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My family hired a woman who comes to help with chores for a couple of hours.

I really really REALLY want to fuck her.

She's not hot, just slim, picrel is kind of what she looks like but not really.

There's a mild language barrier, so I don't think any flirting would work, maybe body language, Idk, she tried to put the moves on my dad and we look pretty similar.

Sometimes she looks at me funny and one time I let my finger graze the hem of her pants while she turned around and she just laughed.

My mom knows about me and is telling me not to try shit under any circumstance and she won't leave me in the same room with the helper alone.

How do I go about getting into a situation where I can pull something.
I'm 18 and she's 30 btw
Why arent you doing the chores?
I do do the chores, but I also have to watch the betismed ones because my mom has health issues and my dad works overseas.
>grown ass adult wants to fuck another grown ass adult
>mom says no
Welp, pack it up, it's OVER.
Dude don't do that, she's obviously trouble if she's "put the moves" on your dad. I know telling an 18 year old not to think with his dick is like telling a fish not to drink water but think about it, no good can come from this. You should also tell your mom that she's been hitting on your dad, if you have any sort of moral compass that is.
She put the moves in the sense that she tried touching his arm a few times, sometimes waited for him so she could do another chore, nothing overt.

My mom knows, it's why she warned me in the first place.
I have no idea WHY I want to fuck her, she's not particularly hot, she doesn't have any traits I find attractive, some of the things she's done to my mom here have soured my perception of her, but not enough for a hate fuck.
I genuinely don't understand what my hangup is
>I dont want a good employee to be taken advantage of by her boss's son.

Wowzers. OP is scummy for wanting to try something. Guess its not illegal, but it is inherently creepy
I think she likes the attention, her husband left her and she got pregnant way too early so she might be a bit of a hoe too.
If she's a hoe, should I really try going for it, this might be my only chance for easy poon because I highly doubt there are any active prostitutes in my side of town.
Anon jack off early on the days you know she's going to be at your home then start working on attracting a better woman than some third world roastie with a kid. You will be disowned be your family and will lose everything just because you couldn't control yourself. Don't be around her alone. She's a 30 year old whore and you're a young man who is ready to get good women
>My family hired a woman who comes to help with chores for a couple of hours.
>I really really REALLY want to fuck her.
Then ask her if she wants to hang out or chat after work and then tell her she's sexually desirable during said chat.
>There's a mild language barrier, so I don't think any flirting would work
Idk, might be doable
Have some shame you faggot. You're 18 you can spend a year working on yourself (fitness, style, etc) and be swimming in really high quality women
Idc if I sound like a douche for saying this but mid women are for fucking, high quality women are keepers.
That seems to be blowing the situation a *little* out of proportion. The lady's probably got other work if she's being hired for a few hours. Contractors meet clients and fuck all the time. Without knowing more about the specific financial arrangement here, I wouldn't jump to the conclusion of inappropriate fraternization yet.
>Have some shame you faggot
I'm not OP, but FUCK YOU and your shame.
>Bro there's plenty of fish in the sea.j
I accidentally hit send. My bad.

OP, hug her once or something and see if she's into you touching her. After that try to communicate more and figure out how comfortable you two are around each other.
We live very close to my maternal grandma, the houses are connected to each other by a footpath.

I would settle for pics of her but her social media is private and it doesn't help.

She adjusted her pants in front of me once and she mostly wears closefitting clothes, but I've yet to see her try anything sexy.

I want to know if she's enough of a hoe to move first since she already had a thing for my dad.
Seems like it puts too much emotion into it...? I'm uncomfortable with the idea of doing anything else besides having sex with her.
stop these fantasize she probably doesn't like you like that.
I don't know that yet, might as well take a shot before I decide on leaving it be
We aren't all that rich, lower income people working for middle class families is common in my country so I can't just pass her some bills and tell her to suck it.
Maybe smiling more often, try getting more surface area on her ass next time I work up the courage to cop a feel, see if she doesn't mind seeing a boner on me.
Going the dating angle isn't doable because I need to make it clear to her that I want her for sexual reasons only
>I do do
You're 12
she girl you man. benis in bagina. simple as
out of 10
>dime a dozen Filipina
Bro get Badoo and set your location to Philippines and within the first few messages mention to the girls you're only keen for something casual and you don't want to use condom. Watch about 25% agree.
Your family sounds rich so maybe book a holiday to the Philippines to get your rocks off.
We're a middle class Filipino family, middle class bordering on lower middle, I was born with the unfortunate double edged sword of being a fluent english speaker, I'm basically a second generation migrant who's also a native.

Guarantee no Pinay gold digging hoes want a piece of this.
Ahh OK thought you were white.
Anyway, offer her money for sex?
I like the idea, but I have no idea what her going rate is
And what we're paying her is pretty decent by low income standards
Dude learn to reply to posts, you fucking newfaggot.
Click the number in the post you're trying to reply to. That's it.
Shouldn't context clues be enough for you to tell who I'm talking to?

You a retard or something?
different anon here. genuinely no. that "anonymous" tag could literally come from anybody. some faggots like to pretend to be the other anon to derail the thread. it just makes things easier and discussions smoother for everyone when you click the post number
I see, my bad then
Bump so I can find out if OP manages to score
just rub one out, shit will not make you happy after the deed and god knows what kinda shit she has in store
I'm not looking to get happiness or anything out of this, I wanna see what my hangup is with her and dick her down already so I can get over it.
>I'm not looking to get happiness or anything out of this
dosent matter if you are looking for it or not, how do you know she dosent have any stds?
If that was a concern to me, I would've brought it up by now.
Also, here's a thing I forgot to mention in the OP

She once bent over and let me get a very long look down her chest, she's pretty flat so there wasn't much but tits are tits though I don't think she noticed.
Another bump, you go OP
>How do I go about getting into a situation where I can pull something

you get arrested for being a rapist and you can pull on your tiny cock while you get your asshole gaped by the queens

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