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Share how you were bullied in this thread. I’ll begin.

I’m an Asian American. When I was young, Facebook group chats were popping. I would talk to my fellow Asian Americans at school, but I soon realized that I was missing out on some form of communication. I asked my “friends” to add me to the Facebook group chat. Once invited, the group chat died. I continued to talk myself and no one responded to me. Months later, I discovered that there was a group chat named “Anon (me) free zone”. This hurt me a lot as a young boy. I tried to fight back against it! I demanded to be added to the very group chat that was free of my presence. Eventually, one of the students added me to the group chat. It also died on my arrival. This is a story far in my past that I no longer care much about. I’m sure it had a deep effect within me.

If you are brave enough, take a stand with your words and share your experience. Fight back against spiritual evil in high places.
I had severe anger issues as a child and kids being kids they took advantage of that and would piss me off to get a reaction. It got to the point where I was throwing chairs and shit at people. Teachers would blame me, supervisors would tell me to calm down, nobody would ever face punishment but the mentally ill kid. Fucked up, man.

I'm good now though. Try to keep calm and figure out how to help people where I can.
It’s amazing how the bullies can get away with it. Their presence is magnificent. I witnessed an event while taking care of the children of my local church. One of the weaker children was being bullied. He made it known with his voice. Yet even I was unable to provide any solace or comfort to the child. Iron sharpens iron. It’s amazing that this world is so cruel. Truly a loving and all powerful God.
>group chat named “Anon (me) free zone”.
lol, children are such dicks. I wasn't bullied b4 middle school. But broke my nose and I was in general awkward. So I got made fun of my crooked nose. Mostly form far away, yelling names and shit. Since I wasn't used to it I just took it and made me feel bad. I was told (mostly on TV and teachers) that you should defend yourself with words. They just never said which words, fucking retards. After a while found out that violence is pretty useful, and it stopped. Gotta say I was mostly stronger and taller than most kids, I reckon it would've been way worse if I was a smaller kid.
Although I am against violence, I will turn a blind eye to it because of the way I was psychologically toyed with. People deserve death. If you do not agree with this, then there is no such thing as justice. I’ve gotten pretty strong myself, yet I lack the height. For a kid as small as myself in the past, I look quite intimidating now.
Hate that this is the route they force kids to have to take because it teaches them in adulthood to continue doing it. Some people smarten up and don't beat up other adults, but some people never learn and end up learning that guns are easily concealable and...

Why schools have to be glorified prisons is beyond me.
Should've taken the hint buddy, doubling down doesn't always work and often just makes you look like a loser. Could have simply ended it by calling them faggots and leaving all the chats and finding new friends.
Unfortunately that makes kids a huge target, they'll treat you like the court jester, and yes, most teachers simply won't care enough to put a stop to it, remember, most of them are just there for their benefits and paycheck, nothing more.
Words hardly ever work, more often than not most bullies will shut up once you kick their shit in, bonus points if you start bullying them after they lose. This is a world of dominance and submission, that's just how the world works unfortunately, you can never let your guard down around most people. You just have to learn to not kick someones ass for lightly teasing you, if it's one of those cases where the bullies just won't leave you alone and the teachers and faculty weren't any help, just kick their asses, simple as, this is the way it was done before they started telling kids to "kill them with kindness".
How the fuck is this bullying? You're an entitled little faggot Jesus Christ. Are all Asians this fucking beta? Every single Asian man I've ever met is a head case of beta emotions. Like dude, for real wtf. Bullying is having the older and bigger kids one grade above you regularly gang up on you and kick your ass once a week.
Was in 1st grade and my teacher was an old fashioned middle aged woman, who was way too into our old dictatorship ways. So she started picking on me because I came back to the classroom once without writing a specific word on my worksheet because I didn't know how to write it, and she thought it would be ok to drag me by the ear to her chair and slap me in front of the whole class. She did it for some 10 minutes while I cried and everyone laughed at me. Then another teacher came and asked what I did to prompt that and my teacher just responded with "she deserved it". The other teacher didn't ask more question because my teacher was apparently the primary school section coordinator. She came back to me, started slapping me again repeatedly, I was holding back my tears this time because I was tired of being humiliated. This then made her angrier and she asked "oh you won't cry now, is that it?" and started slapping me much fucking harder, then of course I started crying again and my class proceeded to laugh at me again.

Ever since, the kids in my class would beat me up in the playground, getting slapped by my teacher occurred every 2 days until my 5th grade which when the class graduated from primary to middle school. My colleagues always beat me up until around 8th grade and then it just turned into breaking my things or excluding me socially until I finally left for university and got to have a normal friend circle.
>he's fucking our women and they love it
type comment. Also, what you described happened to me too, but your brain can't even fathom God, so I don't expect you to be able to imagine anything else.

not everyone uses bad words, but if you can't beat them, join them!
>your brain can't even fathom God

Fucking rekt him
You deserve to shoot those kids up. If I was there, I wouldn't have laughed.
Holy fucking shit dude. That other teacher failed you to the maximum extent possible for someone in her position.
There was 1 kid that didn't laugh, and he was my classmate in kindergarten before. He was very cool, we never were too close but he sometimes made a point to hang with me to try and get the others from picking on me

I do have fantasies of revenge, but mostly I just wish their own parents knew what was up. My own mom only found out when I was in 9th grade because my teacher would just slap kids harder when they told their parents. I was the prime target for being as she says "a dumb girl", but other kids she deemed "dumb" also got some of that treatment
That reminds me of the time I was in first grade. I had to take a piss, and I told the teacher that I had to go to the bathroom. She refused to let me relieve myself. So I sat back down and when I couldn't hold it anymore, I pissed on the floor while sitting. She's probably dead now, but at least I smoked the multiplication tables in front of her face.

I have some revenge fantasies as well, but I don't want to become like those shooters and get my head blown off, so I resist the temptation.
>That reminds me of the time I was in first grade. I had to take a piss, and I told the teacher that I had to go to the bathroom. She refused to let me relieve myself. So I sat back down and when I couldn't hold it anymore, I pissed on the floor while sitting.
I fucking hate this shit so much, I think every class has a story like this, I don't get why teachers do this. Do they get off on having power over fucking children???

>I have some revenge fantasies as well, but I don't want to become like those shooters and get my head blown off, so I resist the temptation.
Pretty much my own case.
Fuck, I was mentioning this to someone once because we were talking about bullying and this bitch told me "lol what a schoolshooter backstory" |:
I will say at most I just feel like doing something more like publishing the story and addressing the school, I don't really have a need to take physical revenge per se
The hell kind of backwards third world shit hole do you live in where this is normal and the teacher can't be prosecuted? Anywhere in the first world that teacher would have been fired and blacklisted from ever being in any teaching position.
Lol... Are you seriously trying to imply that Asian guys are pulling white women left and right? I can see why blacks might say that due to media and Hollywood and the occasional rapper/baller, but did I really just hear an Asian dude imply that they're taking white women and I'm seething because of it? Lolololol XD the delusion. Next up... "Turns out asian boys are the most hung and masculine men in the world, trust me guys honest".
It's probably a combination of factors. Fear. Risk to their careers. Not giving a fuck. Stupidity. Lack of information. Why risk your status for some dumbfuck kids who don't know any better? They aren't the parents. That girl's a bitch.

What are you even on about? Stop derailing the thread, loser. You can't shit your pants in your own game and project that I'm implying over your paranoia. Game is game.
Private catholic school gets you shit like this.
This is in southern Europe so think of Mediterranean/Latino mentality.
This was early 2000s too but basically nothing will ever happen to the teacher. Because I was the "dumb girl" other teachers started adhering to this social norm. I remember when my colleague's grandma died everyone (teachers especially) flocked to her and were worried, but when my mom was hospitalized and severely incapacitated nobody cared to ask about me. I was the stupid kid. The idiot.
It wasn't like I wasn't liked by older kids and kids from other schools, but in this school, everyone just accepted that I was an inconvenience. So no, nobody would actually care if even today I wrote anything against her or lawyered up.
It changed a bit as I got older.
When I was in primary school I was quite a social kid and somewhat normal, albeit with a few nerdy interests, but I still got bullied from time to time because I was prone to angry outbursts and people would set me off for a laugh. I mellowed out a lot once I got to secondary school. One of my "friends" at the time was especially cruel to me, he'd make passive aggressive remarks about me, he'd try to humiliate me, he made up a fake gf for me once, it was pretty bad.

In the first half of secondary school (year 7 - 9), I was mostly bullied for being the weird kid that tried to fit in with people that he just didn't fit in with. It didn't help that my friend group at the time were seen as nerdy freaks. People would make passive aggressive remarks towards me, tease me about shit and pick fights with me because they saw me as an easy target. Girls would occasionally ask me out as a joke.

In the second half (year 10 and 11), I had developed ulcerative colitis, so I spent a lot of year 10 either at home or in the bathrooms all day, which earned me the reputation of the guy who spends all his time in the bathrooms, so I got bullied for that quite a lot. After I went into remission, most of the people teasing and bullying me were girls, actually. They'd follow me around the school shouting my name, they'd start up conversations with me and then just watch me like I'm a zoo animal, they'd as me out as a joke, they'd call me ugly, all sorts of stuff.

And that's just what happened at school, there's more that I could get into about stuff that happened in my neighbourhood.
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>oh... Oakey Mr.uh beegadeek Asian man, so sawwwry, mee so sawwwry"
Kids fucking suck. Did things get better for you after school? Asking because once I got to uni everyone was chill and I got to be well liked
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>but when my mom was hospitalized and severely incapacitated nobody cared to ask about me.
Yea, I understand the feeling. My mother got stage 3 breast cancer. I made a Go-Fund Me and posted it on X. Nobody from my past gave a shit enough to even reach out to me. I had to be the one to tell others my mother has breast cancer. Sometimes I didn't even feel like sharing the information. I felt like even if I shared, we were all powerless. Popularity, beauty, and charisma can do wonders.

I changed after I cut my football friends off. Sometimes in high school nobody would even talk to me. I remember once this one Asian kid was getting crackers thrown at him. In this situation, I was scared for myself so I laughed to myself. This caused the kid to punch me in the chest. Then we all got confused as to why the fuck he punched me and not the dude throwing crackers at him. Anyways, I fought the kid throwing crackers once we graduated.

>oh hey look it's Jennifer Aniston, your daddy's dream girl
>be me
>15 with alopecia areata, had it for about 3 years
>everyone in school saw my patches, I used to hide it but It took too long.
>was bullied relentlessly for it
>was mentally destroyed, broke up with my friends, became a critical loner and lost trust in people
>in english class
>reading a book based on some Jewish girl escaping Germany or something (Letters from Rifka)
>gets to the point in the story when the MC gets ringworm on her scalp and loses her hair
>now everyone thinks I'n bald because of ringworm and not because of a bad barber (a lie I made up to lessen the bullying)
>got bullied even more
FFW to now at 21 and after a couple of sessions at the dermatologist, the patches finally filled in and my hair looks better. Unfortunately, the dermatologist told me I have this disease for life, all I can do to curb it is keep stress away, take steroid injections in my scalp or medications. It sucks and I wouldn't wish Alopecia Areata to anyone, not even my greatest enemies.
When I was about 5 or 6 I lived in a fairly quiet part of town, that was right on the edge of it. There was a small playground just outside my house that I would play in sometimes and one day the kids that lived around me decided to play hide and seek, and they made me the seeker. There was another playground like 20 seconds away from ours and some of them said they'd go there to hide. I said okay and started counting back from 30. When I opened my eyes, I started looking in our park, and couldn't find them, so I went to the other and couldn't find them. So I started looking around the neighbourhood and became lost somehow. My parents had to call the police to come and get me. Turns out while I was counting, all the kids decided to just go home.

Another time at the same playground, one of the older kids found a huge log of dog shit and got it on the end of a stick and chased me around with it, and the shit ended up getting off the stick and on my back. After that incident, my parents banned me from going outside on my own until I was about 12.

Another time, a lot later, when I was about 12, we had moved house and there was a large park near my house that I'd ride my scooter in sometimes. These kids there would bully me with the passive aggressive remarks and shit again, and just generally being dicks. One time they started pushing me around so I picked up my scooter and threatened to throw it at them. They backed off and I started scooting home. They chased me and while I was going pretty fast they pushed me off it. After that I couldn't be seen at that park for at least 2 years because they would just chase me out of it.

A lot of my experiences with other kids during my childhood could be chalked up to me being clueless about their intentions and them just taking advantage of me now that I think about it. It's probably why I'm so socially awkward now.
The mental scars are still there today. Its partly the reason why I have no friends, I just can't trust people anymore. I could try letting people back in my life but that takes time. I dunno anymore.
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>falling for an nsa/fbi profiling thread
It's an organic thread made by myself, a university student. Not my fault if the feds want in on it. You got a GPS tracker in your pocket 24/7.
>Did things get better for you after school?
I'm only 18 so I don't have much to go off of but college so far has been alright, I don't really talk to anyone all that much but the few people that I do talk to have been fine.
I should add to this that my parents never really wanted or had the time to go outside with me a lot. My dad was suffering from depression at the time so he never wanted to go outside if it wasn't for work and he worked night shifts, and my mum was often working quite late during the day so she wouldn't get home till it was dark or till all the kids had gone home a lot of the time, which meant that for those 6 years I only really went outside when I had to go to school or if I went shopping. I got a computer around that time as well so I became terminally online at a really young age.
Are the feds gonna go and punish my primary teacher? /:
>terminally online at a really young age
As a child, I only knew about anime and manga. Of course, I didn't have an ad blocker. So I clicked on the big boobied anime girls on the side of the page. I'm glad I didn't get online until I was 12. Before, I only had a Amazon Kindle and my porn was reading the 50 shades of Grey trilogy. Then I entered the gaming sphere, those fucking scammers. Cheat Engine, shitty trade systems, avatar clout, PayPal chargebacks, duplicating files, griefing, admin ban wars. It's surprising how much has changed and strengthened over time, yet the scammers just get more powerful. This war is never ending. I'm addicted too.
I can't really relate to your physical disease. I turned out to have a healthy body despite the horrible acne I had. There was this one kid who was balding at 16. I thought he looked silly, but he was quite confident in himself and was intelligent in academics. His hair looked like shit. Literally unrecoverable. I tried to help him out in League of Legends and boost him to Gold for $60. I gave up on it and kept the money. Regrettable, but at that point I had no idea it was going to be so hard. At that point I was trying to climb the Solo Q ladder and go pro in NA, so I ditched 3 days a week of senior year to play League for 8 hours. I didn't make it.
Those kids were fucked up in the head or some shit. Probably too much coddling. As a kid, if I made a promise, I would follow up on it. I remember that sometimes I would be too slow in TAG, so some other kids would just let me tag them so the game would change. Funny how that works. Now I speed walk everywhere. One of my personal quirks is that I always match the competition. If you go easy on me, I go easy on you. If you are hard on me, I'm hard back. It's a defining trait that I developed after years of home studying. You must rise and exert controlled power over your opposition. One of my secrets.
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Nothing special on my end, really
I went to a tiny catholic grammar/middle school with 15 other kids total, and i was one of only 6 boys.
They were all nonwhite except for 2 or 3 others and singled me out (Surprise, christians are all mystery meat mongrels in either body or spirit)
I was 'weird' so they ostracized me. I was much larger than all of them, so they never attacked me, but they shunned me like an ex jehavoa's witness. No one made friends with me, no one invited me to play with them after school/go to birthday parties/whatever, and they avoided talking to me and playing with me in school whenever possible. I remember once, I sat down at a table during lunch with the other boys and they all immediately got up and moved away. Not to be deterred, I got up and rejoined them. They did it again.
That was alright, I doubt I would have enjoyed being friends with them anyway, but the part that bothered me was this fat bald sadist faggot teacher with HPV warts all over his hands who would actually abuse his power and bully me. Whenever I tried talking to anyone they wouldn't believe me because he had cancer a decade ago and all the other kids loved him. Whenever I spoke in class, to answer or ask a question or whatever, his face would sour and he'd get this defensive, indignant tone. He'd pick apart what I said and berate me in the most petty, reddit voice you could imagine, every time without fail. He would actually encourage the other kids to berate and make fun of me *during class* and occasionally join in himself. As an example, I remember on one particular occasion in 5th grade, my grade was on stage in the auditorium (our school had us sing and dance every year), and he was sitting in the back with some 8th grade student and they were literally pointing and laughing at me, mimicking my movements because i was out of sync.
I don't know. If I lost my dick, balls, and hair to testicular cancer I'd probably take it out on guys who had them, too.
i will now proceed to take my ultimate revenge on that walking contradiction, the eunuch marquis de sade:
putting my penis inside of a vagina and orgasming
I was more or less bullied by family in my youth to the point where I became a total recluse. Like it got to the point where I was afraid to make friends because I was afraid of them making up shit and snitching on me and my mom believing them like she tends to do. Was never allowed to have any hobbies, etc. without getting some kinda snarky remark or some remark about "no that's too hard for someone like you, forget about it" and there was no alternate suggestion.
>Share how you were bullied in this thread.

I have some form of developmental illness. My frontal lobe developed wrong, and the back half of my brain kind of took over. You can feel a ledge along the top of my head where the back of my brain grew larger than normal. As a result of this, I am living in my own head almost 24/7. My imagination is hyperactive, and often distorts what I see in real life. I take a long time to reply to people and think through social situations, because there is constant interference from other thoughts I am having at the same time.

People took advantage of my slow processing quite often. Some would tell me I have to hurry and do [insert something I shouldn't do] quickly because they knew I would be stuck in a nested loop in my head with it, and would just have to assume they were telling the truth. I eventually just learned to never trust anyone, and I live kind of a solitary life.
It's a long story. I don't wanna talk about it. The really painful part for me is that so many years later, I am sure they are all living normal lives, whereas my descent into hell only grows more and more complete. They killed who I was, and who I could have been.
The only enemy you’ve ever had is yourself.
to have an enemy actually implies that people care about you on a personal level, enough to want to destroy you. actually oftentimes with bullying we are talking about something much worse, people treating you like a toy to be abused for fun. so yes, bullies are not really enemies. they are bullies, which is worse.
I don't want to talk about it because it's traumatic, just want to say to the people in this thread that it's not your fault, it may be hard to wrap your head around but kids are just fucking monsters. Just because you were bullied then doesn't mean you are any less of a person now.
I used to be a scrawny unattractive black kid. I went to predominantly white schools from 4th through 10th grade, and often, I was the only black person in my class. Had zero friends at all. I got picked on daily and beaten up weekly by a number of kids for being black. Rocks were thrown at me. Slurs were used. School bus trips were absolute hell, some kids would steal my bag and dump all of my homework on the ground. Bus driver didn’t give a shit and I had to pick everything up piece by piece. I was bullied for telling the teacher on three dudes who were harassing me. I was bullied for always being smaller and weaker than everyone else. I was too much of a spineless pussy to stick up for myself. But now I'm in uni and no one fucks with me. I go above and beyond sticking up for myself.
Whenever I see someone sitting alone, I often go talk to them and introduce them to my group of friends. Life is generally ok so far but the trauma is still there.
I am a Christian myself. I made it a point to research as much about Christianity before I really got into it. I decided to devote myself to Christianity because of hallucinations I had no control over. I fell alone. I wanted a truth. I came to 4chan for the "truth". We know how that goes. I read The Republic as my grimoire.

It's ok. The internet provides a digital freedom at the expense of our mental well being. It's terribly unfair and there are inequalities across the entire thing.Being here is to be part of a war for our freedom. To me, the internet is a tool. I had many hobbies as well, but I always came back for the ultimate glory.

I had a slow developing frontal lobe as well. I was immature, irrational, and childish. I developed a mental disease that led to a schizoaffective God Complex. I believe I've recovered. God Emperor.

Same. My life got ruined so many times. I always bounced back through sheer willpower.I channeled my rage. I forced myself to wake up every morning and start the grind. I ate three meals a day everyday. I took a shower everyday. I brushed my teeth everyday. I walked my dog everyday. FULL SEND

What about a combatant?

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I rarely used slurs. The only time I use slurs if when I feel like my position in life is in danger. I refuse to be some street thug. I got dumped in a trash can once. I have trauma stemming from the idea not to trust anyone. The idea of an omnipotent God pisses the enemy off. I actually struggle to stick up for myself. In battle, I lose. My body just refuses to maintain physical strength. Hand to hand combat feels retarded. I'm sure I could use a weapon effectively.

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