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Should I break up? I don't know what to do!!

My boyfriend has less interest in sex than before. He does 30% of what we used to do, less frequency and limited to few acts: there are things we used to do that he never wants to do again. Sometimes, but not every time, I also feel like he has less enthusiasm like it's some kind of chore for him.
Meanwhile I found myself wanting even more, I want to try new things, like threesomes (with him), bdsm (with him) and more but he doesn't.

I don't think it's anyone's fault, we both grew up different ways.
I even suggested to have an open relationship so I could have sex and we could still love each other without the need to be compatible with each other sexually but no. He'd rather breakup.

Usually I think it's good advice to break up in dead bedrooms, even if you love your partner
But this is not a dead bedroom, more like an undead bedroom, we have just a little fun but not so much. So should I just accept that and stay with him?

What should I do? It's a very sad situation because I really love him.
He even told me we will not stay friends if we break up and this thought is making me sick.
We've been together for 8 years and these problems started a few years ago.
>What should I do?
Stop having sex out of wedlock.
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Marriage is slavery for the benefit of the capitalists
> open relationship
you're lucky he didn't break up for just bringing this shit up.

How mentally ill do you have to be to not get enough by masturbating?

Are you a fucking animal guides by instinct or a human?
8 years and not married and no children? Also asking a man to open up the relationship as a woman is a death sentence since most women who want to do so only do it as a way to cheat without feeling bad about doing it.
marriage is a scam
Your opinion but regardless with that amount of time invested in each other, the children question should have come up.
>open relationship
You have BPD
Absolutely disgusting hope you get dumped you fag
Be honest OP, did you get comfortable and gain weight and now he’s just not attracted to you?
>are you an animal
Yes, I am.
Liking sex is not something to be ashamed of, as long as you can control your instincts, respect other people consent and not cheat.

No, neither, just living together.
I am not a woman anyway.
You mean bipolar disorder? Why?
No but maybe I'm getting less attractive who knows
>I am not a woman
You really need to open up with this, I was about to leave a comment under the assumption that you were either a woman or larping as a woman but what I had to say doesn't apply to two men. It's very unusual for a male in a hetero relationship to lose interest in sex unless he's cheating, the woman got fat, or he's hit a mid life crisis. For two men, however, the dynamic is much different and frankly a bit more complicated. Men are base animals that can fuck almost anything, so when you put two men together and one stops fucking it's anyone's guess as to what is going on. Talk to him and ask him why he's not as receptive, if he can't give you an answer or try to meet you somewhere in the middle then you need to drop him like a bad habit because if you keep living sexually frustrated you're either going to end up cheating on him or resenting him, or maybe both. Also, if you've been together 8 years you're right around that time where people tend to get tired of one another, the "7 year itch" as some call it, so that could potentially be it, or a contributor. Either way, you gotta talk this out or end it, there's nothing anyone here can say to really help you beyond that, balls in your court.
just do what you want
Thank you anon for trying to help me.
For starters, we have talked about this problem, a lot.
It's not lack of attraction or being tired of 8 years with me, he's just doesn't like sex as much as I do, in general.

>if he can't give you an answer or try to meet you somewhere in the middle then you need to drop him like a bad habit because if you keep living sexually frustrated you're either going to end up cheating on him or resenting him, or maybe both
Unfortunately I also think there's little left to do, and we will probably break up, but I'm really devastated to do that because he's the love of my life. I'm also afraid to lose him as a friend, and more I'm afraid he will cut all contacts with me

But I don't know what I want, I'm afraid I will regret my decision

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