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How do I stop this. I break shit, scream and manipulate just like in this video.
get the shit beaten out of you, physically or by life
or just use willpower and grow the fuck up, former is way easier though
Fuck Boogie
Get some cardio retard
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everyone was skeptical but its pretty obvious that wingsbros won the debate
>How do I stop this.
5 mg of haldol twice a day should do the trick
I live in the same city as this loser. Having watched this video, I'm glad I'm moving next week.
I'm very thin. I just do the same things.
That has helped me do it less often.
Listen to true capitalist radio and console yourself further
>yanks tits

I can't stop laughing holy shit
If you are really boogie then go jump off the highest building and kill yourself
eat more green shit that isnt liquid
The clip goes so hard. He broke his mic and headphones.
What's wrong with Fayetteville bruh? I'll see you at the Dickson liquor store in 2 weeks.
I'm like literally at work in my office pretending to have a coughing fit to mask my laughter
This fucking guy
Funniest shit I've seen in a while, anywho boog should just blow his brains out on stream.
Just run a thought experiment bro. Imagine if you took a 2 month old baby and somehow magically made it stay as a baby forever. That means you give the baby the ability to speak language even complex adult language. also it grows into an adult shape itself maybe even gets its own beard. but it still keeps the babyness it will still cry and scream and throw things when irritated or grumpy or whenever it feels insecure or alone.

That’s boogie. Now ask yourself, is this what you want to be? never mind asking ‘who’ - ask ‘what’. The answer should be no right? So there you go. Just stop that way of behaviour and you’re good.

>how do I stop
Pain. I’m serious >>31672335 this anon wasn’t just pissing out his dick out of contempt, he meant it. Because it’s true OP. Pain is what knocks it out of you. And no, feeling depressive or lonely isn’t pain, that’s suffering. Pain is about the body. And no I do not mean “go beat beat up” or “self harm”. Those still use infantile emotions to initiate. Adult emotions is needed.

So go do something to push your comfort zone that carries semi-serious risk. Go hiking, go camping using minimal equipment, go do some sports, go and do anything that involves discomfort, anything that puts you in a position where all you can do to cope is to push through it and suck it up.
That’s how to do it bro
Not OP, but Idk this doesn't feel like the whole story to me
I grew out of my tantrum phase pretty naturally. I'm pretty sure the last time I had a tard rage was when I was 10. Only now as an adult have I ever really tried to do as you've said. Hunting, hiking, backpacking, bike riding. I'm still probably not that good at pushing myself. Idk maybe I've got a tard rage brewing without me even knowing it lol
I'm pretty sure it's just a natural phase of male development to just stop crying and stuff. That kind of attention seeking behavior is only useful for babies and women. I always figured the behavior just disappears in men who develop properly
I'm 23 though. When's development supposed to start.
dubs he dies tonight
digits and he dies
>I'm pretty sure the last time I had a tard rage was when I was 10.
That’s because you naturally grew via age. And that’s normally how it happens for most people. They didn’t need to do extreme leaps out of comfort zone to do it like I described. They just needed 1,000’s of mini-challenges throughout the journey from age 10 - whatever age you also are. Those mini-challenges being responsibilities basically. Work, chores, school, studying, any kind of discipline, basically. This is called experience. Specifically experiencing the outside world.

If someone is an adult and it didn’t ‘naturally’ happen, it means one of two things:
- a mental disorder is slowing the progress.
- poor socialisation
Often, it’s both. Now remember about experience and challenge and pushing comfort zones and how it has to be from the outside world, yeah?

Now look at boogie. Look at his life. Overfed, morbidly obese, always visible only on the internet, a msssive haul of just video games and movie related shit hung on his walls of his room. What does it tell us?

That he did nothing but stay inside all day, ruin his body, dwell on the internet, and therefore did not socialise in real life, and that meant no taking risks, no going through necessary pains, no pushing himself through adversities from the external world. That means no emotional aging at all. His body grows, maybe his mind grows too, but his gut? His instincts? His ‘heart’? It stays underdeveloped.

That is why boogie is the way he is. And the fucked up thing is it’s easily undone. Anyone in his shoes can catch-up and emotionally mature VERY quickly. It won’t take 10-20 years of time. It can happen in as little as 1 or 2 if worked at diligently. Problem with boogie is, he doesn’t know what working diligently means. He gets money from staring into a camera and using left click on his mouse.
The single biggest part of growing into an adult is assuming control of your life choices and the consequences which arise from them. Many people get stuck at different parts of this process - Some think they aren't free to make choices when they actually are (the typical 'how do I convince my parents/partner about x' questions are a giveaway here). Some want the freedom of control and choice without assuming the consequences (but this is not possible, they two are intractably linked).
Boogie is seen here as a, what, 40? year old. He had fallen back all the way on some shit that happened when he was a child because all the other excuses of more recent events, i.e. his own choices, have failed to immunize him from consequence.
He could stop this behavior, and ultimately fix his life, at any moment with a modicum of self reflection culminating in him assuming responsibility for his actions and accepting the consequences. His fat, lying, attention-seeking and highly self-destructive behaviors are not the result of childhood trauma. He displays a complete failure to understand how his own choices, such as disclosing medical issues (true or not) to the internet, or to shovel food in his mouth because he feels hungry despite being morbidly obese. This of course leads to poor outcomes, entirely due to his own choices. But he continues to pin it on externalities. Until he reflects honestly on this and realizes the truth, that past the age of majority it's only ever been his own choices causing his terrible situation, will he mature into a functional adult.
With this would come some realizations that are obvious to anyone who can think maturely, such as that continuing to engage with the Internet in a public manner in any fashion has no possible positive outcomes and should be something that stops immediately.
But my nigga here probably thinks starting from zero is beneath him, at his age. It'll never happen.
Boogie's mom used to beat him in the head with a hammer. He's 50 and medically fucked. Financially too, I think. If you're life is like that then screaming and breaking things makes sense. You're in hell. If you're own his shoes then it's not the kind you can leave.
Having an internet life has its consequences, I'm so glad I can say racist shit on here without being cancelled for it in real life.
wow Anonymous I didn't know you were a racist chud like that. I used to look up to you, but to see how you've turned out really sickens me.
I can't believe we live in a world where Wings is the more likeable obese lolcow than Boogie. Wouldn't have thought that 12 years ago.
Stop using the internet.
Watch this video instead.

If you still see similarities then talk to a psychotherapist.
Already did the therapy thing. They gave up 3 times.
I don’t think they would. Why would they? They’re getting paid. What did you do to make a therapist quit working with you? Attack them? Cuz in pretty sure a stubborn case that lasts years and years = they’re getting money for years and years. Why would a therapist throw that away?
I have disabilities that make it so I can't do anything. I am ill because I sit at a computer for 20 hours a day because the pain prevents me from sleeping. I'm 30 grand in debt and the card stopped working so they stopped letting me go to therapy. Saying that I know what to do but will never be able to do it because my body. THEY SAID TO WATCH MORE TV UNIRONICALLY. Fuck man it's so fucking over no wonder I freak out like boogie.
Clinical narcissism isn't curable.

All anyone is doing by trying to help is make it worse.
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wtf did i just watch
I used to know this girl that was pretty equivalent to boogie. She was a fat fucking manipulative liar and nobody could believe her bullshit. She got this job but she didn't. Her father was an abusive rapist and raped her mom and her but she went to live with him anyways when the going was a little tough. Her older sister was always trying to get her out of trouble, but she kept getting into it. She was a compulsive liar through and through. Her social media was full of just trying to validate herself and blaming other people for her failures, suicide baiting and self harming. If you didn't know her, you'd think she's a jolly funny girl, just like boogie was. She'd lie even in situations where it'd be 100% beneficial for her to tell the truth.
Over a decade she doesn't seem to have changed much.
If they said it like that then yeah that’s shit. Though there is a bit of good advice there believe it or not. Just depends on how well the therapist can articulate it.

>Be me
>Have addiction to TV/porn/fapping/gaming/internet/whatever
>Come to realize I’m doing this cuz I feel bad and have big problems that makes me stressed
>Realize my addiction is a coping mechanism for stress and it gives me a lot of shame
>Shame is stressful
>So by trying to brute force myself off an addiction, all I feel is shame and self anger
>This produces a lot of stress
>Stress then means that my mind will use the addiction to cope

>Stress > Bad cope > Stress > Shame > Stress > Bad cope again.

Vicious cycle. How do we break it?
>”Force yourself out the addiction!”
Doesn’t work. It’s why things like no-fap doesn’t work long term.

The answer is: stop allowing shame, let yourself do the addiction freely, own it, make it your choice. When the shame breaks, the stress surrounding the addiction breaks, when the stress breaks, the less stress you have the less likely you will turn to addiction for help.
>Okay I did that and it feels uncomfortable! I don’t know what to do with myself now!

Two options:
Use addiction as a useful weapon. Replace the old addiction with a new addiction, but choose an addiction for something that helps you instead of killig you. Drawing painting writing journalling gardening cleaning hiking walking camping carving sculpting figure painting, hell even a fidget object or anything to let your hands fumble with. Become addicted to something good or neutral.


Use the uncomfortable idleness as a rite of self passage, understand it is painful and allow it, let the pain in while understanding that going through it forces personal growth. Because that is exactly what it does. It feels bad during the time, but after you get stronger, mentally and emotionally so long as it is accepted.

If you are having too much of it then its time to chill, go back to the useful addiction we talked about. Expose yourself to it bits at a time.

No one on planet earth ever went from 0 - 100. Anyone who claims they did or can are lying. Everything is a process. So just focus on small steps, small tiny ones. Go from 1 to 2, to 3, to 4, to 5, 6, 7, 8...

That’s how to get to 100% mentally and emotionally. And don’t focus on your own life or surroundings too much, don’t feel it needs to resemble the improvements on the inside. It will do that of its own accord, by itself. As long as you believe that you can do it slowly, step by step. Then your outside life will do it too.
You sound like a pathetic NPC retard. The only thing I know that I have seen change someone like you is a full brain reset from a high dose of LSD or psilocbyin, but that would probably end up like Boogie for you too, some people are just retarded and can't be helped.
What if I'm stressed becuase my addictions are the reason I'm disabled? If I do them it causes insane amounts of pain and I lose money to doctors (or even die). I can't just let myself do them. I keep up the Internet because it's only breaking my wrists, neck and making me go blind. Compared to the if I jerk off once I'm hospitalized it seems like the safer choice.
At that point I’d think the cleverest workaround would be to work with your disability rather than against it, whatever that may be - physical or mental.

You’d need to really sit down and accept all the limitations while forgiving yourself for them in such a way you accept there’s nothing to forgive as it would then be out of your control.

But out of control =/= out of your management. Then you can begin to give yourself experiences that accomodate your own disability, so that you can thrive your own way.

That’s what everyone else is doing and has to do, disability or not. It does not mean you are less of a person either. Simply, a person with a disability. Still a person, friend.
Shut up, you slanted eyed freak!
That's way harder than it sounds but your right. I've been trying to think of what I can do all day and still got nothing.
So then it's time to think about what not to do. Look, if someone is missing a leg, smart thing is to avoid stairs. If someone has autism, smart thing is to avoid crowd and loud spaces. If someone had adhd, smart thing to do is to avoid deadlines and appointments. If someone is blind, smart thing to do is avoid crossing the street.

Sometimes you can't avoid it 100%. So all it means is minimize it. All the things that give you unreasonable stress? Eliminate them or minimize them. That's service to yourself right there. That gives you less stress, more energy, and that will be the fuel you'll need for the rest of the self-improving.
So take boogie for example. What smart play should he have made to save his own life? What should he have NOT done to improve things?

>acknowledge he is a narcissist, clinical narc, aka he has underdeveloped emotional maturation
>means he is extremely prone to requiring fame/validation/adulation to even function. (most normal people only require little - moderate amounts from time to time.)
>Not him tho, he needs it 24/7, the same amount as a baby needs from mom. Round the clock.

So what should he have avoided? The fucking internet. Streaming, YouTube personality shit. All of it. It ruined him and he chose it. He's about to find out the harshest truth: None of his fans gave a shit. And he will 100% feel victimised. Yet he'll never admit he also 100% never gave a shit about his fans.

Which is ok. They're strangers on the internet. But he sees them as a life supply, and it's cutting short, and he's melting down. Baby go night night.
Thank you anon. I see now. I know what to avoid now. Getting off the Internet is gonna be really hard. I'm probably gonna kill myself if I don't find something better soon, but I'll keep looking. What jobs are there where I can get any time off for doctors if anyone knows? (Not online lol)
Internet is only a tool, really. It’s how it’s used that counts. A man like boogie simply needs to step back from it for a good long time. And if he wants to use it again, cool. This time use it in a way where he doesn’t identify with it or make his personality hinge on it. He and anyone like him could just easily substitute it with something else. Stand-up comedy, being a magician, showmanship, hell even a lawyer is a bit of a narcissist in that they work the crowd. A wrestler or anything. Ideally though, one needs to get rid of the narcissistic petrification of his identity first. the clinical narc shit. Bit like a stone really, it needs to break before his true identity is revealed and I think that’s more or less what happened in this video. He had what they call the ‘narc meltdown’ and he plunges into pain and hellish shit.

Personally i saw that coming a mile away after he did ayahuasca or shrooms or whatever. it begun the uncracking of his narcissism. Lots of ex-narcs went thru it. If he can trust the pain that follows and treat the pain as the thing that will cure itself so long as he allows it, he might just stand a chance at winning his own true identity as a man.

Socieities of old knew this was needed, its why fathers had initiation rites and rites of passage where they’d scare the ever loving shit out of their kids thru a controlled ceremony of pain. It ensured the kid could witness himself overcome and endure hard shit, and thus become a man.

too bad modernity replaced that with internet bullshit.
I don't think you understand how serious being 600lbs is. He genuinely can't do half the stuff your talking about.

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