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I work in retail. We have an employee app for our phones that we use to clock in for our shifts (wave of the future huh? is there ANYTHING we can't do with our phones these days?) and do job related stuff on and other job shit.

On the main screen of the app, there is a section dedicated to displaying when someone has their birthday. And it just puts your name there for everyone in the store to see for the entire 24 hours of your birthday. Anyone in the store whose birthday is on that day will be on that list.

It also puts your name on another list for when it's the anniversary of when you got hired. Every week and every month.

Why the fuck do they do this shit? I don't want the other wagies in the store knowing when it's my birthday. Dafuq?
“Morale”. Also a non-issue.
Hell I mean... even I didn't need to know it was my birthday. I don't need to be reminded I'm getting old and that time is passing me by.
Fuck you. You don't get to decide what is or isn't an issue for people. Who do you think you are?
Walmart? I think some aps will have an option to show your birthday or not. But even if not it’s not a big deal unless you have a scamming pajeet on the team.
That's not a non issue. There is such a thing as privacy. And what you want to be held private isn't the same as the next person.
I personally wouldn't care, I might even like my birthday being broadcasted.
But that doesn't mean OP has to.
Yeah that's bullshit. I'd ask for them not to do it for me citing privacy. Honestly it shouldn't be an issue unless they're huge assholes.
Damn, you're psychic. Do you know tomorrow's lottery numbers?
>an option
Nope, no option. Just have to take it up the ass like a good employee. We do get free deliveries on our Walmart purchases though.

>Yeah that's bullshit.
>unless they're huge assholes.
It's Walmart
Funny you mention. I'm a trades person currently doing millwork for wal mart. They are assholes.
This is going to depend hugely on your local manager.
>They are assholes.
lol good to know this is universal
In the rare event anyone reads the notice of it being you birthday or work anniversary, they won't give a shit.
Stop being a sperg.
>It also puts your name on another list for when it's the anniversary of when you got hired. Every week and every month.
They also have their "walmart radio" music shit that they play all day every day in the store.

Some fake ass radio station. Where they usually have employees call in and say how lovely their store is and how much they love their managers and hugs and kittens and fluffy love letters about how they love working for Walmart.

The talking heads frequently mention the anniversaries of employees across the country.
>Oh hey, Cathy in Dallas Texas has been with Walmart for 20 years
>Shoutout to Kevin in Shitsville Kansas who's been with Walmart for 40 years
Goddamn 40 years of being a wagie
Just cause you don't give a shit doesn't mean other people won't.

Stop being a fag.
You don't have to share your birthday retard. Some people don't share their birthday for religious reasons, you think some work app is going to force Jehovas Witnesses to celebrate their birthday against their religion?
>In the rare event anyone reads the notice
It's not rare. The app puts it right in front of your fucking face. It's the very first thing you see when you log in.

You'd have to be completely blind in order to not see it. So even if you don't give a shit, you will see that list whether you want to or not.

They made sure you fucking see that list. Almost like it was a top priority when designing that app.

That and the Walmart Radio thing when they announce the anniversaries of people from other stores in the country every fucking hour.

Because of that list, I know how long other people have been working here, and also their last name, cause it displays your full name. Even if I didn't need to know that.
They'd still force them to put a DOB. OP should probably just tell the other employees he's a JW though so at least they don't annoy him on his Bday.
Your methodologies are antiquated and weak.
This would be an illegal breach of privacy in Europe. Isn't there an amerifat law against such a thing?
Do they have a Walmart in Europe? Curious to know if they do this shit over there.
Europe is a continent. There are dozens of countries with completely different languages and laws.

There is also the European Union, which is a confederation of countries (as opposed to the US which is a federation).

European Union laws are not above member state laws. However, in order to do international business in the EU single market, you have to conform to EU laws.

As such, even non-members of the EU end up following EU laws. One of those laws is the strictest protection on data privacy in the world.

Any Walmart equivalent in Europe has to follow strict data protection laws. Something like that here would probably be an automatic lawsuit with government arbitration.
Thanks, ChatGPT.
ChatGPT wishes it could use colloquialisms and lazy punctuation as well as I.
You work at Wagiemart don’t you? I hate how they made it so you have to connect to store Wi-Fi to clock in. I used to be spoofing my gps location and chill at home for the first 40 minutes of my shift.
I remember one time they were playing video game OSTs. Then they stopped :(

Also I’m 100% sure those random employee call ins are all fake. Just a bunch of corpo ghouls jerking themselves off in the studio room.
>Why the fuck do they do this shit?
Because we live in a neoliberal tech dystopia.

It's going to get worse btw with AI and VR bullshit.

The only way we can save humanity from this shit is to openly and violently revolt against the people and corporations responsible for this (that being the likes of Microsoft, Apple, Google, Meta, Amazon, etc) and make them pay for what they have done.

Btw I am only speaking hypothetically in Minecraft of course.
>I remember one time they were playing video game OSTs.
wait what...
>Also I’m 100% sure those random employee call ins are all fake.
exact fucking lutely...
Can't you go to HR and complain that it's personal data that you don't want to share?
They used to own Asda in the UK but then they sold it to a bunch of asset strippers.
From a guy who worked over 10+ years of retail: Get out of there.

Work on yourself and find a job with better work-life balance, especially stay away from any that emphasize "we're a family" nonsense.
>that emphasize "we're a family" nonsense.
lol like Target and its "team members"
Nah, cause they'll look at you and go, what the fuck are you on about, wage slave.
quit that shit job especially if it's retail
put a fake one on a major holiday. In the US I'd go with Christmas
Take them to court. The deep state uses the government to use business to use corporations who spend our tax dollars to spy on us. Why are people putting up with this kind of shit?
In Europe, you can opt out due to data protection. Check your local laws or be a lazy ass and call local or national data protection body.

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