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I get on really well with everyone at work but there's this one guy who just does not like me and I don't know why. I'm so nice to him but he just obviously does not respect me on any level. I know I shouldn't care but it bugs me because I don't know what the hell I did to piss him off or how to get in his good books. I don't like being silently judged, if someone has a problem with me I prefer it if they just say it to my face instead of giving a silent treatment and talking shit about me behind my back. I've done nothing wrong. What can I do about this guy?
Sounds like he thinks you're annoying/insecure honestly
>how to get in his good books.
Who cares. Not everyone in the world is going to like you. Sometimes it has nothing to do with yoy and everything to do with them. Who gives a shit youre not at work to be best friends with the world, make your money, be friends with whoever you're friends with and go home
Is he your boss? Do you need to kiss up to him for any reason?
If not, just leave it be. Not your problem, actually. And also, he may think you're being fake for being overly nice. I'd recommend you stop.
Ingratiating yourself to him ("getting in his good books") sounds like the worst thing you could do. It hasn't worked so far, and that's unlikely to change. At best you're expending energy over nothing, at worse he hates you even more for trying so hard.

Limit your interaction with him to the absolutely necessary. And since you get on well with the rest of the workers, he shouldn't have many people to talk shit to.
Maybe he needs a nemesis. Have the respect to openly fade with him.
>I've done nothing wrong.
You clearly have, you're just too narcissistic to recognize it.
No. I have done nothing wrong.
I hate them too. Easy.
Some people really just hate you for existing. Show me a man without enemies and I'll show you a puppet with no principles
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>be a sweetheart to someone treating you poorly
>they don't respect you

ehrm, what the sigma?
>giving a shit
This was your first mistake.

I used to be concerned about this sort of thing, but after a while it occurred to me that it makes no difference and that I can work with them well enough whether we get along or not. As long as the job gets done and I get paid and can go home, it doesn’t matter to me if some people at work hate me. I know I haven’t wronged them in any way to warrant their hate, so if they don’t like me, it’s their own problem and not mine.
I ask the almighty to have mercy on their souls, to give me patience, I pretend it's just simulation
I focus on my tasks and pray that the hours go by so I can be home listening to podcasts or my shows
Whoa. Did you make that up?
yoo dude that dog looks badass and shit
first off, stop kissing his ass, he clearly doesn't want anything to do with you. secondly, who gives a shit if some random angsty dork hates you? don't give him the time of day, or even acknowledge him.
Have a story:

A group of close coworkers went on a trip to one guy's hometown and they all met his mother. She was crass and crude but good naturedly welcomed everyone who was so fond of her boy. Except the boss. The boss of the group's job was to mediate and he was exceptionally funny, kind, endearing, open-hearted, and did his best to make the mom of his sweethearted employee happy. And literally everything he said turned her off. She snapped at him, calling him an idiot, and generally treated him scornfully. The boss tried anything and everything he could do to turn things around, but it all backfired. Finally, as everyone was leaving, she warmly hugged everyone goodbye. When at last the boss was left, she folded her arms and glared at him. He calmly and compassionately said "You don't like me very much, do you?"
"Nope." She replied coldly.
Losing it entirely, he flailed and pleaded plaintively with her "But...whyyyy?"
With a casual shrug she said "You can't like everybody." Then she turned and sweetly kissed her son goodbye.
Yeah. But there's tons of quotes similar to it going by google. Shawn Levy wrote "A man without enemies is a man without character." Winston Churchill apocryphically wrote ""You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."
Yours is better.
>What do you do when someone hates you for no reason?
1) Stop trying
2) Quagmire hated Brian for plenty of reasons. As everyone hates him for plenty of reasons.
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Let him keep bothering you, why do something?
Heh I'm in the same situation. I got this one guy, a bit on the short side (so he must have some complex about that), working with me at he bar--I say working "with me", but I've long since given up on working with him--and he just doesn't respect me on any level. He actively sabotaged me in my first months working there. Guy doesn't even know he's been on the cliff--close to being fired for months now. He acts like he owns the place and no one likes that.
I don't know why he still works there, probably because the owner pities him and the debt he's worked himself into. I would love to help you out mate but I've found no solution other than ignoring and being faux nice to him, waiting it out until he gets fired or making the most of that job (it's a side hustle anyway) before I quit. Owners were close to firing him months ago, too, but that didn't manifest. At this point I don't think it's going to happen-

While the context of your situation is different, I think the core message still applies. You don’t need to worry about this random jackass not liking you. What you need to make sure is that he is treating you with respect. If he’s not hassling you in anyway, then just silently acknowledge he’s a prick and go on about your day.
try fabricate a situation in which he feels guilt towards you, eg by pretending to be genuinely upsset about something he did. and make this very very obvious and public ideally around your co workers so he has no choice but to acknowledge it and then hes grovelling to you. even if he doesnt like u after this he will subconsciously try be nicer to save his image.
What the fuck is this gay histrionic shit lmao
The world is jealous of how based I am.

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