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I'm aware of the lack of job prospects but also already tried to study something useful (accounting) and failed. What should I do?
Are you still in school?
How old are you and and have you worked before? Is there a demand for someone teaching history/doing historical research where you are?
God fucking no unless you want to work at Wendy’s
19, worked as waiter for a year and a half after dropping out.
>Is there a demand for someone teaching history/doing historical research where you are?
no idea
Yeah probably shouldn't do it. Won't get far without a degree Anyway. Go into a trade or something. Honestly you seem like a person who doesnt tthing too far into the future and does does what feels right at the time (not an insult!). If that's the case you should reassess your situation and think carefully about your next move
Stop thinking of university as a trade school designed to funnel you into a job. It isn't. In fact only about 25% of all grads wind up working in the area of their degree.

Here are some people with history degrees:

Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube
Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs
Ken Chenault, CEO of American Express
Carly Fiorina, CEO of HP Computers
Steve Ells, CEO of Chipotle
Jennifer Robson, Author
Alexa Hirschfield, Co-Founder of Paperless Post
Chris Hughes, Co-Founder of Facebook
Donna Dubinsky, CEO of Palm Inc.
Martha Stewart
Sir Howard Stringer, CEO of Sony
Samuel Palmisano, President of IBM
Charles Sennott, Co-Founder of GlobalPost
Ben Silverman, Co-Chair of NBC Entertainment
Ian Caldwell, Author
Malcolm Gladwell, Author and Essayist
id rather not go into a trade if possible.
Okay so you dotn actually want advice. Good luck
tf I just want to know if i have other options than working 60hr weeks with dicks
I got a history degree from Berkeley. I eventually bit the bullet and went to law school.

Listen to me very carefully. Money is one of the most important things in life. Money is shelter. Money is healthcare. Money is healthy food and a safe, reliable car. Money is being able to pursue your hobbies on the weekend and buy your spouse nice things. Money makes you live longer, healthier, and happier. I was poor once and nearly lost my fucking mind. Don't be poor. Don't fall for the trap of pursuing what you love at all costs. You will be happier with a boring, but stable job that pays $100,000 a year than ripping your hair out trying to catch a break in the world of liberal arts academia or performance art or whatever.

By all means, pursue what interests you, but hedge your bets and aim for a career that is stable and provides a good or service that people want/need. If my kid wanted to be an artist I'd tell them to go to art school and try to animate for established movie or vidya studios, for example. They can paint portraits on the weekends and see how that freelance shit goes.

My history degree didn't fuck me up because now I'm a lawyer. But I could have just read history books on my own time. It bought me nothing except a box to check on my law school application. The jobs I had before law school were cashier and phone drone-tier. If history/politics interests you, consider something a little more marketable like polisci, economics, international relations, etc. They're still not guaranteed careers, but they might push you more towards jobs that are actually somewhat marketable like lobbying firms, think tanks, etc. Places who actually solve problems. These days an undergrad degree is practically worthless. Give serious thought to a marketable graduate education.
is 3d modelling a good job
i kind of want to get into that
dunno. It's probably hard to get good at it, though.

I know a guy who does it for vidya and was previously at Pixar. I think he's doing well.
>already tried to study something useful (accounting) and failed
What makes you think you would succeed in history? Is math a weak point for you? I would do law if I was good enough at reading to do history.
holy shit dude just go back to accounting wtf do you mean you failed it it's not even one the hard useful degrees just get a tutor if you have a hard time with the math
too low iq ig
Good one, anon. History gives a person grand perspective, and a sense of the importance of logistics and leadership, of destiny rather than fate. In other words it is the perfect training to be CEO of an established company.
Lmao bro. History is the least useful degree you can get. Its interesting for sure but you won't get a job with this. You can do this on the side if you want.
And what did they do after that? Did they pursue other degrees/qualifications that enabled them to progress where they are now?
History Major Here Just Graduated
DO NOT MAJOR IN IT MINOR IN IT IF ANYTHING. Only reason is if you want to teach otherwise sadly it's a waste of money and time. I wish I could take it back and have set myself behind a couple of years because of it. I was coping with it my senior year and part of junior but holy shit is it a waste.
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History PhD here. I don't plan to live over 30 so you faggot wagies can suck my cock.

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