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Are SNRI's and anti-depressants worth it? do they help? a psychiatrist just prescribed Venlafaxine and Bupropion to me.
They can be helpful. The issue is that it's not the same for everyone. Also try not to take them longer than 12 months or you'll have a hard time getting off of them. Took Venlafaxine and was great at first, but after a longer time it stopped working. First week will kill your boner, it gets better afterwards.
>kill your boner
So I will masturbate less? sounds like a plus, but I'm very wary of the long term effects and the possible addiction, and I read a lot of negative stuff about them around here. Maybe I should just try to kick off my life without drugs.
they'll keep you from going to zero if you're at a suicidal 2 or 3 every morning. They won't actually improve anything if you're at like a 5 and just looking to not be down in the dumps
It will make it hard to get one when you want to though. Kind of a mild ed effect.

You may become less interested in things than you used to be. I know that sounds weird, but you will kind of be bored by things you used to like.
>Maybe I should just try to kick off my life without drugs.
depends how severe your issues are. If you are suicidal and barley can get out of bed then take them, or you can barely focus on anything because you are constantly anxious. If you are just a bit sad then it might be an overkill. I don't now Bupropion, but I know it's not as strong life venlafaxine.
what kind of psychiatrist is putting you on a SSRI AND an SNRI together at the same time? did no one else think this was odd? Are you starting both on the same day/ same timeframe, or adding one after being on the other for a while? Fucking weird. Find another shrink
ssris and snris are great if they work for you, but like. one at a time, not together wtf.
when starting a ssri or snri wait a few weeks to judge if it’s working or needs to be increased. if your side effects are horrendous after week 1 or 2, quit that shit and try a different drug in the same or similar class desu
I'm on an SNRI + a mood stabilizer because I wasn't getting responses from SSRIs. I agree that both at the same time is weird, especially since it sounds like it's your first time with psych meds
>what kind of psychiatrist is putting you on a SSRI AND an SNRI together at the same time?
no one because bupropion is not an SSRI or SNRI
ok i googled it turns out my retard psychiatrist was telling me it was an SNRI this entire time and not a DNRI, fuck this gay earth
No one really answered the question: I want to truly get my life back together and become productive and happy and regularly hit the gym, have good routines, take care of myself, my health, my wellbeing, my studies. Did SSRI's have this effect on your life?
It’s like a boost, it helps you get closer to those things but you alone have to make those choices to do those things.
i explicitly did answer your question

no, they will not help you get better, they keep you from hitting rock bottom
They help you doing all of this if you are too depressed to do it. They won't help much if you just take them without fixing your life too.
What about YOUR experience with SSRI's, did you fix your life? I understand SSRI's isn't the magic pill to improvement, but does having your thoughts unclouded and undepressed actually set you on a path where you improved your lives?
>without SSRIs
I'm too depressed to do even things that used to be fun, let alone doing chores or going to the gym
>with SSRIs
I can enjoy things that I like again and have enough energy to do chores and fix my life.
Man just try it and see what it does. You can stop. I know you're worried about dependence but you can get off them. It isn't a life sentence and there's no permanent effects. Quit humming and hawing and do something for yourself. Anything.
If it doesn't work you're just back here where you are now looking for new options.

You also have to mind "voluntary response bias". As in people who have terrible experiences flock to the internet to complain. People who have good or great experiences tend more to move on and saying nothing. You're going to get a very very skewed picture of reality just going off what you heard.
These drugs do not stay on market if they aren't very effective and tolerated by most people.
I've been on pretty much every antidepressant, including Bup (not sure what the other one is). Honestly, their alleged effectiveness is just active placebo affect. They make you feel a little different, so you assume they must be making you feel better, so maybe you feel better. Everyone saying antidepressants helped them fell for it.
>You also have to mind "voluntary response bias"
When I started my Bupropion/Celexa stack many years ago, there was a day that I woke up one morning and it felt to me like all my misery had gone away. I no longer felt anxious about ridiculous things the way I had been for so long. It was like waking up on Christmas morning.
>I didn't have a good experience
>therefore it's placebo effect
>turns out everyone's stupid but me
Prozac literally saved my fucking life and made me stop trying to off myself. Kek.
I'm on effexor and it turned me into a normie.
From what I just researched I see that the acronym is NDRI btw (Norepinephrine-Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor). The instance I found of DNRI was regarding methylphenidate, saying that it acts on dopamine more than norepinephrine.

Yeah I found it easier to actually calm myself down using the techniques I learned, and to follow through with productivity, and to be able to think beyond the drumming in my head of "I hate myself and want to die"
I'm envious of people that had success with drugs and therapy. I went through so many drugs and therapists and psych ward stays. Probably spent tens of thousands of dollars when you add it all up and I still feel the exact same way I did over a decade ago. I gave up on trying to get help but I'd recommend you at least try because you might be one of the lucky ones
Do you have CPTSD? Have you ever done EMDR?
No, I went to a CPTSD specialist and I don't have it. Last professional diagnosis I got was major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and social anxiety. To be honest I think I have a personality disorder that was never diagnosed properly
You ever been on lithium/bipolar drugs? lots of people been treated for anxiety/MDD and never got correctly diagnosed. Sorry to throw random shit at you but I feel like those are 2 of the biggest gotcha’s in psychiatry
Yes I was on Lithium multiple times and it did nothing
It's just "SNRIs", you don't pluralize with apostrophes. They teach this in 2nd grade in the USA. How do grown adults not know this?
I used Lexapro and Prozac for anxiety, as well as Buspar. That shit turned me into a zombie. If you're an American living in a state that allows medical marijuana or you live in Norway or the Netherlands or Germany now apparently, you should see about medical marijuana. I feel less anxious now than before. My grandfather started using medical marijuana for his chronic back pain, he's able to actually function as a person now instead of staying cooped up in a recliner all day. Also, if you ever want to be unimaginably high to the point of total euphoria and don't feel like being able to move for about 2 hours, you should take some marijuana (either as a tincture or gummy) and Buspar at the same time. I did that a couple of times, it probably gave me brain damage but it was still fun. Something about the two seems to amplify each other, especially the poor balance part which was already a pretty major side effect of the medicine.
What kind of cucked ass education did you receive, dude
Dump it in the trash and and take anabolic steroids instead.
No. Being misdiagnosed with bipolar nearly cost me my life. I was depressed because my mother is a cunt and my dad is an idiot and she punished me for crying and not doing my homework by letting an Arab doctor sedate me. I failed in school because she practically held a gun to my head and made me take a sedative dose of antidepressants and antipsychotics every day. All of that shit is poison for women and men who think like women to control you. Stop letting feelings dictate your actions. You're depressed because you do nothing, so do something.
You should at least. Be careful when beating off with a half-chub, because you can damage your shaft and give yourself Peyronies in you’re too hard/do it too often.
This is the reason antidepressants increase Peyronies risk - lots of people bear off/have sex roughly half erect and that’s just dangerous
Fuck it I'm just going to do psychedelics
Antidepressants are perfectly fine as long as you’re not an idiot. Severe side effects only happen in freak cases and if you do see bad ones you can just switch to a different drug.
Psychedelics have a high probability of breaking your brain and giving you schizophrenia/psychosis
Anon, consider this:

Psychopaths gravitate toward Politics and Psychiatry above all other professions.

Consider that your psychiatrist does not have your best interst at heart, and may be profiting from these chemicals you're putting in your body. Start natural first, fasting and healthy living, before you jump into Big Pharma "solutions"
Thank you, anon, for the kind words.

I am amazed how this place, which is full of psychos, can sometimes offer good intentioned advice. I should be less cynical, it's what this place did to me in the first place. I will try to self improve naturally and avoid medications.
The psychiatrist gets money from the manufacturer for every prescription they issue for the manufacturer's products.
Never had any luck with them. I was on max dosage for multiple drugs and got diagnosed with treatment resistant depression
That’s brutal, anon. Do you have any other issues that might be comorbid with depression? For example, ADHD medication has been proven to be more effective than antidepressants in treating depression in people with ADHD.
I think outside that my honest advice would be to try and find purpose in Christ. A man with a why can endure any how
Ketamine? ECT?

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