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24 years here. Finished HS with 17, and have basically wasted the past 7 years as a semi-neet by jumping from one useless degree subject to the next without finishing anything, or occasionally working a pointless job/internship on the side, though none of which offer any experience or real value on my CV.
I'm living with my parents, and had yet another huge fight yesterday because they're angry I can't get my shit together, understandably. But as usual they have no practical advice for me, and just screamed the same "Get a degree and find a girlfriend! BOOTSTRAPS!" truisms at me as usual, and and now they'll flip flop back to ignoring me/assuming that I'll just figure this shit out myself. I love them both dearly, but I feel like the only way to reduce the strain on my relationship with them is to remove myself from their presence. It also doesnt help that I can't assert myself at all whilst living under their roof and on their bill.
>But as usual they have no practical advice for me
Why would they? Grow up loser
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While my 7 years of "studying" were certainly a waste of time, at least they were only a very minor waste of money, since uni where I live (germany) only costs 85 euro per semester (so x14 for a total of 1190, an annoying loss, but not crippling). On the bright side, I have no debt, and actually have a decently sized bank account from my few prior mini-jobs and saving money since I was young (just over 40k in total). I doubt I have the discipline to finish my studies (would currently take another 3 years minimum), and I don't have the patience to start a "vocational training"/ Ausbildung in german (4+ years of education and working for less than minimum wage). The plan I'm putting together atm is
>learn a job/skill that I can learn quickly (> 1 year)
>get a job to secure an income
>use my existing capital to move to wherever that job is, either by renting, or more ideally buying
I'm currently looking into welding, because it seems like I could get a certificate in about 4-10 months and then instantly jump into the workforce. If anybody has any advice, or alternative suggestions to this, I'm all ears. Because in all honesty, I really don't know what the fuck I'm doing, and nobody I know IRL has ever been able to tell or show me how to fix my shit, or myself.
You dont need to cont.

Get a job leave the house and start behaving like an adult, its about time
Get a job. Any job. Grocery store cashier or garbage man or night janitor or slinging burgers. That's step 1
Thanks for the helpful advice, nigger.
Alright, I'll do that.
Go into cs then move to america at first opportunity,
I'll consider that as an option for step 2. I already have an american passport.
>I'm living with my parents, and had yet another huge fight yesterday because they're angry I can't get my shit together
>But as usual they have no practical advice for me
Well they want YOU to get YOUR shit together. Why would they need to give advice on how to figure out YOUR own life, that would be paradoxical.
>I feel like the only way to reduce the strain on my relationship with them is to remove myself from their presence
Well that sounds like a great first step to being independent, duh.
>I really don't know what the fuck I'm doing, and nobody I know IRL has ever been able to tell or show me how to fix my shit, or myself
Yeah nobody is telling me what to do as an adult either. That's normal. You literally have no problem apart from the fact that you assume other adults have invisible monkeys on their shoulders that tell them their every move. None of us have that. We all just try to pick things and roll with it. Lots of us second guess.
Thanks for the helpful advice, nigger.
Fuck you, don't impersonate me.

I guess you're right.
Step 1
>Get a degree
Step 2
>find a girlfriend!
Step 3

I dunno OP, that sounds like actionable advice to me. Maybe you just don't want to get off your ass, preferring to sponge off your parents forever?
Fuck no we're full up with worthless shits that just sponge off their parents and NEETbux. Also pajeets, all CS jobs are already taken by pajeets, who are only hiring other pajeets.
>nobody I know IRL has ever been able to tell or show me how to fix my shit, or myself.
Yes, that's what it means to be an adult. You and you alone are now responsible for your own shit.
>I guess you're right.
literally said the same thing >>31673515

Thanks for the helpful advice, nigger.
>What the fuck do I do with myself.

Your parents failed you. This is usually the reason behind adults who can't act independent. Because parents in 2024 are fucking morons and there isn't a whole village to tell them they're morons. But you're an adult now and you need to take responsibility for your life. Start ignoring whatever your parents say and get a job. Once you get a check, use part of that check to pay your share of the rent so they can get off your back. Then work towards a goal: like a degree or enlisting for the military etc. If you're getting a degree think long and hard about what jobs you'd be comfortable doing for the rest of your life. Even if you end up regretting the degree by the end its fine, you're just doing this to survive. A degree gives you access to a lot of job opportunities just by having it. Dont rush your life and make retarded decisions. Just take it slow so you don't make retarded decisions that you'll end up regretting anyway
>t. former hikkineet
>Your parents failed you. This is usually the reason behind adults who can't act independent.
I get that it's a bit of a modern and trendy view that our parents are to blame for our shortcomings, and it makes it super duper easy for us to find a scapegoat. But in all honesty I find blame shifting a whole lot less productive than accepting fault and realizing fault in all of us..
I sincerely hope OP is smarter than you suggest.
Imagine being this salty about such a basic fact.
>I doubt I have the discipline to finish my studies (would currently take another 3 years minimum)
What the fuck were you doing man? Took me seven years to get a BA but I finally got one. And you're telling me you'd need ten?
It's good that you have some kind of plan, but tell me, do you have any idea what you actually want to do? At least in broad terms? Do you have some level of interest or affinity for welding, or anything else?

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