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How to find women I can have stimulant intellectual discussions with?
I know they must exist but they are rare
And I dont mean talking about fake deep normie shit like ohhh we are the universe experiencing itself, theres plenty of girls like that
Im talking about someone you can just talk about hey I was researching this topic.../I was reading this book about.../I read a paper which.../I am trying to compose something like... without it being out of place
It's really quite simple. If you want to locate a particular type of person, go where they would go. You're not very likely to find them in places where they normally wouldn't go.
there is not enough smart women for all the smart men, but go to smart people things and shoot your shot. it can be fun to feel like the person in the relationship that knows everything too.
Not really how that works because intelligence doesn’t make a person and doesn’t make them decide which hobbies or interests they have and by extension where they go on a day to day basis
Do you often see highly intelligent people launching fireworks from their ass I wonder?
That’s an activity, you can put fireworks in your ass anywhere
>intelligence doesn't make a person
I’m sorry but you can’t think everyone with an IQ above 140 all study particle physics right now and the other guys are the doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc?
Oh and they all attend classical music concerts (if those even exist lol), they also never go to a McDonald’s or something they’re just out doing big brain things in places that we don’t see
nta but unironically yes except they like mcdonalds because unlike the middle class they think lower middle class things are quaint and funny to indulge in. it's sorta how like a 5/10 would avoid whering a fedora and trench coat but a chad might put one on and take pictures as a joke, and people might even think it looks good when he does it if that makes sense.
Academic style club
Probably a video game club
School (particularly stem classes)
Sometimes a preppy sport that attacts smarter girls like swimming or fencing
Preppy clubs/places

That's about it. You probably have to have good money to get with an "intelligent" good looking girl.
Hmm, I can only wish you the best experiences to expand your scope, or see if mine align. Although there are things stupid people generally do, there are many different sorts of intelligences out there, from what I’ve gathered
They certainly do have a tendency to seek an occupation or pastime where they can make use of their intellect—but sure, not all of them. On the other hand; how many imbeciles do you think have an appreciation for fine dining and symphony orchestras?

>they’re just out doing big brain things in places that we don’t see
Precisely my point. You don't see them doing the big brain things because you are where they aren't.
I met a girl who was really into Thelema and ceremonial magic and was some kind of priestess kinda person at a certain magic order at one point, was into letter writing and pen pals, and had a great sense of humor. Long story short, yes interesting cool women like how you're describing exist. Keep looking OP and good luck
There are smart girls all around you. You probably walk past them every day. Difference is they're not easy to impress and often hide their intelligence since it's easier to be that way
>tfw when no genius high IQ fireworks-in-her-ass gf
>How to find women I can have stimulant intellectual discussions with?
> women I can have stimulant intellectual discussions with?
>have stimulant intellectual discussions
>stimulant intellectual discussions
You couldn't have one back, after all.
>Im talking about someone you can just talk about hey I was researching this topic.../I was reading this book about.../I read a paper which.../I am trying to compose something like... without it being out of place
grad schools
/next retarded question
I knew plenty of girls like that. Just go to university or something. But I can tell you from experience that it's not like you imagine it to be. Research and intellectual interest is mostly a lonely persuit. But try your luck at university or the library.
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>Do you often see highly intelligent people launching fireworks from their ass I wonder?
that's fucking weird as shit, but
>Be me
>employee of a company that consults with Fortune 500 companies and the DoD on literal geniuses where we do the formal testing, interviewing etc. and recruit former military intelligence soldiers to be contractors
>Knew a lot of literal card-carrying genius IQ military guys, all 145+ IQ
>Had an Independence Day BBQ for guys we were trying to recruit
>Four literal geniuses from the Marine Corps decided to launch bottle rockets out of their ass cheeks as a joke
.yes, I have seen actual geniuses launch fireworks out of their ass.
For real.
I'm this guy
I spent eight years working with geniuses.
Lots of hunting, fishing, fair amount of country music.
But they all did have a wider appreciation of art and literature than the "average guy". They tended to be really fucking good at almost anything they turned their had to. A well above average number of them were self-taught in musical instruments, singing, painting, sculpture, and foreign languages.
They were much more likely to go to museums and art galleries, though.
So why didn't you marry her?
>thinks magic is real
>cool and interesting
pick one
Attend Ted talks.
>>thinks magic is real
>>cool and interesting
Materialism is for midwits.
What topics are you researching?

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