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i'm tired that the law, society, media etc favours them. I hate women so much its unreal
Incel thread number 25 today
Pretty much become valuable and then treat women badly.
>Pretty much become valuable
you're only born one and cannot become one though.
I kind of agree with you. I hate the dating market and divorce laws for instance. If you're looking for genuine help try and rebuke the idea that women are treated better 100% of the time. Try and find places where men have a better deal. This doesn't mean women aren't favoured in some places but if you feel like there is at least some shared struggle it will make you less inclined to hate them so much.
I don't read rant threads on an advice board.
Idk. If men don't try they die alone while even if women don't try they get 10 simps per day. I hate it too but the only way out it is to get rich and date a super conservative woman or a foreigner woman since they often aren't such bitches
The only way to get "revenge" on them is turning valuable and rejecting them instead of the opposite
Women are favored in school, jobs, friendship and dating. They make up for more than half of college graduates and the gap is increasing. From a young age they are privileged in school, which rewards the personality traits of young girls. Their brains develop earlier, they are more conscientious and submissive by nature, and they are overall more gifted in language learning, so they earn higher grades than boys, but even if they weren't actually better than the boys they would still be treated better just for being girls. From a very young age they can make money and become economically and most importantly mentally independent with simple jobs that explicitly state that they prefer girls, such as babysitters, waiters and receptionists, meanwhile the boys fall behind, rotting in front of videogames and still missing all the necessary life skills in their 20s.
Research that sent anonymous job applications to recruiters, and then repeated the test by adding a random gender on the applications, showed that recruiters are more likely to hire females (I forgot the source though you can look it up). In a few years, 2/3 of college students will be females. Men can't even find good therapy because most therapists are women, so they have a harder time emphasizing with them. Men are the top earners only in STEM fields, not because they are better than the women in these fields but because the women are advantaged in so many other fields that they don't all have to end up working their asses off there.
Nobody cares about any of this, feminism is still stuck in the 70s and they still think that the females are the ones at a disadvantage in society, they even brainwash and convince of this the young males! It's ridicolous that feminism still exists the way it is and that nobody even notices how much boys and men are falling behind.
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Men are about to declare spiritual jihad on women. This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.

Don't talk to women, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them. If a woman approaches you be nice and respectful but do not flirt or overtly joke, treat them as an equal man and then leave after the reason for the conversation is over. If a girl comes up to you and flirts kindly turn her down, if she asks you out suddenly say no thank you, don't make up a reason she only has agency because of some external reason not because she likes you. Be vague when talking about your life or weekend plans, anything you do or do with them like hooking up will be picked apart and analyzed by her and her online friends. You are a traitor and not helping anyone if you fall for their tricks.
So this jihad is basically just don't try to get with them?
A soiciety forcing men into inceldom produces more and more incel content? Huh, weird
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>Places where men have a better deal
Name them
Stop worrying about being someone whose ONLY value is their gender

Make something of yourself
>you're only born one and cannot become one though.
You can moneymax if you're smart enough. You can be ugly as fuck and still be a high value male if you have cash.
Not OP, but this is kinda why I subscribe to the "life on easy mode" thing people tend to say. Worshiped by society and born with tools to make them more successful in society.

Are there any advantages we still claim?
>You can be ugly as fuck and still be a high value male if you have cash
yeah, you sure can buy prostitutes or gold diggers who'll cheat you behind your back with a tall and handsome chad.
This wouldn't work.
Women can still be successful and happy even when they aren't leeching off of us. You ever seen a woman after she dumps a guy? Happy af. You ever seen a woman after a guy dumps her? 2 days later she's happy af. Dating a guy is basically a side hustle for women to get free gifts and attention.
>yeah, you sure can buy prostitutes or gold diggers who'll cheat you behind your back with a tall and handsome chad.
Not my point. Women will swoon for a guy who has money, and you can hurt them by rejecting them.
epic bamp
>step 1: get jacked
>step 2: go gay
>step 3: profit - rich gay dudes will be your sugar daddies
there, solved it for you. now kys
Anywhere not in the western world, start in South America or south east Asia. Inb4 muh green card don’t bring them home stay there with them.
With intent, you know what you want, you can control yourself enough to do it.
You come out of the closet.
Huh? Women buy 93% of groceries??? Have you ever been to a store in your life?
the ability to turn invisible is in many ways a greater power than super strength or even the ability to fly
You're right about when a woman dumps a guy but women hate being dumped. I've had two long term GFs and tried to dump them both at some point, they kept clinging for months until I took them back . Then the relationships eventually fell apart anyway and they dumped me.
I'm not going to make that fucking mistake a third time. If I have to dump a bitch again I'll get a fucking restraining order against her if I need to

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