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I am 30 make around 450k-500k a year and live pretty well... but I have never been in a relationship. I came from a poor ass family and just worked my dick off getting money so I didn't have to steal from dumpsters behind a walmart.

Don't have many friends, moved around alot so never really had time to make them. I am not talking about like "no friends" as in I got 1 or 2 ppl I talk to, I literally have noone besides a dog and 2 cats. I stopped talking with my parents a long time ago because I did not want to associate with my dad who would beat his wife everytime he would come home from work.

What even is the first step? I interact with coworkers but never really get invited to anything. I gone on dates but alot of people describe as intense...
Congratulations on your career success. The intensity described could have been beneficial to getting you where you are career wise, but most people after work just want to chill out and not have to worry about much. Try to tone that down, do things you enjoy with people you vibe with. If your free time activities do not involve things that place you in environments where other people are, that'd be step one. That last part may seem obvious, but it can be hard to see and that's fine.
do you have Discord? i don't know If you consider online friends as real friends, but i can be your friend If you want to.

i also have no friends
>make around 450k-500k a year
congratulations on you're success but you're nowhere near rich
>having 4,000$ in your bank account makes you richer than 50% of the entire world’s population
kek, seethe

anyway op, join a club or hobby group or a sport. join a country club. laugh with other richos all the way to the bank. your life is now on easy mode.
you should film yourself talking about somerhing organic and see what you think of you
>anime conventions
>board game meetups
>language exchanges
>dance groups like salsa
>art class
>gym classes
Let me guess, you're going to start talking about how you're not into any of that stuff or some shit like that? Don't be a pussy, just do ALL those things I mentioned.
play vidya, it's that easy.
>450 to 500k annually.
Nigga are you a neurosurgeon? Not even commercial pilots make that much.

First off, don't tell anyone how much you make. Don't show anyone signs of of much you make. When people learn how much you make they'll change around you. If you want true friends the money will actually be a hindrance in that respect.

What are your interests or hobbies? That's a good place to start.
You should be careful about people being interested in your money more than your personality anon. Keep it under covers. How does you free time look like? What do you do for fun? Have you considered taking some time off to travel somewhere and be kind to people there organically for little adventures and see how they go?

Other anon suggested art classes and I recommend them as well. Cooking classes would be a good idea too. I would tentatively ask you to be friends but I have no idea about your personality, and I’d honestly feel quite dirty adding you solely based on “this guy is rich but sad and lonely”. I’m quite worried you’d be exploited.
this too. elden ring and lore videos.
What do you do for a living, OP, if I might ask?
Well at your level of richness presumably it'd be hard to get real friends since it's hard to tell who actually likes you for you and who likes you for the cheque. And it's probably even worse if you're an authentic sort of person since people will exploit that authenticity and try and use it against you, or manipulate that, so you'd naturally put up a front to defend yourself against it. But this isn't conducive to healthy long term relationships. So it's kind of a vicious circle.

Coworkers are best to avoid at your level of success since they're direct competition whether you like it or not, and people will do lots of stuff to try and snake you or wipe you out.

These suggestions are good though.

I am interested in what you do though since that level of money isn't possible unless you own your own business. Rarely have I met a salaried worker who earns about $150k
*above $150k pa
Rich is irrelevant to friends unless you are trying to get used or just want other rich friends. You don't need to hide it per say, but don't talk about it. If you want to be generous by like, buying dinner for your friends, when you have them, write it off as saying you had a good day trading day or something if they ask.
What do they mean by "intense" by the way. What do you do on a date? How are you around people?
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>I am 30 make around 450k-500k a year and live pretty well
> I gone on dates but alot of people describe as intense...
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yeah, I think it has attributed to me distancing myself from people. Issue is when I try to date people now at 30... the first thing they usually ask is what my salary is, I try to avoid it and they get persistent or sometimes offended. I think alot of people think I am a bum outside of work. I do not act wealthy.

I drive a 2015 mazda 3 sports that I bought in college and still drive around. I wear basic graphic tees and sport shorts when I am out. I literally have 1 suit I got from like from the mall and the rest are polos if I have to attend something formal. Most expensive watch I own is a casio.
All I will say is that I currently work as a CTO at a small/mid-size company that has very rich clients. We are most likely going to be absorbed soon, alot of big players have after come to us and outright have said they want to buy us out.

I have been actually compared to a serial killer so I am not sure how I feel about that... man I feel bad if I hug my pets too tight.

I often get people asking me "are you ok" while I am daydreaming or something so idk.
> What do they mean by "intense" by the way. What do you do on a date? How are you around people?
A bit awkward but nothing too bad. Laugh when I get nervous sometimes and a bit soft spoken. Sometime have trouble making eye contact.

From what I understand I have a really bad "resting bitch face". Like I would listen to someone talk and when they are finished I would look like I would want to murder the dude. I remember I had a shy coworker come in and after she was done talking to me, she looked at my face and it turned completely white. All I was doing was thinking about what she said. I rarely smile though so that might help.
Smile with your eyes. What does your brow look like? You might need to clean that shit up if you want to get rid of RBF.
Look people in the eye's when you're talking to them from now on.
No matter who.
Also what dude said earlier about finding people who like you for you is important.
Otherwise there's no point to friends.
Also I have the same issue with the rfb problem.
but that's because I''m miserable and poor

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