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I met a guy who I became close friends with just shy of 2 years ago now. We lived in the same state, but never met up, just keeping things online, but we were still close regardless. We hit it off great as we had quite a few shared interests: guns, fireworks, storm chasing, animals, and cooking. He opened up his own fireworks store that I thought was amazing, and he encouraged me to be a volunteer storm spotter for my local NWS office. We helped each other through bad times as well, like when I was dealing with employment issues, my breakup, and him with his depressive episodes, the passing of his father, and the abuse his drunk of a mother put him through.

Then, just shy of 2 months ago, he stopped responding to my messages. He had taken on a second full-time job, so I just thought he was busy. Then days turned to weeks, and those weeks turned to 2 months. I wanted to find out what was going on. Already knew his first name and the town he lived in. Found out his last name by looking for the obituary of his father on a funeral home website. They lived in a small town, so it was pretty easy to just match the dates up. Once I got his surname, I then search his full name, and it's really bad. He had been arrested numerous times in the past for fucking underage boys and went to prison for it numerous times. First when he was 20, then 22, and now, he was arrested on an out of state warrant for trying to groom another minor, sending a dickpic, and trying to solicit nudes from them

I feel so goddamn disgusted in myself for even being friends with this filth in the first place. I feel so disgusted and ashamed that I even became friends with him in the first place, and I feel as if I was betrayed by him doing this. I just wish I knew sooner so I could've cut him out of my life then instead of now. I feel so dirty even being associated with him, and I don't know how to cope with this. How do I even cope with this? I just feel so lost and so sickened by the type of man he is
There was no possible way for you to have known beforehand. You can't beat yourself up for the actions of another fully grown adult. It's okay to be upset and feel betrayed, and it can be really confusing, but you need to remember that you have zero complicity in this. Use your regular coping mechanisms; if you don't have any, try going for a workout, expressing your disbelief to a friend, listening to your favorite music, or learning a new skill.
Thanks for the suggestions. I've been trying to take my mind off it as best as I can, but it's been kinda hard because I'm stuck at home from a work injury. Part of me is scared to tell other friends about this, because I'm worried as to what they would think about me
If you're as hurt as you are, you need a friend that's understanding and will let you cry on their shoulder. Any good friend would understand that you deserve nothing less.
Shut the fuck up bitch. Nobody cares about your pathetic story, go blog somewhere else you retarded foid.
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>Conversed with someone who did bad thing
>Oh boo hoo poor me, I dindu nuffin and am a good girl/boy, they are evil, how could I not use my crystal ball to divinate their true nature.
You came here for sympathy for something that is obviously not your fault. I don't want attention seekers like you here, go over to reddit, they'll love your blog and give you all the updoots and sympathy you want.
Go say some shit like that to someone outside. This is a board for advice seeking
>Retard 4chan doomer poster gets along well with fellow degenerate
Hitler was good to his mother.

People are not neat and one-dimensional. Even a total scumbag, or someone at the mercy of a compulsion he hates but can't resist, can be someone's friend. If all you saw was the good side, there is nothing shameful in your liking what you saw.
Stop being a douchebag
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>Hitler was good to his mother.
Hitler did nothing wrong.

Jews molest children all the time without consequences.
online friends are not real friends

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