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>co-worker is a slacker and on a temporary constract
>Doesn't pull weight and goes on frequent "toilet" breaks or is on her phone a lot.
>regional boss picked up on it on a visit.
>Low key vent to this boss how frustrating it has been to work with this person and the reality of what it was really like (previous manager who left was for some reason very lenient with this person and really covered her shortcomings, despite having similar issues)
>Regional boss informs me that they are going to terminate this contract in a couple of weeks and this coworker will go back to being on call.

Was I wrong and should I feel bad? I kept saying things like how she really needs to do this or that (basically the basics of the job) yet there was always idleness. Even gave the heads up that certain bosses etc were coming in certain days yet when they came she was just on her phone.

Also how do I navigate the next week or 2 having to work with this person? We are a team of 3, think it will be obvious that one of us was talking to that regional boss or will the regional boss make it seem like it was their decision alone.
Why do you even care? You get payed hourly. Stop doing your bosses job. You arent getting promoted or a raise because you can suck dick.
Who knows OP. Maybe she's in a relationship with a homicidal maniac who's gonna find you and eat your lungs raw because you made his girl lose her job. Good luck!
Because I feel like I'm picking up the slack and having to do more than I really need to be.
The manager left because she was finding the job too stressful but I know it's because she kept utilising this coworker even though she kept complaining about her shortcomings and bs.

It's like we were handicapped and the reason she kept having her on was because they became friends and she felt sorry about her situation. Then when she left, she extended her temp contract for whatever reason and left her to me. When we had way more options who to use in the meantime til the new manager hire
>Maybe she's in a relationship with a homicidal maniac
I know her bf is a petty criminal type currently on bail for a burglary

If he does anything to me could I easily inform the cops on him?
Not if he eats your lungs first.
Nah fuck her and fuck all slackers. People like that are a drain on the company and make your work harder. I bet she got paid more than you too as a contractor.
It's actually ridiculous. How many times when I walk by and she she's sitting there do I need to remind her the X, y, z needs to be done. Literally the most basic, bare minimum stuff of the job. And it's not a case of just looking busy for the sake of it even if everything is done. There is literally stuff all around that hasn't been done. Which is what makes it harder and clogging up the whole workflow

I really don't understand and I don't like doing that all the time because it makes you feel like a nag to remind someone to do something.
>Because I feel like I'm picking up the slack and having to do more than I really need to be.
So don't do more? Dial down to only doing as much work as she gets away with.

You have management mindset, you shouldn't care unless you're there making that kind of money. So long as you're just a worker, keep your mouth shut about shit to the bosses.
>Which is what makes it harder and clogging up the whole workflow
so let it clog up? so long as you're not actively clogging it up it's fine. things slow down to match

>I really don't understand and I don't like doing that all the time because it makes you feel like a nag to remind someone to do something.
no, it actually makes you a nag. don't do the bosses job for them. do your own job, don't worry about anyone else's

That's the thing. I put up with it and dialled back doing what I needed to do when we had a manager (who now left) so then that position has essentially been dumped on me til further notice. On top of that I'm working with less work hours for each shift. Where when my previous manager got to have 3 or 4 works per shift. I only get 2 or 3 a shift. Where 3 of those days it's just this lazy worker and me or my other coworker.

The most annoying and frustrating part is that the regional boss has been telling me that the previous manager for the past bunch of months has been calling her in tears stressed out over this coworker and this sort of behaviour (this was when the regional boss was a regular manager still, before her promotions). So there I am thinking why the actual fuck did my old boss keep extending her contract and giving her shifts when she was stressed out about her work habits too, when there were so many other people she could have gotten to work.

I get it she liked her personally, so do I, but I know when work is getting shitty and if they aren't improving after months you just need to cut her hours and get someone more reliable

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