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I have a date tomorrow for the first time in many many many years. I am scared to fuck it up. I guess its not a full blown date as we are just meeting up for ice cream. I met her on a online dating website and we actually got to know each other pretty well. I usually don't put much faith in the apps. Anyway, I am worried because I don't know what the expectations are of me. I was going to pay for both of our ice creams but is that extreme for a intro date like this? Also, should I hug her when we first meet? I was unsure about that also because I am technically a stranger even though we have spoken on the phone many times right? I just feel super inexperienced with all this shit for someone in their late 20's. I would like it to go well.
relax and have fun
1.5-2 ML of GBL beforehand and all your anxieties will be completely numbed as soon as you start talking to her, especially if she looks good you will be far more focused on that than your insecurities. And somehow, even at high doses it is not obvious from your face or speech you are high... You can't drink on it though so you gotta make an excuse if meeting at a bar, doesn't sound like you will be though.

Maybe not the advice you wanted but it is truly a wonder drug for people with serious social anxiety issues and fear of first dates. And you will have the best sex of your life on it too.
What the fuck is GBL?

Duckduckgo it.

FYI 20mg cialis + 2ml GBL for the best sex imaginable. There is a god tier protip you don't hear very often. It's literally unlimited stamina.
be yourself
like someone else said, relax and have fun
Don't give off clingy vibes or trying to impress her vibes too hard
if you're chill, in the headspace of 'im jus gonna enjoy this' its good
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he's probably an ass burger and you're literally unironically telling him to 'just bee yourself'. fucking lol.

whoa its a sign my luck is finally about to change. fuck all the naysayers in my thread unrelated to this one.
You're luck is about to change. And yes... pay for the ice cream. You asked her out so pay. And don't forget to do stuff like hold the door open for her, let her order first, let her sit first, and all that gentlemanly stuff.
If you invited her out it's polite to pay.
As for the hug I would follow her lead at the start, but definitely go for it at the end.
do NOT pay if it's not a full blown date

no chance of sex= no financial transactions

you have to be ironclad about that from the beginning or you will be made into a simp
Bro... I have not had a date in over a decade. I am just going to pay. I am just glad I even got a chance.
femanon here, this is my advice, but it's rooted in my preferences so take it with a grain of salt :

1. imo you should pay for the ice cream. ice cream isn't thatt expensive and she'll probably think it's a nice gesture. It would be more likely that she'd be offended that you didn't pay, rather than if you did. Also, it signals to her you can be a provider kek

2. Echoing other replies, I wouldn't go straight for the hug at the start. Maybe just a wave. If it goes well, hug her at the end.

General advice would be to ask her questions about herself. Compliment something she's wearing at the start of the date. Also, remember this is supposed to be fun for you, too. Don't get too caught up thinking about how her experience is going, if she's having fun, etc. It'll just get you in your head, and you won't be able to focus on the person in front of you. Good luck, anon!
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I don't mind paying so I will do that. If the date was something a little more expensive but not much... is it still recommended I pay? I still would pay just because I don't get to go out much so why the hell not but I can see how if I were a person who gets a lot of dates that it could get expensive maybe.

As for the greeting... is a hand shake a valid option? Hand shaking women seems weird to me because I am fearful to crush their hand because with dudes you are supposed to be firm. I actually can't recall the last time I shook hands with a woman. I would totally shake hands with a woman but I am just unsure of the details of it.

Also, I will try to remember its supposed to be fun for me too. Its hard because I am so fearful of saying something autistic out loud and putting her off.
if you continue seeing this woman, you don't have to pay every time, especially if that's not financially viable for you. the right woman should understand that, and not expect that you pay for everything, all of the time. but for the first date, especially bc it's ice cream, I think it's good to pay.

honestly...I wouldn't recommend shaking her hand. I think it would make things awkward, and that's not really how you want to start of the date. like i said, as soon as you see her, give her a wave, and say hi. Although maybe if you want to come off awkward in a cute way you could try to handshake if you think you could pull it off. I could see it being kind of funny/cute that you're giving such a formal greeting for a first date. But unfortunately i think it'll likely be more awkward than cute/funny.

Don't be worried about saying something super autistic, you should try to be yourself (to a reasonable extent). I'm not sure what kind of woman you're going on a date with, but if shes more normie tread carefully. hopefully you already know this but don't bring up 4chan, avoid politics, maybe just avoid any controversial as a whole desu. when in doubt just ask her another question about herself so you don't have to talk.
Be honest, don't overthink things too much. Be yourself, it is important.
there's no more preparation to be done. this is it. relaxationmaxx. think of nothing else but being relaxed the whole time. if you're not relaxed, correct yourself until your relaxed

this is the magic pill to a good date performance that eveyrone ignores because they want everything to be complicated
It's going to take you to go out on many many dates before you start getting comfortable again so don't go in with any expectations, it's going to be the most difficult thing you've done in a long time, least for me.

t. been on a few dates after many many many years

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