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Does anyone here have any experience with these kinds of places? I've been thinking of going just to get the happy ending but I'm not sure if it's worth it in the long run. And just to clarify, no I'm not a virgin hoping to lose my virginity, I just get off on long foreplay.
Waste of money you'll regret it and hate yourself as soon as you bust
Not OP but I'd rather fuck a thin asian sex slave worker than some fucking disgusting hamplanet from tinder. I'm 5/10 so my only options are the 2-3/10 willing to date me and that's not gonna happen.
Or you could just save your dignity and not do either
>b-but you don't understand! I NEED to coom
Learn some self control
I must have gone to dozens of Asian massage places and in the end it's just not worth it
Occasionally yes you will get a hot girl but most of them are middle aged chink women who are more likely than not actual human trafficking victims
Another thing is that if you find a place that offers "full services" you'll be tempted to fuck but you'll be fucking around with STDs. Remember 50 year old fat truck drivers and the like frequent these places too, who knows what people like that will track in. Yes they'll make you use condoms for "full service" or oral but there's plenty of stuff condoms don't protect against (herpes, genital warts, syphilis, crabs)
Finally, once you open that door mentally to the idea that "yes, there's easy sex to be found at these places whenever I want it," it's very hard to close. It will affect your ability to get into relationships and you might even end up cheating on your partner by going to these places. It's almost an addiction, and it's especially bad if you do find that 1/100 really hot girl. You'll keep going back to these places seeking something similar and just get disappointed when it's another asian granny but you'll go get jerked off anyway.
My advice, just indulge in your yellow fever by asking out asian girls until one says yes, and if you're white one will say yes even if you look whatever.
>t. got addicted to going to AMPs, ended up getting an STD scare, blew up my relationship
Thank God I ended up being clean in the end, even if I'm now single and lonely. I never want to go back, and I hate that it's so hard to resist. Just don't do it man.
I go to one, but it is legit. They don't shut the curtains. Sometimes a guy massages you. Some of them do a better job than others, but you always come out feeling better than than you did when you go in.
I know nothing about the happy ending type places. Too afraid it would be an undercover sting or something.
I went to one and paid 80 bucks for a nice massage but that’s all. Maybe I look too scary or don’t know the code. Even better because I was feeling beat and just wanted to relax. She gave me her number but I didn’t go back.
I was going to get my first blowjob by my regular but I got a nasty cut on my finger and I don’t think it would be a good idea to go until it heals.
I agree and disagree as a 25 year old incel going to these places is great I saw my first pair of tits and sucked on them 2 weeks ago. Hell it is expensive but it’s convinced me to get better job lol.
I mean I'm not going to lie you must have it pretty rough if you saw your first tits at 25 and had to pay for it
But at the same time, if you keep paying for sex, you'll never be better than someone who has to pay for sex
Honestly not that ugly just socially autistic and no friends, but it’s been a great cope, I’m been losing weight and trying to be more social but nothing really ever happens.

Still a virgin but I’m going to join a social club after I get new job and go on dating apps. If nothing else works I’m going to see an escort to lose my virginity.

I used to go to one when I was younger. You ask for a shower, and the chick will wash you and eventually try to wash your dick. If you let her it's code that you want a happy ending.

I haven't been to one in over a decade though so no idea if that's still how they play it. It was fun, usually just a handjob, but they know what they're doing.

Just make sure you tip well.
You sound like a normie that fucked up if you had a loving relationship you should have been satisfied. As for Op go on rub maps and look for MPs near you bring 200 dollars your phone and keys nothing else.
My experience was different. I felt better about the experience in retrospect.
I felt awkward and weird my cooms don't feel as good as they used to because of chronic condition beforehand (not a std never had sex). I walked out with massive blue balls because I need to refract after I pre. It was a painful experience but as memories it was sexy. I think it was just a trial of awkwardness for me.
>if you had a loving relationship you should have been satisfied
Towards the end it wasn't very loving at all, and a sex addict is never satisfied
Those aren't excuses though, I did fuck up, big time
Probably porn addiction especially if your hand feels a lot better, hold off on jerking off for a week or two and go back it will feel a lot better.

wait did you actually get an STD? Or are you just scared of it?
It was a scare, I used a condom but after we were done having sex she sprayed down my junk with some sort of disinfectant that burned and tingled
It gave me a residual rash that, combined with some psychosomatic symptoms, had me convinced I had caught herpes or something. I told my gf both about that incident and times I had gone just for rub and tugs behind her back in the past, and she dumped me after about a week of consideration (though desu I think she made up her mind that night I told her)
Looking back I think it was a real Crime and Punishment situation, the guilt of the act made me feel sick until I confessed (kind of ironic considering at the end of the book Raskolnikov gets together with a former whore)

lmao what a pussy
Anyway I'd say the STD risk is non-negligible. On the one hand, those places do have to worry about their reputation because of websites like rubmaps that will spread info to their clientele. On the other hand, they're not like legal whore houses where there are laws regarding testing, and the women that work there don't even fucking speak English so I doubt they self test.
Even the worst roastie won't have as much sex as a prostitute does, so at the end of the day I don't think it's really worth it anymore. If I get herpes or something I don't want to have the insult of having paid for it added to the injury
It's a physical condition not psychological dumbass.
>She gave me her number
That's so you can fuck her outside of work, maybe paid, maybe free, who knows
You can find one the women are attractive enough. My favorite spot. Go in and pick from those available. Pay the house then the woman takes you to a room and disrobe and pick sauna or steam. Stay there 15 minutes sweating it out then the woman takes you to a bath area and scrubs you from head to toe. Then you are totally relaxed, they put you one a table face down and massage you head to toe, literally. Then they flip you over and again work you head to toe. They give a little rub or tap on your dick to get your attention and indicate a jack or head or fuck, your pick. They disrobe and get you off, use a warm wet towel to clean you up and leave so you can get dressed. They come back, you give them a well deserved tip and you with jelly for legs, a clear mind and completely relaxed attempt to drive home without falling to sleep.
Best bang for a buck ever. One gave me the second best head job and swallowed to my pleasant surprise. Another had the tightest pussy ever and she was in her 40's, again I was surprised. Another, a thin, small breasted, milky white skinned Japanese with a soft tuft of pubic hair nearly made me cum before she got to work. Fucked her standing and wow.
Stay the fuck away from this degeneracy. There is a world of potential and opportunity out there, don't waste your time and money.
sounds like you want something specific
because of that you will need to read some reviews of whats available around you, not just places, but specific girls.
and hopefully the tards doing the reviews actually tell you what they like/dislike rather than assuming you like/dislike the same things so when they say something was good you can understand what that means.

Anyway, a lot of people care about having a good massage AND then just want to get jerked off, some really care about the tease (ie you) and want it all sexy, flirty, and teasy beforehand and maybe care less about a massage or the quality of what comes after, it really depends and you will most likely have to compromise in some area.
But yeah there are genuinely some who will tease you like crazy, will rub up all against you, rub their cunts on hands while giving you a massage, brushing their hands on your cock and/or balls constantly, sitting on top of you massaging your back while you can just feel them ramming their cunt all over your ass.
some will just literally give you a massage never touch your dick or anything, tell you turn over, then give you a solid handy, fuck you, or whatever, and then continue massaging the front and you leave.

neither of these is really better or worse, its preference, and while I definitely enjoy a nice tease, like really enjoy, it also means you always have a bad massage.
and all of this, and we haven't even talked about if they are attractive or not, you want someone who does what you want, does it well, is attractive, and has a reasonable price? might take you a while to find, and when you do, its fucking amazing, but inevitably something will stop it for some reason (you move, she moves, business closes down and she takes up another job, gets out of "the business", whatever) and then you just need to hunt again and everyone is compared to her, until you find another, then they are compared to them 2.
it never ends
If you’re a guy who has a gf or can get laid consistently or even semi consistently then these places are a waste of money. If you’re a incel these places can desensitize you to women and help you demystify pussy.

I still would recommend an escort for your first time since these places are very clinical they just want you no nut and leave as quickly as possible.
Well op did you go or did you pussy out?
You'll just pay money for a sad quick hand job.
Not sure if $40 to $100 is worth it for that.
Maybe if you’re a nasty fat fuck, be fit and groomed and these ladies will have you shooting fat ropes and sucking you dry.
I know I'm going to get shit for this but I'm going to tell you something anon. My mother is a masseuse and gets requests do shit like what you're implying all the time. And guess what anon? She's a woman with an adult kid in her 40s. She drinks and isn't that good looking at all yet pathetic people get shit like that done by her all the time. You have to understand that you won't be able to live down that experience of being that level of pathetic. Yeah you will get a younger girl but still you got a handy at a dirty dingy massage place. If it's run by immigrants then probably by a girl who was coerced in to working there. Just don't do it
Some suck and you'll probably feel disgusting and die a little on the inside. Others, not so much. Mostly negative.
It all depends on how you feel morally if you don’t give a fuck getting a nut feels great.

But if you’re a simp or start thinking about the circumstances of these women(most are not trafficked btw) you will feel like shit.
>Cum and Punishment
Just went to my first AMP because of this thread got an older tai lady but she had huge tits they felt great and I sucked on them while she whacked me. I had been on nofap for 2 weeks so I sprayed her chest down.

She said good boy and told me to be back soon all in all for 160 bucks 10/10.
That's why I never liked strip clubs evne if girls were hot. Realistically how many of them are happy to be working there and getting grouped by strangers for cash? Most of them were also drunk or high. And then you'd meet up with them in real life and learn their real names. It was just weird.
Heh it really depends on the area, if it’s a poor/ghetto area then absolutely but in miami most are sexworkers who
moonlight as strippers to double their money or meet and vet clients for later.

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