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My women standards are really low and I like every race and skin tone, like I'd date a 300lbs chick, but there's one thing that's completely non-negotiable to me, she must be a virgin
I know virgins are overrated and all that but I don't think that mentality will go away any time soon, since I was a teenager I thought like that and now(22yo) it's still the same. I'm gonna give therapy a try but I doubt it'll change anything

Where to find virgin women(legal ofc) and if that isn't possible how the fuck get over this?

>have sex
Don't use that desu, I'm not particularly ugly, a manlet or a dicklet so I'm quite confident in getting sex but I see no meaning in just doing it for the sake of it. Also I'm not religious(but not an atheist either)
>i have no standards
>but she has to be a virgin
Getting mixed signals.
>also i'm not religious or atheist
Jesus dude pick a lane. You sound like yet another insecure 20 something who never had a dad so he just fucks around in life hoping for something to happen. You need to have actual standards but realistic standards relative to where you are and what you are. I know for a fact that you're talking out of your ass when you say "'I'm not particularly ugly, a manlet or a dicklet so I'm quite confident" right after you made the statement that you have no standards, it doesn't make sense. No man with any backbone or confidence is going to act and talk the way you are right now, at best you come across as a disingenuous loser. If you want the best chances of finding a virgin without going to prison then you have to pick women right at 18 but even then, most women are having sex super early these days so you will never truly know if they're genuine or not because the hymen can break without intercourse. That is of course assuming you get that far to even find out if they've ever had sex in the first place without creeping them out.
I said that I've low standards, not zero. My only standard is her being a virgin.
Also I said I'm confident in getting sex, not in myself. I'm 6'0, a bit fit and my cock isn't small(7x6 inches), some sluts already wanted to have sex with me, I just didn't accepted. Maybe I'm insecure but that won't stop me from getting it if I try.
What did I said that was disingenuous?

Anyway, thanks for the the 18yo advice
>how the fuck get over this?
Why do you care if you're not getting married?
You do realize that this combination is infinitely more repulsive than you just having a list of reasonable expectations?
You're a caricature.
Literally every women in the world has the capacity of being a virgin by their own accord(besides if they unfortunately got raped). I don't get where it's unreasonable?
It's like saying you don't want to date smokers, what's the problem?
Better to find women from a patriarchal country. But even then you're not safe. I've been to Iran and behind closed doors woman are slutting it up over there too. You'll most likely end up alone in the West that's for sure. I understand where you're coming from but sadly that's the reality of it
are you a virgin? If no, what's the point of wanting a girl who is?
Yes, I am. If I wasn't one I won't be a hypocrite to ask for what I can't offer
Taking a woman's virginity and not marrying her is wrong. Really you should marry her first
>Where to find virgin women
Everywhere. There’s no specific place where virgins gather (except 4chan lmaoooo)
>Where to find virgin women
middle school
>legal [18+]
men and women have different standards and different desires. that's not being hypocritical. the reason so many men and women can't get along today is precisely because they keep projecting their own standards, which is actually the opposite of what the other wants, e.g. men want a virgin and women want someone experienced, so men think they have to be a virgin to be deserving of one, and women think they have to be experienced to get that experienced guy, literally the opposite of what each other actually wants.
Your only realistic option is becoming a devout religious person and start going to church. A large majority of women are no longer virgins by 22 so you need to severely limit your options.
What a dumb and immature standard to put on a partner.
>Where to find virgin women
ironically, college. the better the college, the more likely they are to still be a virgin. 60% of incoming Harvard freshmen are virgins. 25% of all college students in general are virgins; smarter people on average lose their virginity later in life, so anywhere you find smarter people, you'll find more virgins. the obvious problem with this, of course, is that once you get past the midwit hump and into genuine intelligence, you find far fewer women than men, but this doesn't matter at most universities where they keep acceptance rates as close to 1:1 gender ratio as they can.
What a dumb and immature way to seethe over someone else having standards you don't meet.
I know.
It's repulsive because you are unequivocally saying that you don't care in the slightest about who a woman is--the only thing you care about is whether she's a virgin. As in, the exact caricature people who expect virginity are (usually unfairly) painted as being.
Advertising your absence of standards might seem like humility to you, but it comes off as exceedingly superficial or even objectifying to others.

>men want a virgin and women want someone experienced
Not exactly true. Women DO value a guy having had past relationships (or positive interactions with women), but that's not synonymous with sex, but the main thing they care about is that the guy is likeable and generally has attractive qualities.
Any man who is in a position to sleep around is *already* attractive, and acting on it is only making him less attractive to any sane or moral woman.
>college girls
good one nigga, made me reply
Honestly I felt the same way anon. I'm now married to my wife who was a virgin when I met here.

I felt disgusted dating someone who had been with other men before, which is why I never did that. I do admit I got lucky and I did have to make some compromises on looks for sure (she isn't a 8/10 but more so a 5).

My advice is try dating apps and set the age range to 18-22. There are some nervous virgins on there.

Church is also a great place but if you're not religious then I would encourage you to become religious first before you go and try to pick up girls

Best of luck anon
Virginity is NOT an accurate measure of morality. The biggest slut I ever knew was tchnically a virgin. She was determined to go to her wedding night with an intact hymen, but any guy who accepted that boundary could have free use of her hands, mouth and ass - and many did.
That isn't a virgin. Only a retarded nigger thinks that they still are a virgin after "only" doing anal, blowjob and etc.
>oral sex, anal sex and etc.
It's called sex, just because you didn't got your pussy penetrated doesn't mean you didn't had sex

Also I didn't said it's a measure of morality. My cousin is one the kindest people that I know but she's whorish. Being a whore doesn't mean you're a bad person, it just means that you sleep around, that doesn't stop you from loving

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