saw the appeal and i wasn’t raised religious so those values aren’t instilled in me i guess. no hate to the idea of it but not for me
nope female since birth
Hell yeah. Then lets meet up and Ill get you good and introduced to sex.
cmon man you’re better then asking an 18 year old for sex on 4chan. not better then me asking for sex advice, but still

>cmon man you’re better then asking an 18 year old for sex on 4chan. not better then me asking for sex advice, but still

I never saw the appeal in not asking 18 year olds for sex on 4 chan and i wasn’t raised religious so those values aren’t instilled in me i guess. no hate to the idea of it but not for me

I will keep pestering girls of legal consenting age for sex and/or nudes
Just be yourself then dude. Tell him you're a virgin and don't worry about messing it up since you have enough and more opportunities to have sex with him after this. All good relationships should feel comfortable and you shouldn't feel like you need to prove yourself or impress someone. If this guy has a poor opinion of you because of your sex performance, he's a blind idiot who can't see that you care about him and want to make him happy. If he's a keeper, he'll be happy to spend time with you and maybe teach you some stuff if he has experience with sex already
Post height and weight
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>just fuck guys that aren't committed to you and become another notch in Chad's belt like me, girl! Maybe empower yourself to the fullest by working a gloryhole in the men's restroom at the local international airport? Girl power! Lose that stupid hymen, sis!
ty, might just bite the bullet and talk to him tomorrow about what his expectations for sex are and talk through it since you guys have instilled some confidence in me
whatevs i guess i have nothing to lose is randoms call me fat

Not bad. How much older is the guy?
>blowing the situation out of proportion to fulfill some weird fantasy about all women needing to be virgins
news flash: adults have sex. welcome to the real world. get with it or stay pissed and behind
As a former fat ass, you are delusional. That's a very normal weight for a girl of your height. On the heavier side but still within normal bounds. Of course you should still work out and try to get closer to 140 to be considered lean but 150 is a very normal cute girl weight
>im insecure about my body and scared after losing a lot of weight that im still too fat to want to have sex with.
Why would a man want to fuck you if you'd rather be insecure than horny?
This guy must be playing a prank on you, or pitying you.
I'm a guy you nigger. Christ is a gay retard who got nailed by men
he’s 21
we haven’t even discussed it yet he wouldn’t even know i’m insecure
I am married. I married a virgin. Now she's always bitching to me about how all her friends and family are always crying about how miserable they are and always wanting her help and she says they need to get "real men" like me. But she understands they fucked it up for themselves because real men don't want to marry used-up whores. That's the crux of why she is annoyed by their complaining - she thinks they chose this by choosing to be hoes. She told her sister to wait until marriage and instead she fucked a bunch of guys and now no guy she dates cares about her and they all end up cheating and giving her even more STDs. Be like my wife, not her sister
My point still stands. You're a faggot as well as a crab in a bucket.
fantastic for you that your individual experience worked out for you. the real world's still going to tick outside of your bubble.
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Wait until marriage femanon. Jesus has a beautiful plan for your life and He loves you. He wants you to be happy and free with your future husbando.
>Male virgins are low-value losers who no one respects.
Incel nonsense.
They think this because, as the name implies, they can't imagine men choosing not to have sex, so they figure any man who is a virgin must have tried and failed to fuck around.
The more sexual partners a woman has had, the more likely she is too be diseased, the more likely she is too be depressed, and the more likely she is too get divorced. Those are facts. Reality reflects my rhetoric. Your delusion lives only in your feeble mind
none of your factoids address the original assertion; adults have sex. you choose to be angry about it. i do not. one of us has embraced reality as it is, nothing more, nothing less.
like i said before i’m not big on religion but, that being said, this was kinda cute. love religious folk
>adults have sex
Adults make a lot of stupid deciscions based on impulses and base desires. Why should I let that affect my morals and how I exercise them in deciscion making? What, should I also start drinking whiskey colas 24/7 because it's yummy and adults drink too? I'll also blow my money on $10 coffee drinks everyday instead of saving and buying useful things because why not.
I'd rather be accused of living in a bubble than making the same bad deciscions overgrown teenagers do.
>i wasn’t raised religious

Then how about you become smarter than your retarded parents who didn't raise you properly?
nta but i was watching gay gay mccullough talk about turning 40 and making sure you don't live your peaceful stable years in regret when you start closing the doors of your past, and since i was a child i had just about every dream for my love life. I wanted to date around. I wanted to fuck around. I wanted to find my soulmate. for i dated around but i never had much success sleeping with strangers as fwb or fuckbuddies or one night stands. they always wanted to date. so for me it's okay if i a girl was a serial monogamous like i was but if they had a fuckgirl phase at all i seeth with envy and jealousy and it makes me think about how i missed out on a full life. girls that never had a fuckgirl phase dont trigger these feelings. im just not compatible with more experienced women. it's like how girls want the guy to at least be taller than them.
>do guys prefer everything shaved or just trimmed and tidy
Depends on the guy. My husband doesn't care at all at honestly likes when I have pubic hair so I leave a bush and it's low maintenance for me. He said it's more feminine to him.
Honestly the only thing you 'need' to expect is that when you two are alone in a quite place and start kissing each other, your bodies will naturally guide you towards having sex. You don't need to go all the way the first time this happens, but you can if you want.
You are almost certainly not too fat for someone to want to have sex with you, especially in this case - he's your boyfriend. He wants to have sex with you trust me.
Sex (and porn) can vary enough that sometimes they might only have the fundamentals in common. Don't sweat it or think too much. Porn and society's expectations around sex are abstractions and have no (necessary) bearing on what you do with your partner. Don't think about it too much, just do what feels right.
No real dos or don'ts, just listen to your partner and stop or slow down if either of you says so. You can expect it to be a little awkward and not go exactly as you think it might. That's fine, it's completely normal for your first time. It's completely normal for first times between any two people really. There's no playbook or rulebook despite what other virgins might have told you. It's as natural as breathing, you really can't mess it up. Less thought here is better.
Trimmed and tidy is fine, shaved if you want. Really makes no difference to 95%+ of men.
You don't sound like a retard, it's normal. You can't mess it up, it has nothing to do with social conventions whatsoever. It's way below and way more hardwired. We were having sex long before language even existed.
You can tell him or not tell him, completely personal. Most guys won't care, some prefer it even.
I've only ever had sex with prostitutes. If he likes he, he probably won't even notice the things you're insecure about and deeply obsess over. If he were insecure about his hair being too thin but you never even noticed or gave it any thought, would it not be a little silly? Are you worried your clit is too big? Tits and nipples too wonky or something? He probably has had sex before so he knows what to expect, it won't be anything new so there is no surprise if you have your own body type. Some women have puffy nipples, some have small ones, some have larger areolas, some have smaller ones. I don't think he'll care unless he's an ass. Even then, we all have our own preferences. Personally, I like a bit of fur downstairs, not really into shaved pussies, definitely not full bushes. But i dont mind shaved ones, I just prefer fur. Porn is acting, don't expect rough sex going 50 mph and full pounding, sex can be awkward at times, it doesn't have to be. pornographic. Sometimes it is just going through the motions. It really isn't that big a deal, if anything the dance before you get to it is more nerve wracking than the actual act itself. It gets into your head and you mull over it, but the actual act itself is basically cardio with someone you like and who likes you. It may feel good, may be just meh, may be awful. Since he's your bf, talk to him and see what works for the both of you.
>why should i stop being angry about things i can't change
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Why would you post this here, holy shit, you're better off asking your mom or whatever.

Anyway, here goes:
>im insecure about my body
I know it doesn't mean anything from a stranger, but don't be. If he likes you already, it means he likes you as you are now. But the deeper truth you should burn into your brain is this: our imperfections make us more attractive. You're hotter now with the few extra pounds, than you would be if you lost them. Trust me.

>how similar to porn is actual sex??
Extremely different and both of you better understand this as soon as possible and not hurt yourselves trying to do stupid shit.
>what are the do’s and donts??
Take your time with your foreplay, his erection, your tension, etc. Don't assume roles, don't worry about perfect positioning. Communicate, like talk it out. It's okay to be awkward. Don't do it without protection. Don't do kinky stuff that sounds dangerous without a safeword and other safety procedures. Don't blame yourself if it's not an ideal experience.

>do guys prefer everything shaved or just trimmed and tidy??
Depends on the guy. Some people like a jungle.

>don’t wanna mess it up just because im socially inept
Don't worry, social skills don't matter in bed. They matter the week after.

>also do i tell him im a virgin?
Again, depends on the guy. Some guys don't give a shit, some like it a lot, some take offense. Again, communicate.

You deserve a happy sex life and a happy life in general. Don't be a retard who blames herself for everything.
many women will lie about their body count/virginity because of this exact attitude. best to try and accept it for what it is, presume every person has been with more people than they can count, and try not to let it bother you too much.
can I ask how you met?
If you have to ask all these questions no offense but maybe you're not ready
Sex outside of marriage = whore plus he will pump and dump you because you're too fucking stupid to see that he's using you for sex.
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>adults commit murder. deal with it incels
Feminists really are subhuman niggers
didn't read thread. Just tell him you're a virgin otherwise he might go rough on you and it will hurt a lot. He will be pleased that you are a virgin don't worry. You will bleed and it will hurt the first time but don't worry it's normal. It will feel better after a few times (on following days). don't feel bad about it. Shaved/trimmed is better. In porn the girl does more, in real sex both partners try to please their partner equally. When you blow him be careful of not using your teeth on his cock. Your weight doesn't matter.
sex = murder now anons. false equivalence prevails once again

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