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So i had a crush on this girl for 3years but i never had the guts to say it because she saw me as a freind so i didnt. one day our group went out and she was kind of clinging onto my bestfreind who is like a brother she was roaming with her, he knew i like her and he said shes not intrested in him, it all started from there they both started chatting a lot. My freind saw that i was feeling bad so he told me you should tell her your feelings and move on I knew i was gonna get rejected and he was gonna be her man so i proposed i got rejected he didnt and i was happy but lately the fact shes is with him has been eating me lately its so bad i cant even sleep they kissed and they hold thier hands and just sight is enough to make me boil. idk what i should do coz if i do something i will be wrong one here.all my freinds are in a relation and i kinda feel left out they are usually on their phones talking while im the one who is just sitting there doing some shit. so i would like a peice of advice because there is no one i can share my feelings with.
If you can't get over your feelings you'll end up causing a rift between them and yourself and that's a situation nobody wants to be in. You've been rejected -- the healthy reaction is to be hurt for a bit but move on knowing that it wasn't meant to be anyways. Continuing to ruminate is not a healthy reaction.

It could be that you need to discover how to be happy while single. A relationship will not necessarily make you feel better about some of these things (your friends leaving you out is fucked regardless of their relationship status and indicates a different problem).
well i dont think they leave me out i feel left out most of the time because they are on their phones and not having fun like we used to do.
Holy shit man, reading stuff like this makes me happy to have a healthy amount of testosterone. Use logic, you already said she isn't into you. Even if she dumped him to satisfy your capricious emotional needs (which will never happen) what then? She still won't fuck you. She won't like you. And she's not into you. It's time to move on bozo. The good thing is you shot your shot so it's done. No wondering "what could have been", because the answer is NOTHING. She likes your friend. With so many women out there dude, you're hung up on one that doesn't want you lol
You are right but I see them together everyday as I hangout with my freinds so what I just leave them
If you don't want to lose the friends, figure out how to lose the feelings. Could be you need to improve self-esteem or get treated for OCD or whatever it is you need, but rn she wants him and not you and it is imperative you get over it somehow sometime soon.
Its been a month well I have no other option. I guess I will find someone which Ive been trying for a while now.
I know it sucks, Anon. A three year crush ending this way is some bullshit but it's the best way to ensure your happiness and will get you a better outcome in the long run.
Well it is what it is and thank you for giving me clarity in what I should do.
I was in your exact situation at some point. There was this blonde chick I liked, I had feelings for her. But I was too much of a little cuck to say anything. My friend (who's a short fat fuck) literally swept her off her feet and I was too much of a pussy to even shoot my shot with my feelings. Kek I cringe thinking back. That being said, the difference is I wasn't a little weirdo about it. I didn't hate him for it, nor her, nor resented either. I could be in the same room while they were kissing and I wasn't dying from emotions inside or anything gay like that. Probably helped that I was getting some pussy on the side from different girls. Since you made this one girl your whole world, it feels like you lost the world. But you didn't. You just convinced yourself you did.
Well you got some pussy atleast and I don't get any. You are right I made her my world even though she isn't and when I say I boil It's anger that i get when I see them together.
>So i had a crush on this girl for 3years
Stopped right there.
A tale of woe follows, right?
If you can't muster the courage to ask a girl you are "crushing" on out on a date in three WEEKS you are having an immature emotional reaction and are not ready for a relationship.
Grow the fuck up, learn to control yourself, get your life in order, and know more than one girl.
My life is in order and I know more than one girl. The reason I didn't propose her soon because she saw me as a friend and if I did propose to her and get rejected I would have ruined the friendship which is now ruined and getting made fun of all time that you are single is not fun. I wasn't able to tell her for a long time because before that she was already in a relationship as soon as it ended I started getting closer to her but out of nowhere she started liking my best friend. I'm just asking for some perspective so read the full thing before judging.
I would disconnect from the friend group to be honest. I don’t like to be the “loser” and it would be a reminder to me.
But I’m also extremely competitive and toxic.
One thing I'm certain is they are not toxic but they were kind of roast me that I'm single because I also roast them sometimes you know like after getting drunk.
>The reason I didn't propose her soon because she saw me as a friend
Then either make a move anyway (plenty of relationships start off friendly) or be a grown ass man and move on.
>I wasn't able to tell her for a long time because before that she was already in a relationship
So you're stupid three ways, sure
>as soon as it ended I started getting closer
Meaning you made no move.
See this?
>My life is in order
That isn't true
You are right I'm fucking dumb no other choice gotta move on
I won't read some soliloquy about some romance OP had entirely in his head for years.
No need then

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